Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

Posted by dr4bama @dr4bama, Jul 14, 2022

I am experiencing profuse sweating off during the day and nightly. Is this common post Covid?

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My son has this and had night sweats terribly! He’s soaked! He has other things, though, too, like mold toxicity, Lyme co-infections, neck instability, etc. it’s been extremely complex.


I don't have any kind of a diagnosis for the sweating specifically, just the broad diagnosis of Post Acute Covid Syndrome (PACS).I keep a log in a calendar book of what symptoms I have daily. I am up to ~30 different issues that coincide with CDC's list. I am keeping a log because, as an ER nurse caring for multiple COVID patients at a time through each shift in 2020, I became sick in the line of duty at work. I have a complicated work comp claim as I haven't been able to return to work in any capacity. In the meantime, I just start sweating for no reason and do a lot of laundry.

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I was working in the ED when I got COVID. I had a COVID + patient spit in my face and that is how I contracted COVID. I for 2 years without contracting COVID but in February 2022 I contracted COVID.
Keeping a diary is a great idea for people. Definitely keep it for the work comp claim!!!! I have been keeping a diary of my symptoms since June of this year.


My son has this and had night sweats terribly! He’s soaked! He has other things, though, too, like mold toxicity, Lyme co-infections, neck instability, etc. it’s been extremely complex.

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Bless his heart! I hope he feels better soon! Stay strong.


I didn't know my knee-caps could sweat-pretty perfuse. As far as the heart rate goes, I am better since being on Metoprolol from the cardiologist. I had a '21-day event monitor' on & it documented the runs of tachycardia (a heart rate greater that 100 beats per minute) up to 180 that was disproportionate to my activity. The 'official' diagnosis for me is 'Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia'.

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What symptoms is the metoprolol effective for in your experience? I’m trying a low dose Clonidine patch + glycopyrrolate. I’m still sweating nonstop and severely cold in my extremities. Really hope we get closer to figuring this out via sharing anything we’ve found helpful/ observations.


What symptoms is the metoprolol effective for in your experience? I’m trying a low dose Clonidine patch + glycopyrrolate. I’m still sweating nonstop and severely cold in my extremities. Really hope we get closer to figuring this out via sharing anything we’ve found helpful/ observations.

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the metropolol slows the heart rate down.


That is exactly what they diagnosis too. IST is only a hair difference to Post-COVID POTS. I get it that there is not enough data to really help me/us with treatment or a cure. I feel so defeated and at my wits end.
I have had an extensive cardiac work-up
48 hour monitor
30 day monitor - a lot of runs of supraventricular tachycardia
I have had just about all lab tests
Stress test -I failed
6 minute walk- I failed
CT-angiogram - think goodness there is no damage to my heart.
MRI of the chest

It has been an experience and with no treatment plan.

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This is a very humbling disease. The best we can do so far is symptom management.


Ever since I had COVID-19 in late July 2022 I am sweating profusely! It’s literally to the point where all the hair on my head gets soaking wet and I’m dripping from my forehead, and just from doing very light intensity tasks like vacuuming, or even drying off after a shower. I’ve always been a sweaty guy, and am overweight. I could also be in better shape, but this never happened before I had COVID-19.
I have seen advice and posts related to this occurring with a fever, but I do not have any fever.
The nurses at my doctor’s office didn’t think this is COVID-19 related, and didn’t seem too concerned about it. My doc just shrugged and said “might be”.
I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this intense sweating after COVID-19, or if it’s just coincidence I’m experiencing related to something else? Thanks for taking the time to read!

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I had Covid in September for about 1 week. Now with light exertion I sweat profusely starting on my forehead then it like a shower dripping from my neck. I have had blood tests, full body ct scans and have stopped some of my regular meds for a time to see if the sweating stops. My doctor sent me to a cardiologist and today I had a heart ct scan and everything was normal no blockages. My docs haven’t been able to find out why the sweating still continues but will be doing some more blood tests and I will give an update if anything changes.


I also have been perspiring profusely. I perspire even if I am just sitting, and if there is any exertion, I am then soaking wet. My hands also tremble. I have just started with herbs. Since there is nothing known to cure this from covid, I am being treated for viral infections such as Epstein Barr. It takes a while as its three weeks on one, then another three weeks on another, blood test and finally three weeks on another. I will update. This is thru a functional medicine doctor who is also a regular MD--not someone who is adding this to his current practice--whatever that may be.

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Did you have any luck with this treatment?


I am too sweating post Covid. It started about 3 weeks after my first symptoms and have just been getting worse. At night I need to change sheets and dry myself with towels. At first I thought it’s menopause but I just turned 38… And I’m on the pill which I’ve heard usually masks menopause symptoms (?). But now I’m thinking maybe it’s Covid. I’ve also had heart palpitations since I got infected.


I am too sweating post Covid. It started about 3 weeks after my first symptoms and have just been getting worse. At night I need to change sheets and dry myself with towels. At first I thought it’s menopause but I just turned 38… And I’m on the pill which I’ve heard usually masks menopause symptoms (?). But now I’m thinking maybe it’s Covid. I’ve also had heart palpitations since I got infected.

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I had covid in June. From the second day of having covid I started with hot flashes. I'm 70 and it was worse then my menopause hot flashes. They finially stoped in September on their own. (Thank you Lord)! Hope yours stops soon!

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