New and undiagnosed

Posted by yvonne55 @yvonne55, Sep 7, 2022

Just spent 10 days in hospital. Never had a lung problem but did have GERD briefly. Suddenly couldn't breathe. No air! Blacked out. In hospital received 100% oxygen. Slowly weaned and sent home. Got a "maybe" diagnosis of Interstitial lung disease. Im on no oxygen. Drs said I didnt need it. At rest 02 is 93%. Getting up out of bed and 02 dips 88, 85 %. Drs seem unconcerned. I'm scared! Am I chained to my bed for life? Are my 02 sats ok to go that low as long as they come up?

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I must ask, what are Ancestral supplements and what is colloidal silver? If its nebulizer, do I need to buy a machine? Are they even for sale? And yes I'm terrified of sepsis returning. It was a nightmare through which I was conscious. I will do just about anything to avoid that again. Also conscious when they put the central line in my neck. Just even watching a tv show where I hear a heart monitors bells or the noise it makes when your 02 goes below 88 sends me into a panic!

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Yvonne I just wanted you to know that you are recovering beautifully given what you went through. If I was your neighbor, I would take you out for a walk in the fresh air to relieve your anxiety! Can you find someone to walk with from your building?
Congratulations on the healthy diet. It will do you more good than all the supplements in the world.
Hugs! Sue


@yvonne55 and @gillysmom, please note:
According to Dr. Brent Bauer from Mayo Clinic says "Colloidal silver isn't considered safe or effective for any of the health claims manufacturers make. Silver has no known purpose in the body. Nor is it an essential mineral, as some sellers of silver products claim."
You can read more in this article:
– Colloidal silver: is it safe?

When it comes to supplements and complementary medicine, I always refer to NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine to better understand the proven evidence. See this information:

– Colloidal Silver

The first section of the page states: What’s the Bottom Line?
How much do we know about colloidal silver?
There are no high quality studies on the health effects of taking colloidal silver, but we do have good evidence of its dangers.

What do we know about the effectiveness of colloidal silver?
Claims made about the health benefits of taking colloidal silver aren’t backed up by studies.

What do we know about the safety of colloidal silver?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said that colloidal silver isn’t safe or effective for treating any disease or condition.

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I JOINED A fACEBOOK COLLODAL SILVER GROUP AFTER A FRIEND RECOMMENDED I TRY CS FOR DOUBLE KIDNEY, STOMACH, BLADDER, and other organ infectons that were slowly killing me. Wth my impaired immune system, I had been getting sicker and sicker for five years, my health and strength ebbing. Rx antibiotics were not helping. Friend said, "what do you haveto lose?" After joning the Facebook group, I read the success stories of hundreds of CS users and several months later, began my journey back to life. At first, I was afraid and cautious, usng the CS on packs on the outsde of my body. When I started using it internally. I had blood in my urine and couldn't stand straight because of infection through my abdominal, genital, and urinary systems. I believe he the gamma globulin Rx infusions I had been giving myself for 5 years were keeping me from sepsis. After drinking the CS, there were visible worms in my urine and less pain in my kidneys. The pink tinge in my urine began to lighten. I added Rx antibioics to the mix and gradually could stand straighter and feel less abdominal and bladder pain. What the docs called interstitial cystitis pain was dimnishing. The miracle was after 5 1/2 years of increasing body infection, I began to feel better slowly week by week. I stayed on the antibiotics plus colloidal silver for 7 months until the pain and infection were gone. Using a two week schedule, I weaned myself from all the Rx antibiotic meds and colloidal silver. I was still on probiotics, prebotics, and supplements that had not resolved any of my infections in 6 years previously, nor had the antibiotics alone resolved my infections. I still use CS for an occasional ear infection, one every 6 mos, lasting 2 days versus a lifetime of chronic ear infections. My left ear was one of my could-not-heal infections before CS, starting in early childhood with a mastoidectomy on my left ear at 14 months old. I have not used CS for any organ infections after the prolonged use, because I no longer feel infected. The 7 months of combined antibiotics and CS changed my life. I am no longer a walking infection factory. The treatment also cleared up my chronic left ear infection.

Editor's Note:
Community Disclaimer:
All information shared by members on the Mayo Clinic Connect, such as messages, images, advice, URLs, and any other material, is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the community.


Yvonne I just wanted you to know that you are recovering beautifully given what you went through. If I was your neighbor, I would take you out for a walk in the fresh air to relieve your anxiety! Can you find someone to walk with from your building?
Congratulations on the healthy diet. It will do you more good than all the supplements in the world.
Hugs! Sue

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Sue it's amazing. I feel like I've been reborn. I went from someone who couldn't take much more than 10 steps and was pretty much bed ridden with lung issues and dyspnea to today. I put up the Christmas tree by myself, lights and most decorations. Except for vacuuming and washing floors I've resumed most of the housework. I still sleep with a cpap and a bed wedge because I'm a little heavy chested in the morning but almost no coughing or mucous. Everyday is an adventure! If its cold or raining I walk I inside the apartment building. I'm happy and amazed and really praying my life now goes forward and no more nasty surprises! Thank you Sue. I'm keeping in touch! ❤


@yvonne55 and @gillysmom, please note:
According to Dr. Brent Bauer from Mayo Clinic says "Colloidal silver isn't considered safe or effective for any of the health claims manufacturers make. Silver has no known purpose in the body. Nor is it an essential mineral, as some sellers of silver products claim."
You can read more in this article:
– Colloidal silver: is it safe?

