Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

Posted by dr4bama @dr4bama, Jul 14, 2022

I am experiencing profuse sweating off during the day and nightly. Is this common post Covid?

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My symptoms have improved, except for the sweating. It is also hard to say if it's time or the supplements. The trembling in my hands is almost gone and is the inner zapping of my body. The smell in my nose would be gone for hours or days, but then return. I'ts been a week now with no small of burning wood. I do have some minor balance issues, and the labored breathing also comes and goes. If I over exert myself, am wiped out.
Something new and strange has cropped up with me. I asked if anyone else had these sumptoms, but no reply. I woke one day to find both sides of my lower face swollen. A week later, again overnight, there appeared just at the point where my neck and shoulders meet, fairly large lumps. CT scan said all were Buccal fat pads. My primary care doc thought the lumps were Lipomas. I now have an MRI of face and neck, next week. This was ordered by an Ear, Nose and Throat doc. Nothing hurts, but I don't like looking like a chipmunk, while the other two are hidden by my clothes. It's not normal for these things to have just popped up overnight, and bilaterally, so of course I am concerned.
Now with the pandemic on the rise I will return to the original precautions. I was sooo careful, I cannot figure out where I picked up Covid in the first place. I would very much like my life back, I have practically withdrawn from all activities that involve crowds, but so far consider my symptoms so much less than others I have read about here. We must remain positive and grateful.
Are you having any successes with anything you have tried?


I had Covid in February 2021 during the "big freeze" in Texas. I didn't even know I was sick until I lost my ability to taste and smell. It wasn't until that summer that I realized I was unable to tolerate heat as well as I used to. I would be out mowing or doing my other ranch work and would have to stop because I would start feeling sick from the heat. I also noticed that when I would be sitting in the house watching TV, I would all of a sudden break into a sweat and then it would stop. I went to a gathering at a friend's house. It was in July 2021. The house was air conditioned and felt comfortable. After awhile, with all the people in the room, it became a little warm. I began feeling a little nauseous and ended up lying on the cool tile of the bathroom floor. I am still bothered by the heat. I even skipped the gathering today at my friend's house because I'm afraid of a repeat performance. It is much hotter this July than last year. For now, I try to tolerate the heat by wetting down overshirt and hat and keeping a wet kerchief around my neck before going out to do my chores. I keep plenty of water and sports drinks close by. I'm sitting at my desk writing this and just broke into a sweat. I haven't been running any fevers when it happens. It sure would be nice if this and the other long haul symptoms would disappear. I don't have time for this!

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I'm sorry that you have these symptoms. I have them too. I live in Florida and want to move as I cannot stand the heat.
I had a bad surgical procedure that left with me PTSD--that was in 2016 and I did not even know I still had it until I needed more surgery in 2019. I ended up having horrific hot flashes (I'm in my 70's, and did not have them before). My primary doctor said they were a reaction to the fear of the surgery and should go away shortly, but they didn't. It was a vascular doctor who told me that he had seen this before and spoke to my primary doctor about prescribing an anti depressant. I started with 60mg of Duloxetine released capsules once a day, and now take it twice a day. Timing is important. if I don't take the med early enough I can have the water dripping off my face, sometimes accompanied by a hot flash.


My symptoms have improved, except for the sweating. It is also hard to say if it's time or the supplements. The trembling in my hands is almost gone and is the inner zapping of my body. The smell in my nose would be gone for hours or days, but then return. I'ts been a week now with no small of burning wood. I do have some minor balance issues, and the labored breathing also comes and goes. If I over exert myself, am wiped out.
Something new and strange has cropped up with me. I asked if anyone else had these sumptoms, but no reply. I woke one day to find both sides of my lower face swollen. A week later, again overnight, there appeared just at the point where my neck and shoulders meet, fairly large lumps. CT scan said all were Buccal fat pads. My primary care doc thought the lumps were Lipomas. I now have an MRI of face and neck, next week. This was ordered by an Ear, Nose and Throat doc. Nothing hurts, but I don't like looking like a chipmunk, while the other two are hidden by my clothes. It's not normal for these things to have just popped up overnight, and bilaterally, so of course I am concerned.
Now with the pandemic on the rise I will return to the original precautions. I was sooo careful, I cannot figure out where I picked up Covid in the first place. I would very much like my life back, I have practically withdrawn from all activities that involve crowds, but so far consider my symptoms so much less than others I have read about here. We must remain positive and grateful.
Are you having any successes with anything you have tried?

