Almost dead from Long COVID! HELP!!!!!

Posted by Anonymous303059 @anonymous303059, Nov 2, 2022

I’ve had long Covid for almost 2 years I’ve lost over 70 pounds and been in bed the whole time because I’m so tired I can’t get out of it! My voice is gone from mucus drainage I can’t breathe, I can’t think and at times I think I’m going crazy! I’m just give out! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated😢! Thanks


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I’m pretty f&#ked up all over my body and exhausted all the time to the point I just stop trying to get out of the bed unless my parents call me because they need help then I’ll get up and go help them then come back and get in the bed and I am double exhausted when that happens!
But the thing that worries me most is how f&#ked up my head is😞! I have no feeling in my brain wants the whatever I don’t care about anything I just lay in the bed and don’t talk to anyone because that’s all I feel like doing😞!
The drainage from congestion is the second thing it has destroyed my voice I can’t swallow and my mouth is always full of a slick frothy snot like substance😞!

Again I have no quality of life right now😞!

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I hear you, and your words make me wonder if my son is also experiencing what you are experiencing. We are in the MD Wash DC area, so I have found a psychiatrist who acknowledges the post viral malaise that consumes people dealing with Long Covid. The blood tests look normal, but this Psychiatrist will prescribe antivirals or antibiotics depending on the physical manifestations that are unique to each individual. And will address the feelings of hopelessness that come with the debilitating fatigue. I also have long Covid and have found a physical therapist who gave me dry needling treatments once a week for 2 months as well as gentle exercises that I could do in bed or on the floor to relieve my cluster migraine headaches and body aches that made it impossible for me to exercise. My neurologist said that people with long Covid absolutely need a bridge to healing. It’s not something that you can just muscle through. Im a 54 yr old mom, and if it were something I could muscle through, mind over matter, I would do it. I also went to a pulmonologist practice and the lead Nurse did tests to check my my lungs and pulse with the help of Xopenex rescue inhaler. She prescribed Spiriva Respimat once daily which is a COPD treatment that she finds helpful for her Long Haulers. I haven’t had to use the Xopenex inhaler much at all. I also take propranolol 10mg for migraines and anxiety and rapid heart rate. It helps me sleep at night. And the Spiriva Respimat helps open the airways in the morning. I also get allergy shots every other week for congestion and post nasal drip related to indoor and outdoor allergies year round. If you see an allergist/immunologist, ask about the oral treatment that people just take which dissolves under your tongue, and you may not need allergy shots. The allergy testing is much faster and more tolerable than it was years ago.


I’m pretty f&#ked up all over my body and exhausted all the time to the point I just stop trying to get out of the bed unless my parents call me because they need help then I’ll get up and go help them then come back and get in the bed and I am double exhausted when that happens!
But the thing that worries me most is how f&#ked up my head is😞! I have no feeling in my brain wants the whatever I don’t care about anything I just lay in the bed and don’t talk to anyone because that’s all I feel like doing😞!
The drainage from congestion is the second thing it has destroyed my voice I can’t swallow and my mouth is always full of a slick frothy snot like substance😞!

Again I have no quality of life right now😞!

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For thick mucus draining down the back of the throat, my sons, husband and I take an extended release 600 mg MucinexD. The guafenisin thins the mucus and the Sudafed ingredient dries the sinuses. When we awaken feeling like we’ve been run over, that’s a sign to take one. You have to ask the pharmacist and show ID because the pharmacist keeps it behind the counter. I highly recommend seeing an ENT to determine if antibiotics are necessary or any nasal sprays would help. The ENT is your best place to start.


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Didn’t see any impolite or political comments.


I’m pretty f&#ked up all over my body and exhausted all the time to the point I just stop trying to get out of the bed unless my parents call me because they need help then I’ll get up and go help them then come back and get in the bed and I am double exhausted when that happens!
But the thing that worries me most is how f&#ked up my head is😞! I have no feeling in my brain wants the whatever I don’t care about anything I just lay in the bed and don’t talk to anyone because that’s all I feel like doing😞!
The drainage from congestion is the second thing it has destroyed my voice I can’t swallow and my mouth is always full of a slick frothy snot like substance😞!

Again I have no quality of life right now😞!

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My hubby had to go into psych ward he’s a little better now but he still can’t work !! It’s so not good . I really hope you find relief! He also had his thyroid checked ! Test 1 & 2 turns out it was wonky too! I wish you love n hope !


I am over a year in too and have found that it comes and goes and it really doesn’t seem to matter what protocols I use. The mucus I cough up has changed from clear and frothy to white, thick and sticky. Trelegy seemed like a miracle cure for about 6 weeks, then the cough and fatigue came back with a vengeance. This week I am starting a steroid pill along with twice daily nebulizer breathing treatments, once a day Trelegy and cough syrup and albuterol as needed. I take a Benadryl at night. I am so done with this.

