Depression: What treatment can I try after so many years?

Posted by miray67 @miray67, Apr 22, 2020

I have fought depression and anxiety since I was about seven years old when I had panic attacks. Without revealing my age what can you take when you have tried all the older medicines? It’s been with me for MANY years. Not the panic attacks but long spells of depression and anxiety to the point I am ver shaky most of the time. I’m sure there newer medications than the ones doctors want me to try again. I am now on Paxil again after trying it back in 1995. Seems it does everything except what it’s supposed to do. My present doctor refuses to change it but has reduced the dosage again to 25mg from 37.5. I hate to keep changing doctors and trying over and over. Being confined for so long hasn’t helped, of course. I am in good health for my age, still drive a little and do most everything for my self with weak need and chronic pain.

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Yes! I had a ketamine infusion when I was inpatient many years ago and it was a game changer!! I didn't realize how depressed I really was until I was on the other side. Unfortunately, the clinic I was going to getting the infusions stopped doing them by infusion and only by injection.. because of insurance or something. The effect wasn't near the same. It didn't help at all.. the depression returned, suicide ideations, crying.. all of it. The only places that I can get the infusions again don't accept insurance. I'm on SSDI and only work part time, so it's out of the question for me. I even tried the nose spray form of ketamine, Spravato.. didn't make much of a difference. I have tried ECT and TMS, too. The only thing that helped was the ketamine infusion. I'm now trying to get Vagus Nerve Stimulation or Deep Brain Stimulation. I've tried everything else.

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Thank you for that information. I hope you can find the relief you need. The only option where I am is the nasal spray. It's discouraging to hear it was not effective for you. Wishing you all good things!


Thank you for that information. I hope you can find the relief you need. The only option where I am is the nasal spray. It's discouraging to hear it was not effective for you. Wishing you all good things!

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Thank you for your encouragement. It could be worse.. I don't have psychosis, hear or see things that aren't there, etc. I have a special friend who lives with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and is in off the chart pain 24 hours a day, so it could be so much worse. Who knows.. maybe the vagus nerve stimulation or Deep Brain Stimulation will help. Peace and blessings!!


Thank you for your encouragement. It could be worse.. I don't have psychosis, hear or see things that aren't there, etc. I have a special friend who lives with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and is in off the chart pain 24 hours a day, so it could be so much worse. Who knows.. maybe the vagus nerve stimulation or Deep Brain Stimulation will help. Peace and blessings!!

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Please remind yourself that there will always be people worse off than you. But, that does not mean you aren't suffering just as much as those who have more concrete health issues. Mental health, or lack thereof, is invisible and insidious. Depression is dangerous, difficult to treat, and sometimes deadly. It creates misery. Keep exploring the options out there. I sincerely hope you can find a treatment that is effective for you. Wishing you blessings.


Thank you for your encouragement. It could be worse.. I don't have psychosis, hear or see things that aren't there, etc. I have a special friend who lives with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and is in off the chart pain 24 hours a day, so it could be so much worse. Who knows.. maybe the vagus nerve stimulation or Deep Brain Stimulation will help. Peace and blessings!!

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Has the vagus nerve stimulation helped? I was going to do that, but had neck surgery in 2017 and they won’t do it on me and on


Have you been diagnosed with Treatment Resistant Major Depression? That's my diagnosis.. meds, ECT, TMS, Spravato haven't worked. The only thing that helped was ketamine infusion and it was a game changer. However, the clinic stopped doing it by infusion and only did it by injection. Unfortunately, it didn't have the same results. I'm trying to get Vagus Nerve Stimulation or Deep Brain Stimulation, but I can't find a neurologist or neuropsychiatrist who will do it for depression.


Hi @miray67, I encourage you to also join in this discussion:
- Depression and Anxiety at an older age

You ask some great questions about what medications to try after having treated anxiety and depression from childhood to senior years. You said you've taken many. Do you return to medications that worked in the past? Are there better, newer ones to try? How do you work with your doctor instead of changing docs? I'd like to invite a few members who have faced these questions too, like @jimhd @pjss48 @wandasophia @stsopoci @parus and others.

@marjou and @miray67 have either of you considered genetic testing to see what drugs are more likely to work for you?

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I've had 2 Traumatic Head injuries and suffer terribly with depression. I've suffered severely since the late 1990s, the 2nd head injury in 1996. I'm medication resistant & haven't found anything that works (I am bipolar, 74 and really need something to hold on to!) Can anyone advise me about genetic testing? My Father's sister had schizophrenia. I am presently taking Lamictal & just started with Remeron/ Mirpazapine (started 1/24) I was successfully taking Zoloft for many years (it worked really well). But I developed Colitus in the Spring, 2021 (one of the primary causes are SSRIs) & had to wean myself off the Zoloft around 9/30/2021. Really crashed with depression around the end of the Fall, 2021. The Dr. I was seeing retired & didn't/ wouldn't return calls or refer me to someone else! So I'm stuck & really do need to function. I am alone & care a bit for my retarded sister. Any ideas? I also believe I have bad hormone problems. At my age I still have "heat problems" somewhat similar to hot flashes. I feel like I'm all goofed up & really need to be completely evaluated. So I ask again about genetic testing, and what about hormone testing? I hope you can help me. Thanks so much for reading this. Take care and God bless you.


