Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps?

Posted by joyce1 @joyce1, Feb 25, 2017

Three months after colon resection I had a severe stomach cramp this morning and have not had a bowel movement yet. This is the first time this has happened. So far things have been good.

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This is the link on the Mayo site explaining it. It’s too long for me to summarize appropriately.



Yes, I've had numerous colon and rectal surgeries (more in other parts of body too). I am not always continent and lose control of bowels. My bladder is okay 95% of the time. I find eating small meals helps. The pelvic floor therapy did very little for me - but it is worth a shot. I practice yoga, pilates, hiking regularly. I stay away from caffeine as that is a diuretic and does wonky things to me. Not to be gross- but I use a sanitary pad for loose bowels rather than adult panties.

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Thank you for calling them adult panties which is what I told a hospital administrator they should train their nurses to say. I said we’re not babies we don’t wear diapers. I have similar problems although mine didn’t start until recently and that is eight years after rectal cancer surgery and chemo. So I will go back. To a doctor I don’t know which one yet but I have something going on in the rectal area so I will check it out. I have had other problems as well I had three bladder lifts and a hysterectomy and I am incontinent but I wear a pair during the day and adult panties for sleeping my bowels don’t leak but I’ve been having a hard time. I only feel good When I’m on Imodium. After the surgery I was told to take one Imodium before each meal and one at bedtime and they said that eventually I might be able to stop one or two which I did for a long while but now I think I’m gonna be back on that routine for a while. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me


the comment about surgeon's is right on - they cut it out and our done. I found a good gastroenterologist (not a surgeon) who is very helpful. the pains are real - and I guess we all have to keep figuring out what works best. Personally, IBGARD a peppermint based oil that helps (they didn't remove the diverticuli because they had to take so much for the colon cancer. Both spots hurt. I agree gentle stretching yoga walking; and other physical activity helps. Small meals - find your triggers. we are all on a long hard journey.


I believe it is nerve pain and I’ve had that too. Hurts more when gassy as it’s pressing in the nerves that didn’t heal properly.I’m taking a verve pain pill called gabapentin ( not sure if I spelled it right) I take it before bed and it seems to help so far but the last 2 nights I’ve woken with intense backaches. Hope you find an answer.

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I use heat pad and ice


I'm 8 months post op for a partial coloectemy where they took 8 inches due to repeated diverticulitis (7 times). Yes they waited way too long! She got in there and I was a scarred twisted mess. So here I sit now all these months later switching between constipation and diarrhea. The diarrhea keeps giving me horrible hemorrhoids. And quite often my intestines hurt where they did when I had diverticulitis. Even ended up in the ER once for it. CT and work up later and they said it looks OK, sent me on my way. Keeps happening though. I personally think it's nerve pain, maybe. Idk. Somedays I wish I hadn't let them cut on me.. really just wanted to vent to people who understood.

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Totally understand, it’s not an easy road back, is it? It will get easier, I’m still working on getting healthy again too. 8 months since my colectomy and I’m glad I went through with it. I’m not afraid of eating , but I’m careful what I eat, and I’m not in constant pain anymore.


Recently I have been experiencing some awful pains in my stomach after have colon cancer surgery. Had the surgery 9 months ago. It's like de ja vue. Stomach feels tight mostly on the left side. Had a re sectioning. Not sure if this is normal or not. Would welcome anyone who went thru this or similar pains. Thank you.


I had a total colectomy (laprascopic) almost 4 months ago due to motility issues. For about 10-15 years I had been having issues and have been to several doctors and surgeons for insight. I was using full half-gallon enemas, 3-4 times every other day or so for over four years to get anything to come out. I finally found an awesome surgeon at UCI Orange and after a variety of tests, decided on the surgery. It has been a struggle, but I'm learning some things that work very well for me and if i stray from them I have difficulties with pain, loose stool, difficult to get out and shooting pain above my main incision. Now things are going a lot better. I take metamucil (only 1 tablespoon with about a half cup of water to bulk up the stool) Before each meal along with 1 capsule of Loperamide 2MG (immodium to slow down and curb the diarrhea). Recently for the pain above my main incision which feels like its nerve pain and happens when I'm a bit gassy or after eating. So I'm now taking Gabapentin 300MG to stop the nerve pain. I took my first capsule last night before bed. I think it will take awhile to feel the effects but I'm hopeful. Good Luck, I hope you are able to find some relief.

