Harrington Rod and lower back pain

Posted by sutherlin @sutherlin, Dec 2, 2016

I'm new to this site and hoping someone can help. I received a Harrington Rod for scoliosis at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in 1977. I have never had any issues with this at all. However, where my rod ends at L1, the L-2 thru L-5 have started to degenerate and I'm sure it is from the 39 years of that part of my back taking the jarring, twisting etc. Back in March I received a steroid injection in L2-L3 which helped. On December 1st I received two, 1 at L-4 and one at L-5. I know it's only been 30 hours since the shots, but I went to walk this evening and two minutes in, the pain was back. It feels like it's in my hip but my hip x-rays show my hip is fine(right hip only with pain). Has anyone else experienced this pain with a Harrington Rod in and have you had other medical treatments that helped with the pain. I just want to be able to walk and not be in pain. This all started 5 years ago when I had two bouts of pinched nerve, one affected my left side, the last one on my right and ever since I have never been right. Any suggestions would be helpful

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@lilrav I'm glad you have an upcoming appointment. I was prescribed gabapentin too, but I didn't want to take it. What it does is deaden the nerve pain. I had asked my neurologist about it, and she said it was effective, but took time to achieve that after so many doses. I'm not a medical professional, so I can't offered advice. This was prescribed to me when a doctor was pushing me more toward rehab therapy when I really needed spine surgery. Sometimes, this could be used as a failed therapy to justify surgery to the insurance company since they also look for ways to see what could solve a problem instead of the expensive surgery that they don't want to pay for. I didn't need gabapentin because I was managing the pain OK, and my physical therapist was also doing some things to block pain signals with a Dolphin neuro stimulator used on the nerve roots in my neck.

I hope you will you share your experience after your appointment.

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Post op interbody l5s1 fusion the Dr x-ray says all is still in place.he referred me to a retired surgeon that works out of his office I will see him Jan 21 at that time I can stop wearing this brace.hesaid I could start doing lite house work and lift 25 lbs.my mind said one thing but body said another.i just wanted out of the house missed deer hunting he said I could go rode 3 hrs with walk breaks to get there.was hurting pretty bad but was determined to participate I rode with my cousin who is post op also in her ranger we rode the mountain both in pain but if the Dr thought this would get my mind off it he was wrong thought I was never getting home.the pain was getting worse then that catching feeling that happens when I step or move and makes me yell&groan.finally got call back from nurse (4) days put me on gabapentin 100mg 3a day along with robaxin.i still feel the catching but the pain is numbed somewhat but look out when meds wear off I am back to grunting, yelling.i am not a pill person and hate taking this but they say it will help me heal? I am numb. In both legs and they said it would take time to heal but has not and that was from previous surgery 3 years ago I had spacers in between 3-4 and4-5 the surgeon left them in there.i have the my chart so I read what he done it said 4 screw was used and 1 was removed should that be of concern?well time to try to move.thks for the rant


Oh boy - I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

Trust me, I WISH I had ways to get better to share...

I'm 58, 5'5 119 LBS (so losing weight doesn't help).
I was in a car wreck in 1976, my back was broken.
They did the same surgery on me they do for scoliosis
(the Harrington Rods - they took bone from my hip to fuse) etc etc ...

About 17-18 years ago, we discovered (due to extreme back pain)
that my rods were broken...it looks like pick up sticks in the xray.
Screws seemed to have inched up spinal area by 2-3 inches,
rods are crooked and one leans way to the side. Oddles of
scar tissue surrounds it

Today...this week...I've been in so much pain I'm ready to scream.
Considering going to the ER. I am one who truly has to be hanging
by a thread before ER 🙁 Soa
I have had epidurals, tens unit, nerve blocks, chiropractor, physical therapy
out the wa who...accupuncture which did work for a few days...the list goes
on the only thing I've not tried is stem cell.

I was on the Fentanyl pain patch for years and that did offer a lot of
relief. Took me from a 8-9 pain level (not constant) to a 2-3 most days.

If I did too much which at least I was able to do - I would pay for it but
you know - to cook dinner for the family...wipe down those darn dirty
kitchen walls ... its worth paying the next day. Isn't it a shame we have
to live this way?

The pain management clinic I went to closed down and we don't have
another pain management type of doctor anywhere nearby. My poor
primary care doctor won't even prescribe pain meds. Can't say I blame

Can you tell - this gets me upset?
It does...It just stinks to know there is something out there
to help me and I can't have it 🙁

I hope others find help...I really want to do the stem cell.
If I get to do it - I'll share my experience. I'm sure I don't sound
like a ray of sunshine but its a big pain day ... I wish I could be outside
getting our pool ready for the summer .... but oh well..

Good luck guys ...

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Hello I had fusion of spine in 1979. I'm 60 now. My top of rod is rubbing my neck skin now. I have to have good posture to control it. My Harrington rods been moving a little. When I have sex I can feel them moving.. that's scary. I've been going to pain management for years and years. I'm wanting to try the stem therapy. Please let me know how it works and act.
Doctors say my pins is fine but why my rods is moving?
The life of a woman of fusion of spine. I just look my best to feel good about myself every chance I get.

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