I've had 2 Traumatic Head injuries and suffer terribly with depression. I've suffered severely since the late 1990s, the 2nd head injury in 1996. I'm medication resistant & haven't found anything that works (I am bipolar, 74 and really need something to hold on to!) Can anyone advise me about genetic testing? My Father's sister had schizophrenia. I am presently taking Lamictal & just started with Remeron/ Mirpazapine (started 1/24) I was successfully taking Zoloft for many years (it worked really well). But I developed Colitus in the Spring, 2021 (one of the primary causes are SSRIs) & had to wean myself off the Zoloft around 9/30/2021. Really crashed with depression around the end of the Fall, 2021. The Dr. I was seeing retired & didn't/ wouldn't return calls or refer me to someone else! So I'm stuck & really do need to function. I am alone & care a bit for my retarded sister. Any ideas? I also believe I have bad hormone problems. At my age I still have "heat problems" somewhat similar to hot flashes. I feel like I'm all goofed up & really need to be completely evaluated. So I ask again about genetic testing, and what about hormone testing? I hope you can help me. Thanks so much for reading this. Take care and God bless you.

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@jcjc1, members offer tips and first hand experience with genetic testing in this discussion:
- Why Genetic Testing for Mental Health Meds is Important


Have you thought about trying a functional medicine doctor? They tend to know a lot of labs that can diagnose underlying chronic conditions.

Acupuncture works wonders too.

I know someone with a long history of anxiety that uses cardio exercises successfully.

Me, Ive done difficult therapy with a psychoanalyst. Psychodynamic therapy can cure anxiety, in my experience. It is transformational:
Website is

I don't think pills are the answer to mental health. Except when absolutely needed of course.

This model has much room for change.


Yes! I had a ketamine infusion when I was inpatient many years ago and it was a game changer!! I didn't realize how depressed I really was until I was on the other side. Unfortunately, the clinic I was going to getting the infusions stopped doing them by infusion and only by injection.. because of insurance or something. The effect wasn't near the same. It didn't help at all.. the depression returned, suicide ideations, crying.. all of it. The only places that I can get the infusions again don't accept insurance. I'm on SSDI and only work part time, so it's out of the question for me. I even tried the nose spray form of ketamine, Spravato.. didn't make much of a difference. I have tried ECT and TMS, too. The only thing that helped was the ketamine infusion. I'm now trying to get Vagus Nerve Stimulation or Deep Brain Stimulation. I've tried everything else.

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I have had ketamine infusions, they were $expensive$!! I believe it was $800. for 4 sessions. The nurse who administered them told me how much they helped her husband, I don’t think she had them. For me it was a little unnerving, I think I stopped at 3…needless to say we didn’t get refunded for the last one. I noticed absolutely no difference. Just like everything, everyone reacts differently. Too bad there’s not a 1 drug / treatment for all.


I've had 2 Traumatic Head injuries and suffer terribly with depression. I've suffered severely since the late 1990s, the 2nd head injury in 1996. I'm medication resistant & haven't found anything that works (I am bipolar, 74 and really need something to hold on to!) Can anyone advise me about genetic testing? My Father's sister had schizophrenia. I am presently taking Lamictal & just started with Remeron/ Mirpazapine (started 1/24) I was successfully taking Zoloft for many years (it worked really well). But I developed Colitus in the Spring, 2021 (one of the primary causes are SSRIs) & had to wean myself off the Zoloft around 9/30/2021. Really crashed with depression around the end of the Fall, 2021. The Dr. I was seeing retired & didn't/ wouldn't return calls or refer me to someone else! So I'm stuck & really do need to function. I am alone & care a bit for my retarded sister. Any ideas? I also believe I have bad hormone problems. At my age I still have "heat problems" somewhat similar to hot flashes. I feel like I'm all goofed up & really need to be completely evaluated. So I ask again about genetic testing, and what about hormone testing? I hope you can help me. Thanks so much for reading this. Take care and God bless you.

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I’m in agreement w/ Colleen…genetic testing is a start. However, I had a genetic test done in 2016. I have never had a “Dr” even look at it…in fact, one dr threw it in the trash ! So, I’ve had to research everything myself. It’s very time consuming & there’s a lot I don’t know still. Hopefully, if you have one, the ordering Dr will go over it with you.
Good luck.
Mine was a pharmacological test, not sure if there’s a difference.

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