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Hi, not sure if you’ll even see this but I need to reach out. I’ve had severe motility since having cervical fusion in June 2020. I had the surgery through the front of my neck. I had 3 cages put in. It was a 6 hour surgery. I woke up but my bowels never did and have not on their own since. I was scheduled September 2021 for total colectomy in Boston but canceled. The surgeon understood all my worries and said keep searching let’s reschedule January 2022. I canceled. I can’t wrap my head around this surgery because I can’t have a bowel movement. It makes no sense. I’ve had so many tests and every medication possible and I’ll go sometimes but never without something. My problem is severe allergies to drugs, many. I can’t take any pain meds ever. All the drugs like linzess and amitiza caused me severe reactions. Problem is I’m 68. Is it worth it? I read all these awful recovery stories and I just don’t know if I have it in me anymore to do it. I’m terrified to have a Gastro nasal tube in for days. I’m retired from 30 years working in a hospital so I’ve seen it all. I have an appointment on Friday and those words again I’m hearing, out of options again Joanne. Right now I’m on erythromycin 3 times a day for gastroparesis and had to stop amitiza for breathing issues but wasn’t working anyway. I just couldn’t function. I can’t imagine forfeiting this life at 68 for that recovery life which sounds just as bad. If you see this I hope you respond. I’m so curious how many folks do this for poor cut motility. Also, how how are most. Thanks for listening,hope this finds someone and you’ll respond.


Recently I have been experiencing some awful pains in my stomach after have colon cancer surgery. Had the surgery 9 months ago. It's like de ja vue. Stomach feels tight mostly on the left side. Had a re sectioning. Not sure if this is normal or not. Would welcome anyone who went thru this or similar pains. Thank you.

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Hi @karina1954, I'm sorry to hear that you're still experiencing pain 9 months after colon resection. I moved your message to this existing discussion.
- Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps?

Clearly you are not alone. Members like @mothermary1 @shelamac65 @branckerd @phyllmikey @philly318 @lsdd13 have added recent posts to this discussion offering tips that help.

Karina, have you talked to your surgeon about the pain you're dealing with?


I'm 8 months post op for a partial coloectemy where they took 8 inches due to repeated diverticulitis (7 times). Yes they waited way too long! She got in there and I was a scarred twisted mess. So here I sit now all these months later switching between constipation and diarrhea. The diarrhea keeps giving me horrible hemorrhoids. And quite often my intestines hurt where they did when I had diverticulitis. Even ended up in the ER once for it. CT and work up later and they said it looks OK, sent me on my way. Keeps happening though. I personally think it's nerve pain, maybe. Idk. Somedays I wish I hadn't let them cut on me.. really just wanted to vent to people who understood.

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Yes it is discouraging. I am 8 months post op also. Had a diverticulitis flareup that didn't want to go away. Started in mid February 2022. After every two weeks of double antibiotics and after a colonoscopy in early April, I finally pleaded with my gastro doctor to help me find a way to get better. Finally in Early June 2022 I had a sigmoidectomy to remove the infected area. Pathology was no cancer but flareup still infected and abscessing. Positive with c diff in the hospital in June after surgery. c diff didn't go away so in Oct 2022 I was hospitalized for a week to get that under control. Still feel that it is in there waiting to rear it's ugly head. Does this ever end?
So careful to not get constipated but going seems to leave me weak.
Sorry... Just venting.


I'm having the exact same symptoms. On the 11 weeks into surgery. I'm really nervous. Get to see my oncologist hopefully he may shed some light on this. Good Luck...if not I may go to emg.

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Hi, I hope you feeling better now. Did you see your oncologist after you experience those symptoms, what did he says?

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