Tight Chest, Congested Feeling no Cough, Discomfort Taking Deep Breath

Posted by tinyelvis @tinyelvis, Sep 18, 2020

Hi. This is my first post. I hope that someone can provide some insight. I've read several posts but cannot pinpoint the exact forum to be in.

I am 49. Quite fit. Normal blood pressure. Normal lab work. Low CT scan number (which I had done in the middle of all this). Chest x-ray normal.

Suddenly in April of this year, my chest started feeling a little tight like I could not take a full deep breath. It was intermittent and mild. Later it developed into what felt like chest congestion but I had no cough. My doctor thought that I might have a mild infection and prescribed antibiotics which seemed to help. It later returned and we discussed if I may have asthma (which I never have had). I have no trouble exhaling or other asthma-like symptoms. However, we tried an asthma-allergy medication for a couple of weeks which made no difference.

I consulted a friend (who is a primary care doctor), and he suggested that I may have silent-reflux (LPR). I've never had any digestive issues or anything to even hint at reflux. My diet was already healthy but I cleaned it up even more, cut back on coffee, alcohol, and tried PPIs (prilosec and pantaprozole) for a month. It really made no difference.

I visited an ENT who used the scope and saw "some" swelling around larynx and agreed with the LPR diagnosis. He encouraged me to keep on the PPIs for another month or so (which I did, along with diet changes), but in the end has made no difference.

My primary doctor suggested that I visit a pulmonologist for their opinion and breathing tests (if required). He thought that I was fine, agreed with LPR diagnosis. We scheduled breathing tests just in case my condition did not improve. After a month of the same, I had the breathing tests done. I was told that my lungs were "pristine" and I should consider a gastroenterologist.

I visited a gastroenterologist and he disagreed with the LPR diagnosis and said that I really have no symptoms of reflux. He offered to do an endoscopy (just to cover the bases) but implied that he did not think it was necessary. I told him that I had been taking the PPIs and he asked if I felt better. He said I should be feeling "like a new man" if it were reflux. I told him that my symptoms had remained constant. He suggested that I stop all PPIs and see if my symptoms change. He even suggested that I may want to see a pulmonologist (which I had already done). I hate taking unnecessary meds, so I stopped. Sure enough, my symptoms have not changed. Still the same daily chest discomfort, tightness.

So here we are nearing the end of September and I still feel the same. I'm not sure where else to turn. My wife thinks that I should get the endoscopy done just to be sure, but to me it really feels like a lung issue. When I take a deep, I feel resistance. It feels like bronchitis without the typical symptoms.

Thank you.

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Hi @dav3. Your post caught my attention because I can relate to the shortness of breath issue. Mine started many years ago and is not as bad today but thought I could maybe offer a little help at least with that particular symptom.

I am by no means a medical professional, but have done research throughout the years to find links and treatments for the shortness of breath issue. Mine is more of an 'air hunger' where I can't fill up my lungs all the time, but one thing the doctors found back when this started for me in 2012 is that I was anaemic. I think it can affect breathing depending on the type of anemia, and mine was due to low iron. The body needs iron to produce hemoglobin which helps transport oxygen through the bloodstream. Low iron can hinder this process a bit causing a shortness of breath sensation as well as fatigue.

I've learned to do some breathing exercises over time which has helped with the breathing issue. There are many methods and types, but some that I've either done or looked into are the Buteyko Breathing Method, Alexander technique, Winhoff method, and simply belly breathing as well as learning to meditate to help calm the breath. The basis of the Buteyko method is that you do breath-holding exercises to build up CO2 in the blood, which temporarily dilates the blood vessels and 'opens things up' including airways.

It'd be interesting to see if you have any mineral deficiencies. When I took iron supplements back some years ago, the breathing issue went away, although it did come back, so I can't help but think that the iron supplements helped improve my breathing.

If you don't mind sharing your results when you get them, it'd be interesting to see what the doctors discover especially with the mysterious cough.

