Muscle Spams and Neuropathy

Posted by jeanniem @jeanniem, Jun 10, 2021

I was diagnosed last year with small and large fiber neuropathy. Originally, the neurologist said that he thought it was a slow-moving peripheral neuropathy. Since then, it has been suggested that this is an atypical polyneuropathy. And things are advancing at a pretty regular basis.

One symptom that has increased significantly over the last couple of months is muscle spasms. I am having them in my lower leg and foot and there is one spasm in particular that just won't stop. It is beginning to last longer and longer. For those of you that have neuropathy, is this a common symptom?

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I was diagnosed with CRPS 19 years ago and over the years my muscle spasms have gotten worse and my pain doctor gave me Baclofin 10 mg. 2 tab. 2x a day. I also use topically OTC Theraworx Foam. This works for a short time till the meds take hold of me. I have had 1 surgery since diagnosed and it was a hip replacement and now have spasms there too very painful. Hope this helps. Maureen


Diagnosed with SFN . Muscle spasms and cramps in legs. I drink 1/2 gallon water a day, Dr's orders so I know that I stay hydrated. Has anyone else felt like they are walking on rocks ? Or that they feel like their feet are three inches above the floor when they try to walk ?


I’ve struggled with RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) and what feels like burning soles of my feet, diagnosed as ‘Neuropathy’ for many years. I take Ropinerol and Gabapentin for both respectively. Since having the two initial Covid vaccinations and 1 booster, both RLS & neuropathy have worsened. I now have moderate shacking hands most days and tingling, jumpy hands at night. Never thought the worsening could be caused by Covid vaccination. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully these will wear off eventually like the vaccination serum.


Diagnosed with SFN . Muscle spasms and cramps in legs. I drink 1/2 gallon water a day, Dr's orders so I know that I stay hydrated. Has anyone else felt like they are walking on rocks ? Or that they feel like their feet are three inches above the floor when they try to walk ?

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Hi deb1972, I'm Johnmacc. I too feel like I'm walking on pebbles and rocks. I also feel like my feet are being squeezed in a vise on top and on the bottom of my feet. I've been told I have PN but I'm seeking new neurologist and additional test for clarity. No cramps so far. Do you take and meds?


I’ve struggled with RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) and what feels like burning soles of my feet, diagnosed as ‘Neuropathy’ for many years. I take Ropinerol and Gabapentin for both respectively. Since having the two initial Covid vaccinations and 1 booster, both RLS & neuropathy have worsened. I now have moderate shacking hands most days and tingling, jumpy hands at night. Never thought the worsening could be caused by Covid vaccination. Thanks for sharing. Hopefully these will wear off eventually like the vaccination serum.

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That happened to me as well! Each time after the vaccination (with Moderna in my case) after about a week my legs got really stiff, the neuropathy went through the roof and my legs spasmed much more than usual at night. This lasted about 5 to 6 weeks and then it calmed down again (but not totally). Had my 2nd booster half October, so I'm now experiencing it again. Not too happy about it, but the side effects of Covid seem a lot worse to me, so I just grin and sit it out.


Hi ~~ I have had muscle spasms in both legs for a year now with no apparent cause...have MGUS...just monitoring...have had CT scans, etc. which come back as normal...been to every dr, one can think of...taking Tiz and Soma at night...small there anyone on the board that can share what they do and/or have done to stop these nightly spasms...walking, baths, massage, etc. have not been of any help...thank you for your insight...very much appreciated !!!


Hi ~~ I have had muscle spasms in both legs for a year now with no apparent cause...have MGUS...just monitoring...have had CT scans, etc. which come back as normal...been to every dr, one can think of...taking Tiz and Soma at night...small there anyone on the board that can share what they do and/or have done to stop these nightly spasms...walking, baths, massage, etc. have not been of any help...thank you for your insight...very much appreciated !!!

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Thank you....hug being sent back.... 🙂


Hi ~~ I have had muscle spasms in both legs for a year now with no apparent cause...have MGUS...just monitoring...have had CT scans, etc. which come back as normal...been to every dr, one can think of...taking Tiz and Soma at night...small there anyone on the board that can share what they do and/or have done to stop these nightly spasms...walking, baths, massage, etc. have not been of any help...thank you for your insight...very much appreciated !!!

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Maybe check your electrolytes. When I started electrolyte replacement, spasms stopped.


Hi ~~ I have had muscle spasms in both legs for a year now with no apparent cause...have MGUS...just monitoring...have had CT scans, etc. which come back as normal...been to every dr, one can think of...taking Tiz and Soma at night...small there anyone on the board that can share what they do and/or have done to stop these nightly spasms...walking, baths, massage, etc. have not been of any help...thank you for your insight...very much appreciated !!!

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Hi I have them also and they feel like a prickly spasm feeling. Medical professionals tell me more exercise however they does not help. Reclining does


Maybe check your electrolytes. When I started electrolyte replacement, spasms stopped.

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Thank you...shall mention that to the dr....have to have more blood work done and see if that can be included.

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