Migraine headache: What helps you cope?

Posted by mahmoood2003 @mahmoood2003, Dec 10, 2019

I had one patient had sever migraine attack for more than 5 years, become worse last year making all investigation , blood test all negative.
Nowdays migraine more when eating bread, corn, some food. I tried most pain killers no benifit

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Corn, some breads, etc contain high levels of glutamate, a migraine trigger! Like eating MSG! Stay away from corn, peas, anything w high glutamate levels. Very easy to find low glutamate diets online.


I keep Imitrex in my medicine cabinet. I used to get migraines three times a week while living in Louisiana. Before they had Imitrex I had to go to the hospital and get Demerol shots. I moved to Arizona where it’s dry and no pollution I have no migraines anymore. I still keep imitrex just in case I’m afraid to be without it


Good morning, I'm new here & came across this topic. I am a caregiver to my wife who has hemiplegic migraine but also can have the "pain only" type such as an ocular one. I took have the head pain migraine, but only rarely due to a concussion. We live in an area where there isn't any knowledge of HM & little knowledge about newer treatment options that are both medical in nature as well as the more natural tools one can use. From what I know, there's no one size fits all. For the basic neurological event of migraine, both of us have found that the inexpensive glaucoma eye drop called Timilol works wonders. It reduces pressure behind your eye & somehow for some people, the pain can stop as quickly as a few seconds....if you get the drops in early in the migraine event. My wife has several triggers for her HM's and unfortunately she has multiple layers of different auras that can manifest themselves from a single auto to multiple. In her case, she has what we call left sided HM. For those who have ever seen it, it can be scary. We do have to travel out of state to find neurologists to help her. Prevention & abortive therapies and drugs can be challenging for no one medication is as beneficial later on as when it was initially started. Amiovig for instance. She did much, much better using 70 mg injections once every 2 weeks rather than one 140 mg injection per month. We finally figured out that it was how the drugs strength would become lesser as time passes and waiting 4 weeks didn't keep enough in her system to be sustainably beneficial. Needless to say, fighting with insurance companies finally got the best of us. It has to do with writing the script to obtain 2 injectable cartridges per month rather than one. So we had to give up on the drug.


Hi….that is so scary….for both of you!. I had repetitive migraines and used Imetrex to quiet them , but I also have Mast Cell Activation activated by covid shots. And I had/have it now permanently. I am 72 . I just wanted to share that due to MCAS I just could not get well on all their protocols…..so I went to the Carnivore Diet. BBBE bacon beef butter eggs. All you want at 2-3 meals a day. I instantly was better ….first day!….MCAS is about inflammation as the body sends too much histamine . Migraines are about inflammation as well. I have never had another migraine . I periodically add in broccoli after a few weeks on Carnivore, but truth is,, I never feel as well as I do on Carnivore . I am O+ blood and know that it’s based on meat-eaters. Eat Right 4 Your Type, is something you might want to look at for each blood type. ……what will optimally make your body feel better due to it’s blood type. I am careful to get only grass fed and organic of everything I eat, I just had major surgery and they couldn’t believe how good my numbers were or how healthy I am and thought in pre op it was a misprint that I must be 62 not 72. I have had a lot of pain and discomfort and many surgeries due to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, and to look at me you’d never be able to tell. the Japanese are doing great things with targeting blood type with diet, w certain meds etc……in coordination. Take a look at the Carnivore ……I went from bedridden completely to up and cleaning the house, in 48 hrs after beginning Carnivore. A very nice side effect is the weight loss…..crazy great !!! Take a look!…..I wish you well!! And her no migraines or inflammation!!!


I have read from many sources that a Magnesium deficiency can cause migraines, so I started taking a daily dose. I haven't had a migraine since starting it months ago. I used to get them weekly - what a relief!


Have you tried monthly injections such as Ajovy or Aimivog? Medical botox, also is an option for some.


Have you tried monthly injections such as Ajovy or Aimivog? Medical botox, also is an option for some.

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if you take your thumb and middle finger and apply moderate pressure to back of your head you usually find a small spot that very tender. once located, apply steady pressure on and off for a few minutes. I can tell it helps once my eyes begin to return to normal. most of the time the tender spot for me is right above where the brain meet the c-spine on the left side of me head.


Have you had a food allergy work up? I had daily migraines for over two years. Saw two neurologists who gave me meds but they never really worked. I was talking to my family doctor about it and he mentioned food allergies. I told him I didn’t think so but he said testing would tell. I agreed to have the allergy tests. BOOM! I was allergic to corn, eggs, soybeans, chocolate, pecans, walnuts, coconut, bananas, pineapple and pistachio and cantaloupe.
I stayed away from all those foods and I’ve never had another migraine. I went seven years without consuming anything that contains those foods… it was HARD but oh so worth it. They told me to gradually add back in a few of them one at a time to see how I did. I’m still careful to not stack these foods together in a single day because I can get just a regular headache if I do.
Glad to be migraine free!
Good luck to you!

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