When it comes to supplements and complementary medicine, I always refer to NIH's National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine to better understand the proven evidence. See this information:

– Colloidal Silver

The first section of the page states: What’s the Bottom Line?
How much do we know about colloidal silver?
There are no high quality studies on the health effects of taking colloidal silver, but we do have good evidence of its dangers.

What do we know about the effectiveness of colloidal silver?
Claims made about the health benefits of taking colloidal silver aren’t backed up by studies.

What do we know about the safety of colloidal silver?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said that colloidal silver isn’t safe or effective for treating any disease or condition.

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Hi Sue. Good to know. Thank you for the information. Is there anything out there besides a vaccine to help ensure my body doesnt go septic again? And is the pneumonia vaccine safe for someone that's just had pneumonia- twice? Thanks again!


Hi Sue. Good to know. Thank you for the information. Is there anything out there besides a vaccine to help ensure my body doesnt go septic again? And is the pneumonia vaccine safe for someone that's just had pneumonia- twice? Thanks again!

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Hi Yvonne - you asked " Is there anything out there besides a vaccine to help ensure my body doesnt go septic again?" I would say good body awareness is your best defense.
According to the CDC, here are some warning signs:
What are the early warning signs of sepsis?
The signs and symptoms of sepsis can include a combination of any of the following:
confusion or disorientation,
shortness of breath,
high heart rate,
fever, or shivering, or feeling very cold,
extreme pain or discomfort, and
clammy or sweaty skin.

I would say, given your history, that if you have two or more of these start, or suddenly worsen, it's time to call your doctor right away for advice. That doesn't include just getting short of breath or high heart rate when you are doing chores - that can just as easily be from your deconditioning. But if you get hot or cold, sweaty or clammy or confused at the same time - "there's your sign."

Does a guide like this help ease your mind?


Hi Yvonne - you asked " Is there anything out there besides a vaccine to help ensure my body doesnt go septic again?" I would say good body awareness is your best defense.
According to the CDC, here are some warning signs:
What are the early warning signs of sepsis?
The signs and symptoms of sepsis can include a combination of any of the following:
confusion or disorientation,
shortness of breath,
high heart rate,
fever, or shivering, or feeling very cold,
extreme pain or discomfort, and
clammy or sweaty skin.

I would say, given your history, that if you have two or more of these start, or suddenly worsen, it's time to call your doctor right away for advice. That doesn't include just getting short of breath or high heart rate when you are doing chores - that can just as easily be from your deconditioning. But if you get hot or cold, sweaty or clammy or confused at the same time - "there's your sign."

Does a guide like this help ease your mind?

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Yes it eases my mind, thank you! In my previous "collapses", I felt perfectly fine up until it was actually happening. Hardly breathing, shaking from cold, or everything was black as my heart rate/bp fell that fast. I keep thinking back and there wasnt an inkling this was about to happen.


A few co workers at our hospital said something recently. My lung ordeal began 3 weeks after my covid shot. Could that be the reason? And maybe why the doctors dont have a clue as to why it happened or what I've got?


A few co workers at our hospital said something recently. My lung ordeal began 3 weeks after my covid shot. Could that be the reason? And maybe why the doctors dont have a clue as to why it happened or what I've got?

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I suppose anything is possible, but personally I cannot believe a Covid injection (neither a live virus nor related to pneumoniae) could cause pneumonia.
I have no doubt that some of the reports we hear ARE vaccine reactions - but every vaccine reaction I have ever had - and there have been several - was more immediate.
If you work in a hospital, you likely came upon some strange new bug there - my daughter caught several from her nursing work, including TB when she worked in the county jail, and Covid in March 2020 working in the ER.
You could ask your doctor to report it to VAERS as a possibility.


I suppose anything is possible, but personally I cannot believe a Covid injection (neither a live virus nor related to pneumoniae) could cause pneumonia.
I have no doubt that some of the reports we hear ARE vaccine reactions - but every vaccine reaction I have ever had - and there have been several - was more immediate.
If you work in a hospital, you likely came upon some strange new bug there - my daughter caught several from her nursing work, including TB when she worked in the county jail, and Covid in March 2020 working in the ER.
You could ask your doctor to report it to VAERS as a possibility.

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Thanks again Sue. I'm really trying to figure this out because my medical team just shrugs. This is my life. All I know so far is it's not contagious and it first started creeping in in July.


I suppose anything is possible, but personally I cannot believe a Covid injection (neither a live virus nor related to pneumoniae) could cause pneumonia.
I have no doubt that some of the reports we hear ARE vaccine reactions - but every vaccine reaction I have ever had - and there have been several - was more immediate.
If you work in a hospital, you likely came upon some strange new bug there - my daughter caught several from her nursing work, including TB when she worked in the county jail, and Covid in March 2020 working in the ER.
You could ask your doctor to report it to VAERS as a possibility.

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Hello Sue
So things are still going well. Doing much more but still resting when my body says as I realized becoming re conditioned can take a long time. So it's been 3 months since my last ct scan which I had while in the big city hospital and was so sick. Now, awaiting results. Praying for good news and a diagnosis.
Apparently my last ct showed those ground glass opacities. But I wasnt told. I had to ask. Why dont they just come out and tell a person what they see on these scans? It's just frustrating. 🙏

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