Almost dead from Long COVID! HELP!!!!!

Posted by Anonymous303059 @anonymous303059, Nov 2, 2022

I’ve had long Covid for almost 2 years I’ve lost over 70 pounds and been in bed the whole time because I’m so tired I can’t get out of it! My voice is gone from mucus drainage I can’t breathe, I can’t think and at times I think I’m going crazy! I’m just give out! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated😢! Thanks


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I'm sorry for your medical state, but some don't realize how serious long covid is or its potential impacts to our lives. I see eat better, meditate, or see a neuropsychologist. What they don't understand is I'm a 75 year old individual, still working as a professional engineer and since May 2022, I went from lifting 60lb dog food bags to buying 5lb bags just to get it in the house, my brain is on fast drain heading to dementia, all my joints are inflamed and I feel like full body arthritis has taken over and the continuous nerve pain and headache are one hiccup away from a stroke and all you get is a com-by-yah eat better recommendation while the medical profession sits with their thumbs up their butts.

By now (3 years in) they should know how to diagnosis the disease based on symptoms and they should have a diagnostic protocol for all patients. Once they identify the affected systems, they can treat the symptoms while they look for a cure. Sure I don't expect them to cure me tomorrow, but if I have exposure to stroke, heart attack or any other deadly outcome I expect them to alert me rather than dismissing it due to incompetence. We buy medical insurance to access medical care which covers diagnostic and preventative care - we don't pay for it to be ignored until we are dead.

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Most people who have benefitted from treatment, whic I have as well from support groups and mynreading, followed protocols from their private pay functional docs. I have benefitted from fellow members of my support groups. One long hauler resource is Facebook Long-Haulers. Also check the possbilty of hidden Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) resurgence, and fnd good info in Stuff that Works and Facebook Neuro V Long-Haulers. Until docs and big pharma can catch up with the need, you are challenged to become your own advocate and researcher. Don't give up. There is good free info available. All the best to you for finding ways to help yourself and heal. Blessings.


I have had long Covid for almost 2 years too. I feel your pain. It has been a journey. I agree with Tomtom75. I have done the same. It is so important to get into a routine, start with 10 mins a day of exercise for 3 weeks, then increase time. I was told by UNC Covid clinic. (Start with walking to mailbox or around your place) Eat well, nap daily once late morning and again mid afternoon, 30mins-1 hour. Listen to your body, some days you can’t do much, others follow a schedule. Pace yourself. Very slowly you will feel better. I needed a mental health therapist too. Take B12 supplements, multi vitamins.
My case, Epstein Barr virus was reactivated, so I am taking Valtrex, twice a day 500mg. And K Pax immune vitamins also. I think it is helping. Hang in there. Find one thing a day that makes you feel happy and write it down and put in a jar. Read them when you feel like shit. Anything, like it makes me happy when I see a beautiful flower 🌺 I appreciate the little things now. Try to socialize a little too, Good luck.

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Thank you very helpful I can’t seem to get into a routine. My chronic fatigue syndrome is overpowering me and I’m doing my best but I still can’t get into a routine no exercise, barely any sunlight.


Try Pepcid ac helped me with my fatigue
They are doing studies why Pepcid actually helps just google it but be religious on taking it
You would have to discontinue using any kind of other heartburn medication


Most people who have benefitted from treatment, whic I have as well from support groups and mynreading, followed protocols from their private pay functional docs. I have benefitted from fellow members of my support groups. One long hauler resource is Facebook Long-Haulers. Also check the possbilty of hidden Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) resurgence, and fnd good info in Stuff that Works and Facebook Neuro V Long-Haulers. Until docs and big pharma can catch up with the need, you are challenged to become your own advocate and researcher. Don't give up. There is good free info available. All the best to you for finding ways to help yourself and heal. Blessings.

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I totally agree the doctors are not doing their research
Facebook has done more for me than any doctor has
They are worthless
The Facebook group administration has at least got us disabity reform and changed refusal of us getting in long haul groups with no positive test or positive antibody test
Get with it docs and Mayo


Thank you very helpful I can’t seem to get into a routine. My chronic fatigue syndrome is overpowering me and I’m doing my best but I still can’t get into a routine no exercise, barely any sunlight.

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Hang in there. Watch a youtube video of beach scenes, surfing, sailing or Hawaii, Jamaica, somewhere sunny. Don’t worry about routine, walking to kitchen 3 times for meals can count.
Hope you start to feel better.


Sorry you are suffering for such a long period of time. Look for a new PCP who might be able to help you, and a support group in the area you live in. Perhaps you could get in touch with the docs at the Mayo clinic.
Good luck to you.


My heart breaks for you. I’ve had it for six months and my issues are brain fog, memory issues, and fatigue. I can’t imagine having your symptoms for so long.

I hold onto hope because there is ongoing long Covid research. I’m part of the UIC/Mayo study ( I think they loop in Harvard also). From what I understand, they’re defining testing protocols. They’re exploring tests for multiple paths of systems- neurological, digestive, immune, cardio, etc. all those will move at different rates depending on progress. They can then define protocol and testing for clinical trials.

At my six month check in, they added a blood test for cortisol levels and an EKG. They’re also sending me for psych evaluation since the disease causes stress which can exacerbate the disease.

So I see things moving. I read an article saying the economic impact is lost productivity to long Covid with be $3 trillion dollars in the US for next year. I hope that leads to more research funding. I imagine most researchers and companies are focused on understanding new variants and vaccines- that’s where the money is at today.

