Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps?

Posted by joyce1 @joyce1, Feb 25, 2017

Three months after colon resection I had a severe stomach cramp this morning and have not had a bowel movement yet. This is the first time this has happened. So far things have been good.

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Hi, I hope you feeling better now. Did you see your oncologist after you experience those symptoms, what did he says?

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Welcome, @samantha1994. Did you also have colon surgery?


No pain like yours, but it has been over a year since my surgery and digestion is just starting to get kinda normal. Enzymes seem to be the answer.


Try enzymes. I am a year post op and just getting somewhat normal. My problem was constant diarrhea and I was pooing about 12 times a day.


Tracy I am starting to regret my surgery also. I know I needed it but I am in more pain than before resection

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This is the worst surgery and I regret having it done. After 3months iam still dealing with problems. Newest problem I can't eat. Does anyone else have this problem


This is the worst surgery and I regret having it done. After 3months iam still dealing with problems. Newest problem I can't eat. Does anyone else have this problem

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I don't think that 3 months post colon surgery is really enough time to be indicative of anything.
You may be expecting too much too soon or maybe just frustrated which is understandable.
You can find right here the stories of a hundred colon resection patients that are struggling with diarrhea and constipation a year after surgery. There are many more who have bowel problems years after colon surgery.
Every case can be dissimilar in numerous ways as no two patients and no two surgeries can be said to be identical.
Even at 3 months, I hope you are sharing your concerns with your doctors.
For as much as a doctor might feel that what you are experiencing is normal at this point, a proper diet must be found. You cannot give up because if you do, you will never improve.
There is light at the end of this tunnel and while we are all at various stages of this journey, no two stories are alike. You have to find what works for you.
I hope that you are making use of the abundance of online research that is available. We have all improved our knowledge over time of all things medical that has benefited our recovery and quality of life.
Best wishes to you always!


This is the worst surgery and I regret having it done. After 3months iam still dealing with problems. Newest problem I can't eat. Does anyone else have this problem

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I can relate to you 100%. I too have had colon resection and it's been 3 months. I wish I never had this surgery. My quality of life is worst now than before the surgery. No matter what I eat I feel lousy and always constipated. Has anyone out there had their Sigmoid colon removed? The stool now goes directly to the rectum and sits there. I have tried everything. I believe the colon is not stimulated enough so now I am doing acupressure and it helps a little. I am in such a depression that my next step is to see a therapist for medication to help me through this horrible phase. I am praying for you all.


I can relate to you 100%. I too have had colon resection and it's been 3 months. I wish I never had this surgery. My quality of life is worst now than before the surgery. No matter what I eat I feel lousy and always constipated. Has anyone out there had their Sigmoid colon removed? The stool now goes directly to the rectum and sits there. I have tried everything. I believe the colon is not stimulated enough so now I am doing acupressure and it helps a little. I am in such a depression that my next step is to see a therapist for medication to help me through this horrible phase. I am praying for you all.

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Iam sorry you are having problems
Before my surgery I was very active I worked 7 days a it takes a real effort just to clean.i don't have constipation but I have the worst diarrhea anything I eat or drink running to the bathroom is a complete I could imagine you having so much constipation one of the things that I have found is dulcolax chewable they work within 30 minutes my husband gets constipated frequently and just one chewable is able to have a bowel movement
They are expensive but if it works
It's worth it.i wish you lots of luck one more thing I have not been able to eat.its been 6 days now.anyone else have this problem


Don’t worry. I was told that all colorectal surgeons say it takes at least a year to get back to normal after a colon resection, even a laparoscopic robotic one like mine. I was in extreme pain off and on for several months, especially on the right side where the robot arms went in to go to the left to perform the surgery. I would also have explosive bowel movements without warning. Both those issues have passed and it is now just over a year since my surgery. What remains are frequent bowel movements, ranging from 4 to 7 times over a 24 period, which are sometimes pencil thin or small clumps. I will be seeing my gastroenterologist soon but hesitate to have yet another CT Scan. Too much radiation.

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I am two years out from the surgery. Still have explosive diarrhoea without any warning. I go about 4 -7 times a day. Didn't make it to home toilet at 3am twice and it sprayed all over the wall and toilet. Nightmare to clean up and I hate myself when it happens.
I have to pull into a quiet area when out driving to go. Don't make it sometimes and have to put a plastic bag on the driver's seat till I get home to change clothes and soak them.
Drinking hydrolysed water but it doesn't help.
It impacts me severely mentally and physically. I am unemployed but fearful of getting a job where I may have to run to the toilet or not make it.
Sometimes, it just comes out of me immediately after food with no time to go to toilet. I am soaking my clothes several times a week in the laundry.
I will have to go see my surgeon again, I guess.


Iam sorry you are having problems
Before my surgery I was very active I worked 7 days a it takes a real effort just to clean.i don't have constipation but I have the worst diarrhea anything I eat or drink running to the bathroom is a complete I could imagine you having so much constipation one of the things that I have found is dulcolax chewable they work within 30 minutes my husband gets constipated frequently and just one chewable is able to have a bowel movement
They are expensive but if it works
It's worth it.i wish you lots of luck one more thing I have not been able to eat.its been 6 days now.anyone else have this problem

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Scroll to read my comment.
For a few months after surgery, I didn't eat anything all day nor breakfast just to be able to go out doing enjoyable things and then come home starving. Didn't drink water either 'cause I had to go then.
I now get ready to leave home and sometimes have to run back indoors to go.
I did follow the FOD food map for about a year but it didn't really help.
I am on it again from yesterday.
If I go too many times in a day, I have to use rectal creme to stop the painful burning and itching. It works instantly.
It's hell really.


Try enzymes. I am a year post op and just getting somewhat normal. My problem was constant diarrhea and I was pooing about 12 times a day.

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What sort of Enzymes? Any? I live in Australia. I am two years post-op with explosive, diarrhoea still.

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