A discussion for people over 60: Let's focus on what we can do

Posted by nanette2022 @nanette2022, Feb 18, 2022

Is is possible to start a new discussion for over 60?

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@nanette2022, you have successfully started a new discussion. What would you like to talk about specific to people over 60?

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Losing weight


At 66 years old I find it very difficult to lose weight. I started on the traditional Keto diet which I did for two weeks. I lost 6lbs within the first 3 days. I haven’t lost 1 ounce since. I switched to the Healthy Keto Mayo diet 5 days ago and still not 1 ounce of weight loss. I walk for 1 hour everyday and drink plenty of water. I’m very frustrated!


I am 72 and just had to put down our 13 year old lab mix. I would love to eventually get another dog but like you I think a smaller dog would be best. Lizzy got too heavy for me to lift when she developed arthritis. As much as I loved having a lab, I’ll have to get a small dog. Will adopt from a rescue.

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I have had all my pets adopted from rescues, they’ve all been great. 👍


At 66 years old I find it very difficult to lose weight. I started on the traditional Keto diet which I did for two weeks. I lost 6lbs within the first 3 days. I haven’t lost 1 ounce since. I switched to the Healthy Keto Mayo diet 5 days ago and still not 1 ounce of weight loss. I walk for 1 hour everyday and drink plenty of water. I’m very frustrated!

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I am 70 yrs old and I have been doing the Mediterranean diet for 5 yrs now and I love it. When we get older our metabolism gets slower and this is why it is difficult for us to lose weight. I was close to 190 pounds when I started this diet having high cholesterol, high triglycerides and high LDL which is bad for the heart. Today I have kept myself around 165 pounds because for me this is my ideal weight. My lipid levels are normal. This diet is based on fruits, vegetables, pork tenderloin, fish and chicken, grains, nuts (almonds , pistachios and very few walnuts)
I eat more chicken and fish (salmon, halibut, cod). I don’t eat anything that has more than 5% Saturated fat but if I find any foods with 0% saturated fat that will be my choice. I absolutely don’t eat cakes, cookies, butter).
There are Mediterranean diet recipes that you could check them out. Easy to prepare.
A Mayo Clinic physician once told me: keep your plate 3/4 full of vegetables, grains & salad, 1/4 chicken, fish, pork or lean meat.
I drink lot of water and even though I don’t go to the gym I try to walk at least 30 minutes each day.
I hope this helps but remember before starting any diet consult your physician.
By the way this physician in Mayo never recommended me to follow the Keto diet ( too high in saturated fat).
Stay safe and healthy.


I wanted to try painting with watercolors. Last July I took up a 30 day watercolor challenge. I drew 3" x 3" squares right next to each other on some decent watercolor paper I had in my art stash for years. Every day I would sit down and paint in one small square. I came to realize that I love watercolors and they are delightful to use in an abstract way! This had never occured to me before. I had thought of watercolors in a different way before this experience.
Truth be told, it was the nicest thing I could have done for my 68 year old self. Incredibly, after 30 days of discipline on those three inch squares, it had become habit and I was not ready to stop! Since then, I paint with watercolors every day. I have glaucoma and cataracts; as well as essential tremor. I had thought that I would NEVER be able to do this! Guess what?
Each of us is born with in innate ability to express ourselves, think of children and crayons. My watercolors may not be wonderful to everyone, they bring me such joy and wonder. For it is after all, play! A recess break for my mind. My husband ,is a huge supporter as this practice has also brought me great peace of mind.
Try something new, start small and do it for a period of time to see how it really "fits" your style/world. I just about bet you will be surprised at the results. I love learning new things, it keeps my brain active and curiosity is a wonder filled thing!


I wanted to try painting with watercolors. Last July I took up a 30 day watercolor challenge. I drew 3" x 3" squares right next to each other on some decent watercolor paper I had in my art stash for years. Every day I would sit down and paint in one small square. I came to realize that I love watercolors and they are delightful to use in an abstract way! This had never occured to me before. I had thought of watercolors in a different way before this experience.
Truth be told, it was the nicest thing I could have done for my 68 year old self. Incredibly, after 30 days of discipline on those three inch squares, it had become habit and I was not ready to stop! Since then, I paint with watercolors every day. I have glaucoma and cataracts; as well as essential tremor. I had thought that I would NEVER be able to do this! Guess what?
Each of us is born with in innate ability to express ourselves, think of children and crayons. My watercolors may not be wonderful to everyone, they bring me such joy and wonder. For it is after all, play! A recess break for my mind. My husband ,is a huge supporter as this practice has also brought me great peace of mind.
Try something new, start small and do it for a period of time to see how it really "fits" your style/world. I just about bet you will be surprised at the results. I love learning new things, it keeps my brain active and curiosity is a wonder filled thing!

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Would love to see your artwork!


Will download some photos and share! All are so much fun!


Hi everyone, seems there are many artists out there. It is such a creative process. So rewarding. Has anyone tried Neurographic Art? I recently discovered it. It is such a calming activity.


I'm not certain exactly where to post this but I cannot stop watching this 70 year old man dance hip hop. Not only does he make it look like fun, albeit hardly easy, but great exercise and a powerful mood enhancer.



Awesome video and yes, very addictive. He is someone who has been dancing all his life…so very fluid in his movements. My son in law’s dad danced all his life and could do those moves into his 80s. My granddaughter, who will be a musical theater graduate this May, taught me hip hop years ago….the real hip hop..omg. And we did Tina Turner routines….Proud Mary….I am 81 and still dance (by myself mostly lol) around the house. There is always music piped into their house across the breezeway and into the garage (my house is behind the garage):
We love jazz and big band.

Who cares what you look like..it’s so much fun and definitely a mood enhancer. Cut a rug everybody. I would love to get on the floor with him.
My grandkids (all young adults) will dance at the drop of a hat and we have often done this in public over the years. I’m still trying to perfect the move where you turn around on one foot….ain’t easy. Kudos to him.

After a second glass of vino my moves are flawless hahahaha.

Try it, you’ll enjoy it…Put some music on and start to feel your body move….can’t help it. Thanks so much for that link.

FL Mary

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