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I called my primary doctor yesterday for referral to physical therapy for strengthening. which can help with my stima. When cleaning house, driving, bathing, dressing ect. get fatigued. I pray an ask Christ for his strength. I do sit down because fatigue put me at high risk for falling ,don't want end up hospital.


Didn’t see any impolite or political comments.

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Had to jump in here....any of those type of comments you referred to were probably deleted before you were able to read them. There are over 10,000 members here whom we don't know personally so I am always careful about my postings and reread them and edit if necessary.
We all have said things in real life that were taken the wrong way or had an unintended effect on someone listening. I think our moderators have a tough job sifting through all these posts for any possible offensive or political comments. What I find funny you may find offensive.
If you ever read a post that does not sit well with you, you can always email one of the volunteer moderators with a question. I understand your comment and I also understand the frustration and sometimes the indignation that some posters feel when a moderator has to step in. We all have a passion for something and it is hard sometimes to keep our real thoughts in check on this site.

FLMary.....windy, rainy, dreary day from the "Nicole " sunshine state.


Then clean your bathroom...and change your attitude.

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How about cut your own or someone else's grass, or shovel a walk?


If difficulty breathing you need help as soon as you can and an inhaler may help you. Ask your MD about this. It does not mean you have asthma forever but it sounds like it now. very natural to have after a flu or coronavirus like SARS-2 or as you refer to it as COVID.
Tiredness lasts for 2 to 6 months depending on the severity of your infection. Learn to accept what yor body is telling you. You require a minimum of 8 hours sleep every night and a nap in the day OR 10 hours sleep a night.
Rest will help you heal. COVID is NOT the only virus infection that leaves the tiredness as a result of the infection. How is your nutrition? No fatty foods, and cook your own healthy meals. Americans eat too much processed and fast food. Have green leafy veg and at least 2 fruit a day. Look up nutrition advice on your computer. You WILL return to health!!


I'm sorry for your medical state, but some don't realize how serious long covid is or its potential impacts to our lives. I see eat better, meditate, or see a neuropsychologist. What they don't understand is I'm a 75 year old individual, still working as a professional engineer and since May 2022, I went from lifting 60lb dog food bags to buying 5lb bags just to get it in the house, my brain is on fast drain heading to dementia, all my joints are inflamed and I feel like full body arthritis has taken over and the continuous nerve pain and headache are one hiccup away from a stroke and all you get is a com-by-yah eat better recommendation while the medical profession sits with their thumbs up their butts.

By now (3 years in) they should know how to diagnosis the disease based on symptoms and they should have a diagnostic protocol for all patients. Once they identify the affected systems, they can treat the symptoms while they look for a cure. Sure I don't expect them to cure me tomorrow, but if I have exposure to stroke, heart attack or any other deadly outcome I expect them to alert me rather than dismissing it due to incompetence. We buy medical insurance to access medical care which covers diagnostic and preventative care - we don't pay for it to be ignored until we are dead.


My heart breaks for you. I’ve had it for six months and my issues are brain fog, memory issues, and fatigue. I can’t imagine having your symptoms for so long.

I hold onto hope because there is ongoing long Covid research. I’m part of the UIC/Mayo study ( I think they loop in Harvard also). From what I understand, they’re defining testing protocols. They’re exploring tests for multiple paths of systems- neurological, digestive, immune, cardio, etc. all those will move at different rates depending on progress. They can then define protocol and testing for clinical trials.

At my six month check in, they added a blood test for cortisol levels and an EKG. They’re also sending me for psych evaluation since the disease causes stress which can exacerbate the disease.

So I see things moving. I read an article saying the economic impact is lost productivity to long Covid with be $3 trillion dollars in the US for next year. I hope that leads to more research funding. I imagine most researchers and companies are focused on understanding new variants and vaccines- that’s where the money is at today.

I think of long Covid as the early stages of the AIDS epidemic when the medical community and people were just trying to understand what it is and how to identify it.

I believe, as a business person, that when long Covid is understood to be a real thing that can get an official diagnosis, doctors will be happy to treat people and companies will be happy to invest in R&D to treat it. It’s all a matter of resources and time.

That’s what gives me hope to fight every day. I believe science, AI, global organization, and our grass roots efforts will provide us relief.

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Yes, both anecdotally and from what I read; long covid being chronic is likely to represent both the significance of covid both medically and in terms of social impact. Not all (long covid) clinics are in "the loop" in terms of sharing and providing information re: symptoms, treatment, etc. IMO, they are still focusing on treatment and waiting to see if there is an end to this (long covid). assume as the variants represent less severe outcomes that is also represented by the number and severity of long covid. That does not help those who are suffering from the Omicron version of long covid. In searching for a new Primary, I asked them how familiar they are with both treating covid and long covid and how close they listened to what I considered to be factors that played the biggest role in determining my quality of life. One can be suffering from diabetes and high blood, but if they have other symptoms that more greatly impact their quality of life; you need a doc who recognizes and appreciates that by having the desire to stay on top of what is current.

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