Vocal cord paralysis
I have left vocal cord paralysis . Had injection surgery twice with no benefit. I'm a active professional and need to talk. anyone out there found success with treatment at Mayo clinic ?
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Thank you so very much for your quick reply. I have just now started this journey, so no I have not. But at least now I do have a direction to go in also I have a very good family physician that I was going to speak with about his recommendations that he may have. I will also check out this link.
Speech pathologists are often the people to turn to for help with strengthening a paralyzed vocal fold. Good luck!
Thank you for the input. I did go that route, unfortunately it didn't work. Was hoping though.
Hi, I recently had a vocal cord injection on my left laryngeal nerve as it was cut by the doctor when removing my nodule. Any massaging or exercises which anyone has done to make your vocal cords stronger.
@yvettemen Here is a page from Mayo describing treatment for vocal cord paralysis. They can put in an implant to let the vocal cord meet again to restore the voice.