I think of long Covid as the early stages of the AIDS epidemic when the medical community and people were just trying to understand what it is and how to identify it.

I believe, as a business person, that when long Covid is understood to be a real thing that can get an official diagnosis, doctors will be happy to treat people and companies will be happy to invest in R&D to treat it. It’s all a matter of resources and time.

That’s what gives me hope to fight every day. I believe science, AI, global organization, and our grass roots efforts will provide us relief.

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I am also suffering. It's been since the summer now 2022 that I have had off and on problems anything from cough no appetite allergies and now for the month of December I can't get out of bed. I have not had a bowel movement and I can't keep nothing not even water down. I have lost my job and my husband lost his also. We are about to loose our place of living no funds and no way to get help. I have anxiety so bad and the migraines are the worst. Where do I go? What am to do to get any resources to get out of this misery?


My heart breaks for you. I’ve had it for six months and my issues are brain fog, memory issues, and fatigue. I can’t imagine having your symptoms for so long.

I hold onto hope because there is ongoing long Covid research. I’m part of the UIC/Mayo study ( I think they loop in Harvard also). From what I understand, they’re defining testing protocols. They’re exploring tests for multiple paths of systems- neurological, digestive, immune, cardio, etc. all those will move at different rates depending on progress. They can then define protocol and testing for clinical trials.

At my six month check in, they added a blood test for cortisol levels and an EKG. They’re also sending me for psych evaluation since the disease causes stress which can exacerbate the disease.

So I see things moving. I read an article saying the economic impact is lost productivity to long Covid with be $3 trillion dollars in the US for next year. I hope that leads to more research funding. I imagine most researchers and companies are focused on understanding new variants and vaccines- that’s where the money is at today.

I think of long Covid as the early stages of the AIDS epidemic when the medical community and people were just trying to understand what it is and how to identify it.

I believe, as a business person, that when long Covid is understood to be a real thing that can get an official diagnosis, doctors will be happy to treat people and companies will be happy to invest in R&D to treat it. It’s all a matter of resources and time.

That’s what gives me hope to fight every day. I believe science, AI, global organization, and our grass roots efforts will provide us relief.

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I can’t find a doctor who thinks it’s real. My primary doctor quit during covid. I don’t have any of the same doctors that I had before this. I try to explain that I was fine before Covid. I’m wasting away. All blood work and abdominal ct come back fine.


I can’t find a doctor who thinks it’s real. My primary doctor quit during covid. I don’t have any of the same doctors that I had before this. I try to explain that I was fine before Covid. I’m wasting away. All blood work and abdominal ct come back fine.

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It's so scary, because if it's not a positive COVID test they just look over you. Never getting to the root of the issue or giving relief to those who really need the relief. Something has to be done. I live in the State of Georgia and I and my husband have no children and either are disabled so they the state will not help. Now that we don't have an employer we are going to loose insurance, so now what are we to do? I have never felt so helpless. NOBODY'S TRUELY LISTENING!!!! GOD BLESS THOSE WHO ARE WEAK.


I have had long Covid for almost 2 years too. I feel your pain. It has been a journey. I agree with Tomtom75. I have done the same. It is so important to get into a routine, start with 10 mins a day of exercise for 3 weeks, then increase time. I was told by UNC Covid clinic. (Start with walking to mailbox or around your place) Eat well, nap daily once late morning and again mid afternoon, 30mins-1 hour. Listen to your body, some days you can’t do much, others follow a schedule. Pace yourself. Very slowly you will feel better. I needed a mental health therapist too. Take B12 supplements, multi vitamins.
My case, Epstein Barr virus was reactivated, so I am taking Valtrex, twice a day 500mg. And K Pax immune vitamins also. I think it is helping. Hang in there. Find one thing a day that makes you feel happy and write it down and put in a jar. Read them when you feel like shit. Anything, like it makes me happy when I see a beautiful flower 🌺 I appreciate the little things now. Try to socialize a little too, Good luck.

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I'm in the same boat as you with the EBV being reactivated. I was 45 when I caught Covid and I'm now a 47 yr old Long Hauler. I just hit my two year mark a couple days ago and it hit me hard. As soon as I caught Covid I stopped getting a period and haven't had one since. It's nice, but wtf is this disease doing to my body?! I gained a lot of weight because I have hypothyroidism and Covid essentially started eating my thyroid. It nearly killed me. I spent March through July sick in bed with a 100-102 degree fever and flu-like symptoms unable to do anything. It's just been me and my disabled kitty the whole time. My family and friends have disowned me. I haven't hugged someone in over a year.
I have nobody to talk to. I'm stuck in my studio apartment in Boston alone and watch the world go on outside my window and wish so badly that I had my old life back so I can be like those lucky people. I have an appt with my pcp tomorrow and I'm going to have him prescribe Metformin. My glucose levels are elevated as well and I've read on other forums that people have had good luck with that. When I first had EBV I remember taking Valtrex. Is it helping your symptoms now? I'm wondering if I should ask my doctor to prescribe that as well. I was looking into an inhaler called Trelegy also, but read the side effects and they scared the shit out of me. Have you heard of NAC? I take that with glutathione. Look it up and check out the benefits. I also take Elderberry with Zinc and Vitamin C, Ashwaghanda root with turmeric, ginger, apple cider vinegar, 10,000IU of D3 and a pre-natal multi vitamin.
I've been fighting with SSDI for a year and a half and have barely any income which doesn't help the stress levels. Sorry for the long message, but I wanted to reach out to find out if the Valtrex is helping?

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