Benzo withdrawal
Hello i've been using clonazepam for 4 months 0.75mg , 0.25mg morning and 0.5mg at night for anxiety, im so afraid of withdrawal and tapering symptoms. Any positive vibes please?
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I feel very confident that you will be able to get yourself off the meds if that's what you really want to do, I say this for two reasons, you've not been on them very long which really makes a huge difference. It's always much harder when taking these drugs for a long time and a lot of us have been doing so. The other reason is that you are already looking to strop taking them and that's also a good move. If I may offer some advice to you, speak to the doctor who gave you these meds, tell him how you are feeling about taking them. Perhaps he can give you something else that works equally well without the side effect of addiction. I've learned through research that most of the doctors who prescribed these type of drugs are usually older, the younger doctors are loathe to give them to you and frankly there are better options out there so people like us aren't having to go through such a difficult time when we already have so much else to think about. I sincerely hope this offers you some help with what your next step might be, good luck.
yes... she takes on average 60 mg. per day, but sadly not all at night, like she should. I have been cutting 1, 30mg into 2, 15mg, so when the nausea hits, she only takes a 15 mg TEM. and the nausea goes away, till the TEM in her system gets to low.... I record on a spreadsheet, each time she takes a TEM, and based on the accumulated half life /hour, can track the mg's in her system, well enough to predict within 2 hours of when she will get nauseous. She is aware, she is taking too much, but every day being nauseous, and at times with dry heaving, keeps her afraid to eat, and consequently weak and despondent. Her dr has recommended that she take the TEM after eating, and that has helped reduce the times/day she has been getting nauseous and the intensity of the nausea, along with eating smaller meals through-out the day.
I thought Tem was only a sleep hypnotic, it didn’t realize you can take it for other things.
Interesting case.
the nausea and dry heaving are, withdrawal side-effects. When her body believes it needs TEM, it makes her get withdrawal side-effects, that's because of being addicted to the TEM and why when she is nauseous, and takes the TEM the nausea goes away.
It does appear she is having symptoms consist with being addicted to the drug. I’m surprised she functions as well as she does. Good luck.
I have been taking klonipin, clonazepam.
Three times a day since 1995.I heard all kinds of stories of " youll have to keep increasing" from different people not my Dr.
It was a life saver! I was a basket case of anxiety that could not
Work,drive,watch a movie through very well at times. Sometimes I though i was dying before they finally stopped misdiagnosing me as depressed and treating me for that and other things. My wife always drove for years as I got sick in 1991. I would sit in the passenger seat and rock back and forth. Many in the hospital and nursing home I have seen do this my heart goes out to them. Talk to your Dr dont fear the rumors or stories that abound.
I took Xanax for 25 years. I didn’t think a thing about it and neither did my two doctors. Same dose for all those years. Never an increase or decrease. I was quite happy until I hit tolerance and the Xanax stopped working. Became totally ineffective. Hitting tolerance is a special kind of hell and I would not wish going through what I’ve gone through on my worst enemy. They all stop working sooner or later. The horror stories are real 100%. Wishing you the best!
Who told you they all stop working? I do know that our Dr.does not prescribe Xanax.
Not sure why. Valium neither of course. I hope you can get relief from another scource.
Praying for you.
You need to do some research on Benzo tolerance. I didn’t know about it either until I wound up in the hospital. No doctor ever warned me this could happen until it did. It’s been over three years and I still haven’t recovered. Agoraphobia was my first symptom followed by major weight loss. The insomnia is what drove me to admit myself to the hospital. It’s really a very long story. I’ve been a member of this forum for several years and am a regular contributor.