Constant tinnitus: Are there any solutions?

Posted by kimjensch @kimjensch, Jun 14, 2020

It there any solution for constant tinnitis?

I have high pitched tones constantly though I have learned to ignore it mostly.

It can become louder at times, even loud enough to make me wince!

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What is Mullein drops
. it helps in what way

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Good is a link to more information about Mullein tea. It doesn't appear to grow in this continent. Good luck.


@gator123, you're right that some medications can cause or worsen tinnitus. See more talk about this in the discussion Julie started here:
- Ototoxic drugs that can cause hearing loss or tinnitus

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Please keep in mind that these otoxic drugs often cause tinnitus in between 1 and 3 percent of people taking them. A few exceptions to this like aspirin which is more prone to cause tinnitus in high doses.


Good evening @gator123, Tinnitus.......what a devil of an irritant day and night. I have had it for several years and it has gone from my left ear to my right ear. However, I have to tell you that one of the extra benefits of my new hearing aids is that they do quiet the tinnitus. I even wear them overnight when the tinnitus is so loud I don't think I will get to sleep. It also evens out to one sound and even that is dampened quite a bit.

I can't believe I have been dealing with it for years. It even seems like after this long I kind of become used to it and it is not so irritating. Perhaps you could just wear your iPods and listen to music all day. My hearing aids pair with my iPad so I have music accompaniment.

May you be free, safe and protected from inner and outer harm.

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One type of masking device works for me. At night I use nature sounds, especially water sounds to sleep. This means I have devices in my ears most of the day and night but not too loud. Anyway you can’t lose hearing that is already lost!


@gator123 Mullein is an herb the drops help stop the ringing ,also there is a tea which I prefer since I drink a lot of tea the brand is Buddha teas


Mullein is a plant. Reading On WebMD it primarily is helpful with chest and sinus congestion. Never tried it!


Good evening @gator123, Tinnitus.......what a devil of an irritant day and night. I have had it for several years and it has gone from my left ear to my right ear. However, I have to tell you that one of the extra benefits of my new hearing aids is that they do quiet the tinnitus. I even wear them overnight when the tinnitus is so loud I don't think I will get to sleep. It also evens out to one sound and even that is dampened quite a bit.

I can't believe I have been dealing with it for years. It even seems like after this long I kind of become used to it and it is not so irritating. Perhaps you could just wear your iPods and listen to music all day. My hearing aids pair with my iPad so I have music accompaniment.

May you be free, safe and protected from inner and outer harm.

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Just wanted to comment that I have had it for as long I can remember. Might have been born with it LOL. Ear infection since birth, many tubes as a child. And I can confirm that when you've had it as long as I have, you forget it's there unless its a particularly loud "episode". I had surgery in 2016 to fix my broken ear- new drum, titanium bones......and the tinnitus has been minimal since then. Should have done it 20 years earlier LOL. However, I had some hearing loss as a result, and got a hearing aid. I agree that with the hearing aid in, when I do get it now, it greatly subsidies the tinnitus. Who knew?


<p>How do you deal with ringing in the ear!!!!!! Unbearable!!!!!!</p>

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I wish I knew?


Hi, I also have high pitch ringing and it is sooo annoying but here are a couple of things that have helped me tremendously!
1. Tinnitus masking devices. The ones I have are called Treble maskers from
They actually have a Cyber Monday sale! $500 off wow! I'm actually going to get some for my mom hah I think you should too! They are GAME CHANGERS. I have been recommending them to friends and family. Wanted to share on here as well since I know many people would benefit from them 🙂
2. Meditation
3. Have some "me" time whenever tinnitus gets very bothersome.
I hope this helps! You are not alone in this.


Hi, I also have high pitch ringing and it is sooo annoying but here are a couple of things that have helped me tremendously!
1. Tinnitus masking devices. The ones I have are called Treble maskers from
They actually have a Cyber Monday sale! $500 off wow! I'm actually going to get some for my mom hah I think you should too! They are GAME CHANGERS. I have been recommending them to friends and family. Wanted to share on here as well since I know many people would benefit from them 🙂
2. Meditation
3. Have some "me" time whenever tinnitus gets very bothersome.
I hope this helps! You are not alone in this.

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Good evening @audstudent, thanks for your recommendations for combating tinnitus. I agree and have used mindfulness and meditation for several years. Here is what has helped me the most.......wearing my hearing aids. Sometimes around the house on a quiet day, I wear them just to "muffle" the tinnitus.

I haven't heard of any masking devices and will check them out. Do you say Santa has them on his list this year????????

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.


My tinnitus has a high pitch, hissing and a low rumbling pitch. The low pitch seems impossible to mask. Does anyone know of a masking device that will mask a low rumbling pitch?

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