Cirrhosis of the Liver: What to expect when waiting for a transplant?

Posted by mylifebe4u @mylifebe4u, Nov 7, 2022

Hello - This is my first time to do this; however, I'm looking for some possible advice. I am 54 and have always been very healthy. I started feeling bad back at the end of May when I decided to go to an Urgent Care center to be looked at. They took blood and when I received the results, it said that my Liver levels were in critical state and to go see a Dr. I did. They took more blood, did an Ultra Sound (which was normal), did a CT scan and did a Biopsy. The results: Stage 4 cirrhosis of the Liver. They have no explanation as to how I got it. I don't drink, it's not hereditary and I'm not over weight. It's now November. They referred me down to a larger University Hospital to see a better specialist; however, I cannot get in until Dec. 8th! I am scared! How long can I last waiting to be seen? What should I do in the mean time? I did some reading and I have cut almost everything out of my diet and with that, I am feeling a whole lot better but I know I still need a Transplant and need to get in. I'm (and my husband & family) are going crazy waiting. Would really appreciate and and all help. Thank you!

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I went through the same thing since 2014 when I was diagnosed with Cirrhosis, the causes are basically due to Alcohol and fatty liver. In my case, it took 6 years until my transplant May 14-2020, that gives you an idea of how long you can live with Cirrhosis, do not be afraid, follow the instructions, eat well and do a lot of exercise with your legs and arms, you will need them having it very strong helps after the transplant. I also have Varices Esophagus and Portal I use Nadolol a beta blocker if you need more info and support contact me through this support group

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Thank you so much. This information really makes me feel a little better. No one has ever even indicated how long someone can go on when you have this condition. This gives me a lot of hope.


@mylifebe4u I am sorry you are going through this and are given a sudden diagnosis. I was diagnosed with stage 4 cirrhosis in March, 2021- year and 1/2 ago. I’m alive now and very well. I understand how scared you are- I was too. I was diagnosed in March 2021 after driving home from work and getting confused while driving - turns out I was anemic and had an episode of hepatic encephalopathy. I was hospitalized several times and put in medications and told to eat a low sodium, low fat and high protein diet. Nutritionists stressed that protein should involve a lot of plant based protein/ beans, tofu, etc plus lean meat. Loads of water each day. I felt better when my diet was focused. I walked each day to keep some strength but I was generally miserable. Throughout the summer I became very fearful of death. In Aug - 5 no after my diagnosis- I was evaluated by the liver team at Mass General Boston, put in the transplant list Oct 1, and had my transplant Oct 29, 2021. I feel great now and I never thought I would- I was so scared like you. My MELD was up to 32, and I still lived, with very few complications so far. Keep eating healthy, plenty of rest and water, get a little exercise. Make lists of things you want to do when you’re well again, because you will experience the gift of living again.


Good morning , Rosemary and thank you for reply and advice . My liver specialist is aware of all of my additional health conditions . As I have mentioned I have most all my procedures done at the same major university hospital in my area and all of my results are listed in a chart that is associated with this medical center . Well, two weeks ago I was given a 3 to 6 months timeframe by my family doctor . I am 59 YO and not ready to give up , but given the choices I have , I wonder if I should still be fighting . I do want to thank you for your advice and words of encouragement .

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@cs1964, Yes, you should keep fighting! By that, I mean, you should keep doing what your doctors are telling you to do. I know it is not easy, and some days all you need to do is focus on one day at a time.
At age 59, I had endstage liver failure due to Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC), and I was inactivated from the transplant list for 2 months when team thought I had bile duct cancer. My local liver transplant team was unsuccessful to get tissue samples that were necessary to rule out cancer. They arranged for me to be seen at Mayo Rochester to get a diagnosis about cancer. I missed the appointment because my kidneys failed (hepatorenal kidney failure) and I ended up in ICU and on emergency dialysis with a potential short term transfer to hospice care. Since I was at end stage liver failure, and the dialysis would only be temporary. I was not fully conscious or aware of most of this, but I do remember my husband at my bedside trying to keep me informed. After 5 days, my condition was stabilized enough for me to be flown to Mayo. I spent 2 weeks in hospital there and learned that I did not have bile duct cancer, and could be re-evaluated to be listed for a liver and a kidney transplant at Mayo. return to the active transplant list, this time at Mayo. There were times when the analog clock on the wall did not appear to move, there were days when I could only focus on getting through the next minute or hour. It was not easy, but... I never gave up praying, hoping, trying and even crying. My expert transplant teams - both liver and kidney - never gave up on me.

