Chronic severe nocturnal hypnic headaches
I am looking for anyone else who has been diagnosed and treated for chronic, severe nocturnal hypnic headaches. I have had them for about 12 years, and on treatment, but not optimal treatment. I am interested in hearing how others with this rare diagnosis are being told to treat them safely.
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How are you doing now, Cheryl! Are you still drinking coffee and/or taking the caffeine supplements at night? And how are your siblings doing? I hope you are all doing well, and living well with fewer (if any) headaches.
Sorry I am seeing your posts for the first time, today. I have been out of state dude to family illness, and out of touch with internet mostly. I have never heard of CVHR and will certainly mention it to my MD next visit. The pulsing in my head during these headaches is so loud and so painful, I never though of a heart rate issue, but my normal is very low. It could be even lower at night. I will purchase a type of fitbit that monistors it and see! I was tested for Apnea but negative. Thank you for sharing your background. So glad you found some relief. Its a long road with rare illnesses! I hope that both your hypnic headaches and CVHR are staying under control. Please keep me posted, and I will do the same. My noctornal headaches are much less severe with the caffeine and now 50mg Indomethacin nightly, and 20 Melatonin. However, if my migraines before more frequent, it triggers my nocturnal headaches, too.
I hope you are able to increase your doses to help stave off the nocturnal headaches. Are you able to drink coffee or take caffeine tablets? I wonder if those might help prevent your headaches. Also, have you seen a headache specialist? That your headaches are always on the same side could be that they are migraines, or possibly something else, even related to an anatomical issue. Please keep us posted and I hope you are able to tolerate the higher doses of hormones and are getting relief from the headaches.
I've found out now that, even though estrogen does relieve the headaches, I just can't tolerate the side effects - no matter how small a dose I take. I tried caffeine pills - up to 50 mg. per night. They did seem to relieve the headaches on 2-3 nights, but I had to keep upping the dose to have that happen after that - and I don't want to do that because it bothers my otherwise pretty good sleep - even with the headaches! So on to the next thing. I'm already on a very good diet, mostly chicken, some beef and sardines, and boatloads of cooked vegetables, with a few other additions. Been on it for almost 8 years and my health is actually wonderful - with the exception of these stupid headaches. About a month and a half ago, I started near infrared sauna therapy on a daily basis. Still too early to tell definitively, but the headaches seem to be receding. The sauna is supposed to eliminate toxic metals in my system - most of which have accumulated since before my diet change (aluminum, mercury, etc.) Hair analysis is wonderful for actually determining what's going on in that department. The sauna is starting to make me sweat some - which is the whole point. I have never been much of a "sweater", even in hot weather. I'm going to continue the daily saunas and see what develops! Maybe it will also help my somewhat mild brain fog. Have high hopes!! Will try to keep you posted.
I'm so sorry the hormones continued to cause side effects, but glad you are investigating other routes to good health. Thank you for sharing your techniques! Your diet sounds very healthy! I've kept a good diet since my teens since I also have polycystic ovarian syndrome and had to keep my weight low. Headaches and autoimmune thyroid issues are my main issues, but I am feeling much better now that my migraines are much less frequent and severe due to the new CRGP inhibitors. I do practice Qi Gong, some pilates and daily walking for exercise, but could probably be doing more strength training. I hope you continue to feel better and better and that the diet and sauna will help keep your headaches at bay or at least minimal!
I have been getting nighttime headaches for about a year. They wake me up usually around 3am, then it's hard to go back to sleep, if not impossible. These headaches usually go away after i get up for the day, but sometimes turn into a migraine. It feels like they start at the left side of my neck and continue up to the left eye. There is pain to the touch on my neck and side of my head.
I could’ve posted this exact thing today. I feel like I’ve been hit by a brick at night. It is always on my right side above and behind my ear. I also have spin off headaches afterwards. Either tension type headaches or facial pain. I also can get this particular headache if I nap. I tried melatonin but couldn’t sleep at all with it. What’s most likely to help? What have people had success with?
I am on medicare. I want to try CGRP injections but it would cost me over $600 a month. Thats using a GoodRx card and not using my medicare insurance. How do people afford that?
Have you seen a neurologist or a headache specialist about these headaches? I'm glad you are noting your symptoms with great detail. They can usually help diagnose the type by use of diaries and reported symptom patterns. There are so so many types of headaches, but the ones most often associated with "night" are: migraine, cluster headache, tension type, hypnic headache and chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. NIH has a brief discussion about them and their causes. Knowing the type & potential causes will help in selecting the best treatments. Yours could be a hypnic headache (also called alarm clock headache as they appear at about the same time each night (during sleep). But my local headache specialist suspected mine were a combo of hypnic/cluster/migraine. My Mayo headache specialist says they do not "fit" any headache exactly, but that they are inflammatory in nature and are thus responding to anti-inflammatory treatments and preventatives plus caffiene (meds for migraines, sedatives, hypnotics and "controlled" pain meds didn't touch it). I hope you can find some help as they are invading your sleep. Here is the link to NIH's article;
I'm sorry you are also experiencing excrutiating nocturnal headaches. Have you visited a headache specialist (usually a neurologist who specializes in headaches) to obtain a diagnosis? It sounds sleep induced. NIH discusses nighttime headache types adn causes which help elucidate "best" potential treatments and preventatives. Here is the link to their article: Have you already tried drinking a cup or two of coffee at night prior to bedtime? Or taking caffiene pills (less liquid!)? Melatonin alone even in high doses did nothing for mine, either. For my particular case, it takes a combo of preventative Indomethacin plus coffee plus 30mg melatonin nightly to prevent the nightly headaches about 98% of the time. My headaches are undetermined as they don't fit the category descriptions for hypnic or clusters (four times nightly, at exact same times REM sleep intervals), but they appear to be sort of a combination of the two. Chronic recurring pain and lack of sleep can be so depressing. I hope you can find help and some good solutions.