possible focal/partial or non-convulsive status epilepticus
I have been having lightheadedness now for 2 1/2 hours. I’m wondering if I may be having a Focal Aware seizure. Previously known as a simple partial.
This type of seizure usually only last a couple minutes. If it is in fact a seizure I’m wondering if it’s nonconvulsive status epilepticus.
Has anybody ever had a Focal/partial or any other type of nonconvulsive status epilepticus? Any and all information appreciated.
Anyone have any other ideas?
Thank you for your help,
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I (71 yrs) have tens of focal seizures annualy and have experienced lightheadedness which I took for an impending seizure. This lhns wore off, so to say.
My (!) focals typically start with a sudden, unmistakable change in awareness. I freeze and stop communicating, stare with eyes open, make small repetitive movements (e.g. with one hand). I do not fall or loose balance and even keep walking (in silence) with my partner when outdoors. Recording events stops and when I regain conciousness (typically within 5 minutes) I have lost memory.
My (!) lightheadedness is mentioned as side-effect (Mayo) and peaks 90 minutes after taking 100 mg. Briviact. It tends to wear off, i.e. the old brain seems to get used to it and after a year of Briviact I mostly forget about it.
Wish you well, Tim
Hi Tim (@yossarion)
My focal seizures are very similar to yours (I have temporal lobe epilepsy). With AEDs (I have taken Lamictal, Tegretol, Trilpetal, Gabapentin and Vimpat), my seizures have reduced, but they became much stronger (started to have movements with one hand, stronger body contractions, loss of memory, headaches, had difficulty talking for almost one hour after the seizure and felt extremely tired ). Since I have been treated more naturally (CBD, gluten-free diet, yoga/meditation) by my current epileptologist, my seizures occur 2/3 times a month, but they have become much lighter. The movements on my hand during my seizures have disappeared, I have fewer body contractions, no headaches anymore, I am able to talk in a shorter period of time and I have less loss of memory. My day does not end anymore after having a seizure as it happened while I was being treated with those AEDs, thankfully.
A nice day to everyone!
I haven’t had one but I can feel it coming on. We are in the early stages of my diagnosis so for now I will only drive when I HAVE to and as I feel coming on will pull over and park as I have had to do previously. I don’t have the epileptic episodes but I do have something going on so as I have a beautiful family and respect others I will not jeopardize any of them so will choose to not drive until I am confident I will not be a danger to others or myself.
Hello @mamadukes10 and welcome to Mayo Connect.
You are certainly adopting a very wise lifestyle as you await a firm diagnosis. I would like to introduce you to Lenoard, @jakedduck1, who has a long history with seizures and will undoubtedly offer you support and encouragement.
Where are you in the diagnosis process? Are you currently seeing an epilepsy specialist?
Good morning from Calif.,
Can you describe what exactly you feel “coming on”?
If you're feeling an Aura you are having a seizure known as a Focal Aware Seizure previously called Simple Partial. what does your doctor say about driving?
Good you pull over when these feelings strike but if they are seizure related you may not always have that warning.
I hope you'll keep us informed.
have you had an MRI and EEG and blood tests yet?
Take care,
Hi Jake, I have more than ten Focal Onsets annually and they are all alike. It all started with one or per year, but increased when changing AED's. My warning sign is a quite relaxing feeling originating in my pelvis area i.e. underbelly. It is not painful at all, rather pleasant even. It travels upward in seconds and expands all over my upper body. I can just hear my spouse trying to get my attention (when she's around, bless her) without me replying. I feel a freezing sensation and recording stops. During the interval (3 to 5 minutes) I record no memories, start fidgetting, mumbling and stare.
Sometimes I even keep walking while following a footpath, so it is more than unconsiousness, or so I thought. Lately a typical Focal happened to me behind the wheel, causing an accident (scraping the crash barrier, no-one got hurt). Ambulance called it a miracle. This made me seek advice from an epileptologist (Kempenhaeghe, as I am Dutch). Wish you well, sorry for this update. It is the truth...