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I’m so sorry you’re experiencing all of these symptoms. I haven’t found anything that works for me. Guess I’ll just have to hope time will do the trick…


Thank you everyone for all your comments, helpful information and links. I have been sweating too. I am over a year out from being hospitalized with Covid. The sweating is something newer for me. I never sweat yet now I am sweating over nothing, just sitting, and I live in a cold winter climate. Originally I thought I would be "fine" once I got out of the hospital in October 2021. Now over a year later I still am not "fine." I know many other people are the same. I read an article from WebMD that stated there are over 23 million people in the USA who have long Covid. Wow!


What symptoms is the metoprolol effective for in your experience? I’m trying a low dose Clonidine patch + glycopyrrolate. I’m still sweating nonstop and severely cold in my extremities. Really hope we get closer to figuring this out via sharing anything we’ve found helpful/ observations.

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As a follow up, I’ve additionally been taking an anti-inflammatory in colchicine. Don’t want to speak too soon, but it may be moving the needle in regards to the hyperhidrosis/ extremity pain.


I have had Long Covid for almost 3 years and have been dealing with many of the symptoms. But in the last month I have been dealing with night sweats. I will wake up in the night and be soaked from the waist down. And some nights it will occasionally be just the opposite. Shivering all over. Not every night, but it’s getting very worrisome. Is this some sort of dysautonomia connected to the Long Covid?


Hi @dr4bama - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

Sweating does seem to be a pretty common side effect of COVID-19, unfortunately. I know it can get very uncomfortable throughout the day!
Others have discussed ongoing fevers with sweating as a side effect on this discussion post, you may find it helpful to read through:
- Fevers weeks after COVID: Is this common with long COVID?

Have you continued to have a fever at all in your recovery? Have any other symptoms continued?

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Post covid I still get the sweats. Really bad sometimes. It will just hit me randomly no matter what I'm doing. Of course afterwards then I'm freezing 🥶


Post covid I still get the sweats. Really bad sometimes. It will just hit me randomly no matter what I'm doing. Of course afterwards then I'm freezing 🥶

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I just went to pcp for post covid followup. I mentioned sweats too. she said it's been shown covid can interfere with liver and thyroid so she. checked my TSH. I've been taking thyroid for over 20yrs. guess I gotta just put up with it.... but at least I know why.


Post covid I still get the sweats. Really bad sometimes. It will just hit me randomly no matter what I'm doing. Of course afterwards then I'm freezing 🥶

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Same here but not the freezing .
I am just a week out into recovery.


I have had EVERY variant of this horrible virus including the original Covid. What I have found is that with the omicron variant that my body temperature reads normal if not a few hundreds of a degree below 98.3… Ie 97.9-98.1 but I continue with the body sweats… ( more so at night than during the day… but I do sweat during the day)…. Additionally I lost taste with the omicron variant. I have to admit that I assume that it is the omicron variant because it didn’t affect my lungs like the other times that I was infected. My medical history is that I had open heart surgery 13 years ago and have had allergies and asthma for my entire life. I have a daughter who is in kindergarten and unfortunately brings home every contagious bacterial and viral infection out there. I have had the initial antiviral shot followed up with the second shot. Having said that, with the exception of my lungs not getting infected, the omicron variant put me in the bed with high fever and major headaches and fatigue for three days straight. I thought that I was done with this omicron variant when I got it a month ago, but I got it again for the second time. Anyone else have similar experiences?

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