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Thank you for your reply,Gabe.
Iron deficiency does not seem to be the issue as my iron levels have tested normal. I’m taking iron supplements now in any case since the anemia diagnosis. My breathing issues continue to kind of come and go. Yesterday I felt fairly normal for most of the day and was optimistic I might be getting over whatever this is. Then last night the tightness in chest returned (coincidentally after one drink at dinner??) and the labored breathing persists this morning.


make sure the pulmonologist has done a lung cscan (xray isn't enuf to catch some lung issues)


Thank you for your reply,Gabe.
Iron deficiency does not seem to be the issue as my iron levels have tested normal. I’m taking iron supplements now in any case since the anemia diagnosis. My breathing issues continue to kind of come and go. Yesterday I felt fairly normal for most of the day and was optimistic I might be getting over whatever this is. Then last night the tightness in chest returned (coincidentally after one drink at dinner??) and the labored breathing persists this morning.

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The fact that you improved even shortly, is a good sign! That means your body is on it's way on the up and up. Keep us updated!


This post I know is 2 years old. But, I have since experienced the same so was wondering if you ever figured out anything. I ran across this searching for answers. I have already done most of everything you have as well that you had in this post. And I have tested for covid and I am negative. My recent thought was allergies to something.
I hope you are well!


Stress can create many problems, including breathing and chest tightness. I know from personal experience. Have you tried lowering your stress level? A daily walk does wonders for me.
Does the tightening you feel in your chest prevent you from doing any activities? Is it worse during cold weather? Is it worse when you lay down in your bed at night? Have you tried using an inhaler?
I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis -- scarring of the lungs -- about a year ago so I can relate to someone who is concerned about his breathing. Good luck.


Hi there
Your description of your symptoms is exactly the same as mine
Im relieved to finally discover there are others out there with same condition
Mine started over three weeks ago

Tightness in right lung when deep breathing
Moderate pain
No cough
I also sometimes feel a radiation up to my neck when deep breathing.
It’s worse at night when I lie down in bed
I sleep on my left side and I felt it
Turned to my right dude and had some relief
Otherwise no pain or tightness with shallow breathes
I’ve tried pain killers NSAID
I’ve tried inhaler but no effect

I wondered if something happened at the time of the onset

These are the things I noted:

I had been playing pickleball regularly maybe a little too much, but never breathlessness during that matches
I had to stop PB abruptly because I hurt my lower back, over extending
Another thing I changed before onset was I quit drinking alcohol. I didn’t drink large volumes in one sitting but I did have a few drinks every day

I see my doctor tomorrow for annual physical so will discuss with her

I feel I’m going to have a similar run around which no diagnosis
I just can’t afford to pay for all those tests I have terrible insurance

It now leaves me wondering if it has something to do with a COVID variant 🤷‍♀️

Anyway I wanted to share my experience to see if perhaps any others had similar life changes before onset

Welcome comments and advice

Thank you


Thank you for your post. I have been wrestling with a similar issue since the end of December 2023. Following a bad case of the influenza type A, I developed the tightness in my chest and SOB, along with fatigue. I have had all the tests for lung and heart at the ER. I am awaiting a thyroid test result. No cough, no fluid in my lungs, just a constant tightness in my chest that feels like bronchitis. I fear a long string of further tests. Glad to know I am not alone.


Hi there
Your description of your symptoms is exactly the same as mine
Im relieved to finally discover there are others out there with same condition
Mine started over three weeks ago

Tightness in right lung when deep breathing
Moderate pain
No cough
I also sometimes feel a radiation up to my neck when deep breathing.
It’s worse at night when I lie down in bed
I sleep on my left side and I felt it
Turned to my right dude and had some relief
Otherwise no pain or tightness with shallow breathes
I’ve tried pain killers NSAID
I’ve tried inhaler but no effect

I wondered if something happened at the time of the onset

These are the things I noted:

I had been playing pickleball regularly maybe a little too much, but never breathlessness during that matches
I had to stop PB abruptly because I hurt my lower back, over extending
Another thing I changed before onset was I quit drinking alcohol. I didn’t drink large volumes in one sitting but I did have a few drinks every day

I see my doctor tomorrow for annual physical so will discuss with her

I feel I’m going to have a similar run around which no diagnosis
I just can’t afford to pay for all those tests I have terrible insurance

It now leaves me wondering if it has something to do with a COVID variant 🤷‍♀️

Anyway I wanted to share my experience to see if perhaps any others had similar life changes before onset

Welcome comments and advice

Thank you

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Hi, have you looked into a diagnosis of costochondritis. This is a severe inflammation of the
chest wall. I have had it to to three times over the years due to lifting something heavy or can come from severe coughing. It's very painful and can last for weeks, even months. Best wishes to you.

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