Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Posted by ecalderman @ecalderman, Nov 21, 2012

I have had very intense pain at my sitz bones for over 7 months and am unable to sit down. when I sit, it feels like I am sitting on two hot pokers or rocks and it is really unbearable. So, I have been standing for seven months. I've been to a couple of spine and pain management doctors, an orthopedist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. The original diagnosis was ischial bursitis but that ha not appeared on any images. I don't have any issues with any of my lumbar disks. I'm in constant pain even when standing or lying down though those activities do not hurt as much as sitting. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?

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I have nerve pain in my butt. It is a burning sensation. I take Gabapentin 3 times a helps but I can't seem to sit for very long, When it kicks in it hurts standing also.


I slipped and come crashing down on my sacrum/coccyx 5 months ago. no fracture but pain when I sit for any time is excruciating. Fine standing or lying. But sitting upright on a chair at church or concert, pain becomes excruciating, radiating out in all directions. So little improvement over 5 months. Only had an exray. Did I briuse my sacrum? Crushed some nerves? What could it be? what can be done ? What should I request be tested and how next?

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@jdiakiw Welcome to connect we are,t Dr,s but help with what helps us As far as your cocyx or tailbone have you gone to your Dr? You probably need an X-ray to see if you chipped it or MRI, or if its just Is a bone bruise I would suggest you see your Dr One thing you can do is buy a special pillow it has a hole in it for your tailbone


I have nerve pain in my butt. It is a burning sensation. I take Gabapentin 3 times a helps but I can't seem to sit for very long, When it kicks in it hurts standing also.

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I have the same thing been going on for 14 months what have u done as far as tests , docs, etc


Have you had ischial bursa injections? If the diagnosis is ischial bursitis, why not inject and see if it helps? I don't know if bursitis shows up on imaging. I've got pain in my tail bone. I go in for a caudal block tomorrow. Prior to that I had piriformis injections. That didn't help. They thought maybe it could be sciatica.


Have you had ischial bursa injections? If the diagnosis is ischial bursitis, why not inject and see if it helps? I don't know if bursitis shows up on imaging. I've got pain in my tail bone. I go in for a caudal block tomorrow. Prior to that I had piriformis injections. That didn't help. They thought maybe it could be sciatica.

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I have not what kind of doc performs this


@vklittle61 injections into the hip joint are commonly done by interventional radiologists or orthopedic docs. The injection also contains cortisol and an anesthetic and you can see if the interior of the hip is driving the pain. If bursa are problematic they could be injected but there is a chance they’ll hit a tendon and the cortisol can cause degeneration. Then you have a whole new problem. These procedures are done using a live X-ray essentially to visualize where they are injecting. An accurate diagnosis in this case is very important (remember, doctors are essentially often diagnosing based on pain patterns) - which , said differently, means they are often guessing. Bursitis is often a secondary condition brought about by something else, I think. The question is what is the root cause of the pain? Is it muscles, nerves or bursa?


I have discovered a most likely solution the case study of the woman in photo attached is exactly like my case. And she had an injection directly into the coccus and had total relief. Most experience a 50-75% reduction in pain. A local pain clinic here in Toronto has 2 doctors who do this routinely and my dr has sent a Referral. Hopefully I will get it done before my Africa trek in June climaxing with a gorilla trek in Uganda. If not the African roads will kill me.


I have discovered a most likely solution the case study of the woman in photo attached is exactly like my case. And she had an injection directly into the coccus and had total relief. Most experience a 50-75% reduction in pain. A local pain clinic here in Toronto has 2 doctors who do this routinely and my dr has sent a Referral. Hopefully I will get it done before my Africa trek in June climaxing with a gorilla trek in Uganda. If not the African roads will kill me.

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I did this with no relief


@dailypain @vklittle61 Hello, I just came across this page via a google search for "sitting pain". I have the same problem and it has been going on for 9 years now (I'm 31 years old). It hurts to sit and it can be unbearable at times. The pain is bilateral and started at my sit bone and now radiates down my hamstrings. I've been to multiple doctors, tried physical therapy, etc. Recently I had an MRI of my hips and the doctor found a torn labrum on each of my hips along with bilateral femoro-acetabular impingement (FAI). I had surgery this month to fix the right labral tear. I'll try to keep you updated to let you know if this helps. To everyone else, thanks for the info. I need a few months to rehab from my surgery and hopefully the pain goes away. If it doesn't I will have to try some of the other things mentioned here.

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Hey, I have exactly the same problem. Do you have an improvement in your issue?


I am 22 years old. Suffering from sitting pain in both sides of the buttock under the seatbones. The pain is also going down to the hamstring. I am sitting on the dount cushion for reducing the pain, but still can’t sit more than 15 min. I have tried all the therapy that you mentioned- Pilatis, injections, noytroliyn, massages. This is the only forum that I found that mentions that kind of pain.
Please help me.

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