waiting for natural speedy death - life ruined by ssri and benzos

Posted by mojojojo84 @mojojojo84, Nov 2, 2022

I took short bout of SSRI and benzo in May due to anxiety. I experienced bad physical side effects - increased palpitations, anxiety, nausea and decided to quit CT. I immediately experienced insomnia upon CT and couldn't sleep till now. Even if i do managed to sleep (broken 1 -2 hours), it will be like light sleep, with many images and sight.
I used to be able to sleep like a baby before these drugs, I could nap in the afternoon and evening. These days, even several drowsy antihistamine couldn't give me the sleepy feeling etc. My eyes are totally dried and vision is getting poor.

Because of prolonged insomnia, I've begun to experience daily 24/7 head tension and pressure, I couldn't go out for days and weeks and would feel giddy and extreme pain when I'm out. Hence, I'm bedridden and homebound most of the time. I am very anxious when I go out and the brain said please remember everything you see and will flash those images of people i walked past, seen or heard randomly. Due to prolonged insomnia, I don't know how to sleep, my ideal of sleep is just shutting my eyes and then the brain will "entertain" me with images, music. I have a singing brain too with 24/7 earworm of various songs. Example, if i see the word "jump", my brain will start singing madonna 's jump song

My brain has also been very warped, creating visual images of everything and leaking these images or past suppressed memories from my subconscious to me. Hence, I need to be constantly distracted with a hp/monitor.

I have attempted suicide by overdosing many times as my life is entirely ruined by these drugs. I couldn't step out of the flat, not to mention work. Z sleeping drugs could only work for once or twice by giving me 4 hours of sleep then it stopped working .

My life is ruined . Psychiatrists, counsellors i went to just simply dismissed by symptoms as anxiety. Neurologist refused to lay a finger on me - preferring to refer me to the psychiatrist for insomnia and symptomatic treatment. I have been to the ERs several times due to head tension and pressure and all scans are clear. I cannot imagine living like that for the rest of my life. It's been 6 months of endless, daily suffering and torture. I am only in my 30s, I long to work, have kids and live life to the fullest but now, everyday I am only praying for speedy natural death and god's mercy.

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Can I ask how pristiq helped? I'm really struggling and am not against medication. I've been on effexor 75 mg for 11 years (I think I started higher but 75 mg worked for most of that time). I don’t remember any side effects to speak of. This summer I thought I could go down to 37.5 (tapered). I'm back at 75 and not doing well. It's been 6 weeks. I tried to increase by 37.5 (on pharmacist ok). The 4th day I felt great but on the 5th day the shaking, muscle tension, anxiety, strange thoughts started (they seemed to come from my upper back and neck). I don’t have a dr so I'll head back to emerg. I know medication can help and if I can get to feeling better, I won't try to get off. I think I'm just looking for encouragement.

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Brought me back to my normal self. It took about 30 days before I felt 100% but it was well worth it. I can sleep now I can laugh again. My family doesn’t think I’m pissed off all the time much better frame of mind and I’m going through menopause as well. Best one I’ve had yet and I’ve had several.


Do you sleep at all?

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My personality is back I’m happy I can fall asleep all night until my alarm goes off and then I’m ready to get up and start the day with a good frame of mind


Has anyone tried TMS , transcrainial magnetic stimulation, for depression? I have appointment next week for consultation. Praying… bcool123


I had TMS 2 times. the first time it lasted about 4 months and I felt wonderful and happy, my soul came back. Then depression and anxiety came back. I did TMS again. For me, It did not work a second time.
I was back on Meds then I found out about Spravato(Esketamine) I did 7 sessions and stopped. It did not work for me either. Now I'm back trying Meds. I hope TMS will help you even if only for a short time it's worth it. Good luck.


I had TMS 2 times. the first time it lasted about 4 months and I felt wonderful and happy, my soul came back. Then depression and anxiety came back. I did TMS again. For me, It did not work a second time.
I was back on Meds then I found out about Spravato(Esketamine) I did 7 sessions and stopped. It did not work for me either. Now I'm back trying Meds. I hope TMS will help you even if only for a short time it's worth it. Good luck.

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Try to do the rTMS . That should be better than TMS. It's supposed to be more precise and stronger.


Try to do the rTMS . That should be better than TMS. It's supposed to be more precise and stronger.

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I agree with the above, DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE !
I thought about doing it, but my neighbor who was a nurse talked me out of it.
this was 2 years ago.


Brought me back to my normal self. It took about 30 days before I felt 100% but it was well worth it. I can sleep now I can laugh again. My family doesn’t think I’m pissed off all the time much better frame of mind and I’m going through menopause as well. Best one I’ve had yet and I’ve had several.

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Thanks for replying. Increasing effexor to 112.5 helped for 4 days and then felt worse. Saw a dr at a clinic who recommended switching to Cipralex. I wonder if I should have increased effexor to 150 first but I'll try what they suggested. Maybe it was time for a change. It's a very frustrating process but having been better in the past, I'm hopeful.


Can you tell us what SSRI you were on? Which benzo and the dosage? How long did you take these meds exactly?

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