Has anyone experienced Covid Gut? What helps?

Posted by robintromp @robintromp, Oct 14, 2022

I have been diagnosed with Long Covid Gut issues. Bloating started two weeks after I recovered from Covid and I am now in my ninth month. The GI doctors have tested me for everything and it all came back normal. Has anyone experience Covid Gut? If so, has anything helped or have things improved with time?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.


@chrisself and @lfrmn77, I moved your messages about long COVID and GI issues to this exisiting discussion:
- Has anyone experience Covid Gut? What helps? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/covid-gut/

I did this so you can read previous posts of members helping members and connect with others more easily. You may also be interested in this related discussion:

- Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/covid-recovery-and-gi-pain/

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Try taking OTC Imodium at noon each day to help with the bloating and
abdominal pain (spasms of the small intestines due to inflammation.) Also
eat one little container of Activia yogurt morning and night to build up
the healthy prebiotic in your get. This has worked for me after 6 weeks of
bloating, adb pain and watery diarrhea. Which started one month after a
mild covid attack. Doing much better now. Very little problems.


I had Covid in June 2022, moderate to severe symptoms, including a terrible cough and hoarseness. Since then I have had a dry lingering cough with hoarseness and my pre-existing GERD has been terrible. I am hoarse every other day, and cough through the night. Elevated my bed and trying prescription drug along with pre and probiotics. I had acid reflux before Covid but since having it, it’s become unmanageable.


Ive had long covid nausea and cramping since Dec 2021- non-stop.
Ive had a zillion tests- all normal. No nausea Rx seems to help, but Ativan helps maybe 10-15%,
enough to let me sleep at night from about 10pm to 5-6am when nausea builds up again.

Has anybody else had any luck with Rxs or even a cure?
Please let me know.
James W.


Same boat.
I had covid over Xmas. Months later, I’m now dealing w stomach issues of loss of appetite,rolling stomach EVERY DAY. I’m a male, weigh 190, earlier I lost 10 lbs!
That’s not good. I also may have had BRAIN FOG. I’m almost 60, and for a week or two thought I was starting dementia (?).
AND… lost my sense of smell to almost everything. But if they fix my stomach, I would be happy.
Just had blood work, stool sample…everything perfect.
Bleh…..so frustrating
***My symptoms also started 1 day after booster shot.
My wife believes this could all be in my head, lol.
Considering hypnosis, has anyone tried that?

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wow my story is almost the same!
I had 2 covid vacs then a Dec 1, 2021 booster (I think it caused this) !!!
Got covid over 2021 Xmas, now have nausea & cramps non-stop ever since.
The only Rx that helps (10-15%) is Ativan...enough to let me sleep at night.
Ive been with the Mayo post covid group since spring.......no help so far, but I am hopeful.

I also asked Mayo about hypnosis, but Mayo does not do hypnosis.
They referred me to a website, Psychology today.com. Have not called them yet.
Please let me know of anything else that may help.


I was never diagnosed with it, but I developed Covid in my GI tract back in February. I had already had debilitating GI issues before this, and life really has never been the same after having Covid.


Same boat.
I had covid over Xmas. Months later, I’m now dealing w stomach issues of loss of appetite,rolling stomach EVERY DAY. I’m a male, weigh 190, earlier I lost 10 lbs!
That’s not good. I also may have had BRAIN FOG. I’m almost 60, and for a week or two thought I was starting dementia (?).
AND… lost my sense of smell to almost everything. But if they fix my stomach, I would be happy.
Just had blood work, stool sample…everything perfect.
Bleh…..so frustrating
***My symptoms also started 1 day after booster shot.
My wife believes this could all be in my head, lol.
Considering hypnosis, has anyone tried that?

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Hi. I've had severe back pain, rib cage pain, and neck pain since day after booster. Gets better then worse for 2 years. Told it's coincidence. Is the vaccine fighting something people naturally have in their body. A diary of food has helped a lifetime of migraines. But migraines were 95 0/0 cured when a upper tooth with a botched infected tooth was removed after 25+ years.
AND my long distance vision was restored to perfect. Another coincidence. Possibly a food diary might help. Maybe look for a local long covid study in your area. Sorry, trying to help, not vent. Believe your body. Question? What is rolling stomach?
Thank you for posting. Important! Good luck.


Ive had long covid nausea and cramping since Dec 2021- non-stop.
Ive had a zillion tests- all normal. No nausea Rx seems to help, but Ativan helps maybe 10-15%,
enough to let me sleep at night from about 10pm to 5-6am when nausea builds up again.

Has anybody else had any luck with Rxs or even a cure?
Please let me know.
James W.

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When my post vaccine sensitive stomach issues exceed my abilty to tolerate or relieve the discomfort, I go on a food holiday. For my worst days I am just consumng distilled water, which I had to do for three consecutive days when my food sensitivities in a gluten-dairy free diet shut down my kidneys and worsened my chronic constipation. Both kidneys and liver were functional after the water fast. For moderate senstivities, I stop regular food (gluten-dairy free), simplify diet, Strangrly organic coconut and raw organic cashews worked as interim foods and lowered discomfort.


used to have big problems with the gut, learned to take a good shot of LIME into some cold water in the am and pm. It helped, and I do not get GERD anymore. I don't know if this is a cure. but it sure helps...Margaret O


I was never diagnosed with it, but I developed Covid in my GI tract back in February. I had already had debilitating GI issues before this, and life really has never been the same after having Covid.

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Don't know if it will help but my gastrologist recommended VSL#3 - it's an over-the-counter probiotic but it must be kept refrigerated so you will not find it on the shelf so your pharmacist might have it stored behind the counter or might have to order it. Little pricey - $70 for 60 pills but after 2 pills a day for two weeks my GI problems improved 80%. I still had problems but not so severe that they completely ruined my daily life. Currently on a 1 pill a day maintenance program and can now see if I can get something to work on the nerve - pain problems my new most destructive symptoms. Who knows, might eventually get to the brain and heart.


I had covid Dec 2021 with nausea and diarrhea. These symptoms are still present almost 1 year later. Diarrhea 5 times minimum a day still. Had all the tests. Dx w a parasite (antibiotics, no help), SIBO (MORE ANTIBIOTICS no help) and latest is C Diff, (antibiotics no help) I feel like someone is trying to carve my stomach out like a pumpkin. Enzymes, bentyl, no help. All food irritates it. Have lost almost 60pds and still losing. Does anything help calm down the churning, bloating and diarrhea besides not eating or marijuana. That's offering little relief at this point. I feel like my Dr's don't have a clue.

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