Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps?

Posted by joyce1 @joyce1, Feb 25, 2017

Three months after colon resection I had a severe stomach cramp this morning and have not had a bowel movement yet. This is the first time this has happened. So far things have been good.

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@amariewilkinson In July 2022, I had about 30 cm (12 in) of my colon removed because rare cancer called goblet cell adenocarcinoma was found. Only 1 in 2,000, 000 people get this type. 35 lymph nodes were taken in my abdomen. Cancer free. However, I have very little natural feeling to have a bowel movement. I have found that if I walk and regularly sit on the commode, I can initiate a bowel movement. So, at least twice a day, whether or not I have a sense of a BM, I go to the commode. Walking and exercise have been a real help. I walk between 5,000 - 15,000 steps a day. A friend who had a much more serious cancer operation said to me, "Exercise is your friend." I have found this to be very true. My family has a history of colon cancer and so I have been getting colonoscopies every two years for the last 20 years. I will get the next one in July 2023. I will let you know how things go. In the meantime, I hope you can find some accommodation for your present situation. Each one of us is different. We must share what helps...

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That is a lot you’ve been through! I’m sorry that it’s been so rough & I agree that exercising helps! I walk/run as often as my family of 3 young boys will allow me to. I take them with me too sometimes but sicknesses have stopped this for me sadly. Hoping to get back with it soon! I agree it can help! Another thing that helps a little is warm lemon water in the morning plus lots of other water after that. Hydration is also our friend, but I can do all those things and still have issues. I’ve stopped my D3 for a few days to see if that’s helping the consultation issue.


Hi my fellow colon re-sectioners! Been awhile since I have communicated to the group. A few members might remember me, more for my wildlife photos (Spring ducklings at Lake Sacajawea ) than for my rambling about my colon adventure. Well, I’m still calling it my “New” normal three years later. Reading the above comments, I can see a consistent thread with the questions asked and answers given. This Is what I do know: Surgeons are focused on the removal of the cancer. After that, most ( there’s always the exception). are not your go to (person, dr) moving forward with your life. Everybody has similar struggles with food choices, digestion, pooping😁, but it is a journey that is individualized because each person is unique and (because I believe this) knows best how to make this work. Members on this site are extremely generous and caring. The overall desire is to make that person’s (newbies) journey easier by sharing what worked for them. It is a journey, so be prepared for it. Also, be prepared to embrace the changes to your lifestyle to accommodate the change in your body. Things will work and then not. So be fluid and open to trying and then changing when it doesn’t (Isn’t this true of life anyway?). Pay It Forward. That’s the way to thank the ones that were here before you. Put your big boy/ girl pants on. You will face challenges and frustrations. Well, there’s more, but nobody likes a know it all, so I will stop here. Thank you to the “old timers” who were there for me when I reached out. Hello to the “newbies” that have found this site. Be pro active about your health. Yes, still curious about this journey called life. virgo52


I had robotic surgery on a Tuesday and had to have the big surgery on Friday.Seven weeks later and still having stomach cramps and diarrhea everyday😢I am afraid something is not right

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I just had similar. My CT scan at 6 weeks showed nothing. Surgeon told me today it is nerve pain and is sending me to a Pain Specialist. I have gone backwards- from active/ healthy, to barely able to walk.


I'm 8 months post op for a partial coloectemy where they took 8 inches due to repeated diverticulitis (7 times). Yes they waited way too long! She got in there and I was a scarred twisted mess. So here I sit now all these months later switching between constipation and diarrhea. The diarrhea keeps giving me horrible hemorrhoids. And quite often my intestines hurt where they did when I had diverticulitis. Even ended up in the ER once for it. CT and work up later and they said it looks OK, sent me on my way. Keeps happening though. I personally think it's nerve pain, maybe. Idk. Somedays I wish I hadn't let them cut on me.. really just wanted to vent to people who understood.


i too have had trouble with control over my bladder and bowels ever since colon surgery several months ago. Pelvic Floor Therapy has been suggested. Has anyone had experience with this type of therapy?


i too have had trouble with control over my bladder and bowels ever since colon surgery several months ago. Pelvic Floor Therapy has been suggested. Has anyone had experience with this type of therapy?

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Yes, I've had numerous colon and rectal surgeries (more in other parts of body too). I am not always continent and lose control of bowels. My bladder is okay 95% of the time. I find eating small meals helps. The pelvic floor therapy did very little for me - but it is worth a shot. I practice yoga, pilates, hiking regularly. I stay away from caffeine as that is a diuretic and does wonky things to me. Not to be gross- but I use a sanitary pad for loose bowels rather than adult panties.


After resections you can expect a new normal. I had 3 resections. I find I just accept these bodily changes and learn to live with them the best I can, The normal you knew years ago will not return…..sorry


I'm 8 months post op for a partial coloectemy where they took 8 inches due to repeated diverticulitis (7 times). Yes they waited way too long! She got in there and I was a scarred twisted mess. So here I sit now all these months later switching between constipation and diarrhea. The diarrhea keeps giving me horrible hemorrhoids. And quite often my intestines hurt where they did when I had diverticulitis. Even ended up in the ER once for it. CT and work up later and they said it looks OK, sent me on my way. Keeps happening though. I personally think it's nerve pain, maybe. Idk. Somedays I wish I hadn't let them cut on me.. really just wanted to vent to people who understood.

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So many of us hear you and go through similar situations and thoughts. Just to let you know that you are not alone.


i too have had trouble with control over my bladder and bowels ever since colon surgery several months ago. Pelvic Floor Therapy has been suggested. Has anyone had experience with this type of therapy?

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I had pelvic therapy without biofeedback. It didn’t help, but I wasn’t compliant either. You really have to commit to doing the exercises every day. I’m waiting to get into another program with biofeedback. I’m determined to succeed this time. My GI doc swears there’s a 70 % success rate.


I had pelvic therapy without biofeedback. It didn’t help, but I wasn’t compliant either. You really have to commit to doing the exercises every day. I’m waiting to get into another program with biofeedback. I’m determined to succeed this time. My GI doc swears there’s a 70 % success rate.

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what is biofeedback?

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