I have a very high calcium score. What next?

Posted by dpframing @dpframing, Aug 24, 2018

Just joined the site and I'm looking to share with others who have had a high calcium score. I found out today that mine is 2996 and I am scared by this. I am 61 and I am totally asymptomatic. Now I feel like a walking time bomb. I am thinking of requesting an angiogram to see if there's any narrowing anywhere and if it can be corrected with a stent. After a second heart doctor told me that the plaque buildup might be uniform over the course of years with no big problem areas, I am encouraged. But the score still freaks me out, specifically my LAD at 1333. I don't smoke or drink but I have to lose 40 lbs.

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hey there, would love to chat. I'm basically in full freak out mode at moment. Just received score and it's 430. I am 46. Non-smoker, not overweight, exercise and total lipid profile as seen attached. He suggested a 5 mg statin to start out. Didn't think a nuclear stress test was needed but I demanded it, so going in 10 days but have to pay out of pocket over $3k for it. According to the charts I'm in the 99th percentile and have the arteries of a 90 year old. Something isn't right. I've completely overhauled my lifestyle in the last week and plan on continuing. Cut out alcohol, and eating like a rabbit basically with some protein. Have lost 8 lbs. In any event, would love to hear how you are doing and any information you could provide.

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My score is 2,854. Tons of tests, yadda yadda yadda, and 2 cardiologists said 5 years ago, we would have rushed to stent you. Today, your blood flow looks perfect so we'll put you on some statin drug and monitor every year. I also have an aortic aneurysm that they will monitor. So relax my friend. Just manage your cholesterol and everything will be find.


Mine is 2,854. Everything is fine and I'm on statins. That's it. Tons of tests, and there are lots of people like us. I'm 56 and go to the gym EVERY day of my life, triathlons, crossfit, etc. So don't worry, be happy. 🙂



Here's what I did - without symptoms (this is key - if you have ANY symptoms they will likely want to take a look and perhaps stent), cardiologist was uninterested in any of these except a stress test, so I worked through my PCP. I've had hypertension and been on BP meds (telemisartan) for 15 years.

1 Advanced lipids testing - one large lab calls it CardioIQ
2 Statin
3 Icosapent ethyl (Vascepa)
4 81 mg coated aspirin (might help and normally doesn't hurt)
5 stress test with full echocardiography
6 CT Angiogram (CTA)
7 Peripheral Artery Disease testing


hey there, would love to chat. I'm basically in full freak out mode at moment. Just received score and it's 430. I am 46. Non-smoker, not overweight, exercise and total lipid profile as seen attached. He suggested a 5 mg statin to start out. Didn't think a nuclear stress test was needed but I demanded it, so going in 10 days but have to pay out of pocket over $3k for it. According to the charts I'm in the 99th percentile and have the arteries of a 90 year old. Something isn't right. I've completely overhauled my lifestyle in the last week and plan on continuing. Cut out alcohol, and eating like a rabbit basically with some protein. Have lost 8 lbs. In any event, would love to hear how you are doing and any information you could provide.

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At the age of 50, I had a heart score of 280.
Passed stress test with ease. Dr said, 'get out of here'.
No one in this office can do what you just it.

I didn't take statins or change diet.

I was 5'10 @ 160 lbs. I exercise regularly. Running 1.25 miles 5 times a week, with 5 pd
hand weights.

Three years later had heart attack.

As stated before, the soft plaque that develops can be very dangerous.


I think this means to change diet and take a statin. I am planning on doing both. I'm sorry to hear about your heart attack 🙁 Hopefully, all is well and you are on the mend.



Here's what I did - without symptoms (this is key - if you have ANY symptoms they will likely want to take a look and perhaps stent), cardiologist was uninterested in any of these except a stress test, so I worked through my PCP. I've had hypertension and been on BP meds (telemisartan) for 15 years.

1 Advanced lipids testing - one large lab calls it CardioIQ
2 Statin
3 Icosapent ethyl (Vascepa)
4 81 mg coated aspirin (might help and normally doesn't hurt)
5 stress test with full echocardiography
6 CT Angiogram (CTA)
7 Peripheral Artery Disease testing

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Thank you very much for this. I am going to do everything you talked about.


My score is 2,854. Tons of tests, yadda yadda yadda, and 2 cardiologists said 5 years ago, we would have rushed to stent you. Today, your blood flow looks perfect so we'll put you on some statin drug and monitor every year. I also have an aortic aneurysm that they will monitor. So relax my friend. Just manage your cholesterol and everything will be find.

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When you say the docs say "blood flow looks perfect", what test are you referring to that they know that? Does the same test look for things like an aortic aneurysm or is that something different?


hey there, would love to chat. I'm basically in full freak out mode at moment. Just received score and it's 430. I am 46. Non-smoker, not overweight, exercise and total lipid profile as seen attached. He suggested a 5 mg statin to start out. Didn't think a nuclear stress test was needed but I demanded it, so going in 10 days but have to pay out of pocket over $3k for it. According to the charts I'm in the 99th percentile and have the arteries of a 90 year old. Something isn't right. I've completely overhauled my lifestyle in the last week and plan on continuing. Cut out alcohol, and eating like a rabbit basically with some protein. Have lost 8 lbs. In any event, would love to hear how you are doing and any information you could provide.

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The Nuclear Stress test is not so great.
You need a CT-A

That is vessel specific and is a quick Cat Scan Angiogram


Also you need a Scan or Check on other vessels like in the Neck or PAD etc

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