Here is an article from 2017:
Staying Positive While Waiting for a Transplant


Hi Chris,
Just stay positive u will get thru this.. I to was diagnosed w/stage 4 cirrhosis and portal hypertension the unknown about this disease is the scariest. I had hepatic encephalopathy and my numbers were all over the place. I started my LT journey 1/20 and by 10/26/20 I had my LTP . Your liver team will monitor your numbers very closely to see when u r eligible to start to get on the T P list. They may start u on some meds to help you.
What are your numbers!
Do what your Dr. tells you to do until u get to the specialists, I did want to mention I did not get to my Liver Team until after 6months after my diagnosis.
Best thing I did exercise, diet drinking protein drinks, most of all staying positive. I hope u have a good support team. If u drink”socially”smoke stop immediately.
Please keep us posted on your progress i wish u nothing but the best thru this. This group of folks here will help u thru this I came on board after my LT.😊💚


Wow! That is quite a miraculous journey. Mayo Clinic is an amazing place. I also have received such superb care from my team in Jacksonville. I try to let them know every time I go for check ups how much they all mean to their patients. Congratulations on your new beginning. Thank you for sharing your experience and encouraging others by doing so.

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Mayo Clinic in Arizona has a best professional Doctors, Nurses and a great Services at all,
Thank you, MAYO CLINIC


I just had scopes done ( Endo & Colon). They did find grade 1 Varces in my Esophagus and Portal Hypertension. They are starting on a Beta Blocker.

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I am in a same situation we can be connected so we can share our symptoms and medicines as doctor' guides


Thank you so much. This information really makes me feel a little better. No one has ever even indicated how long someone can go on when you have this condition. This gives me a lot of hope.

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Any time if you need more info we can be contact here in this group


Hi mylifeb4u,
You are in a good place to get support while u go thru this journey.
I was diagnosed w/stage four cirrhosis, portal hypertension and thru my process developed hepatic encephalopathy and ascities. My TP team still has no clue how I developed it either. I was 59 w/no underlying medical conditions and in very good health except my liver disease. Which will help u get thru this.
Keep your faith stay positive and know we r all here to support you.
I am now 2yrs. LT and doing well, it is a defiantly a process, life is beautiful I am so grateful for each day. Sounds like u have a good support group also.😊
Please let us know how your December appt.goes.
One thing they did tell me try and drink a high protein b/f u go to bed, it will help with your energy and your body needs protein right now.👍


Thank you so much. This information really makes me feel a little better. No one has ever even indicated how long someone can go on when you have this condition. This gives me a lot of hope.

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@arqui02000, my name is Sandi and have recently become a patient advocate for liver disease with the American Liver Foundation and also have cirrhosis of the liver stage 4. I was diagnosed in May of 2020 and spent 16 days in the hospital under the care of the Northwestern transplant team. I was very unstable and discharged with high mortality rate (I found this verbiage in MyChart this year in doing some research ..sad times). Fast forward to today, I am 53 and grateful to be here today to type this message. I have alcohol related liver disease (ALD) and would like to ask if you would like to talk as my fellow advocate and I are trying to find more advocates with ALD. I am finding that helping others in this journey brings me peace as I wish I had found Jenn when I was first diagnosed.
@mylifebe4u My thoughts are with you on your journey. There are many many resources for you on the ALF and AASLD sites that would give you valuable information regarding liver health and also inspiring stores about new research on the horizon for us. Please feel free to reach out to me as well if you would like to review more. I personally think that Dec. 8th awhile to wait. What city are you in? If you are in a city with more than one choice of hepatologists, you can review all hospitals in your area that are transplant centers. Also, make sure they have you on the waitlist. You may have already done these things, but sometimes with stage 4 liver, I know my mind is not always as sharp as it used to be. I wish only the best.


Hi Sandi,
Did u get a LT?

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