What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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Want to add one thought: The walking is surely helping with all areas. I couldn't walk well or far for several years until I started the water therapy. That strenthened my whole body, inside and out I suppose. My conditioning has now gotten to the point I can do the walking I need, like when I'm at Mayo....walking the connected buildings. It's a real jump forward for me to be 'mall walking'. Guess that is a good indication the combination of all the above....like Sue listed.....works together to help us get stronger and healthier. Now, understand, I will usually have a dip in my condition, from a fall or something that gets me back on the roller-coaster with this health. But, I'm stronger!!! Fewer falls since on Requip! I also have had bloodwork ckg my D3, B's, Magnesium, zinc...and hormones! Thyroid is so important, affects all my systems. I understand it is often lower as we age. Happened to me. Now, just HAVE to stay on top of the numbers. Just some thoughts...Elizabeth

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Could you please tell me what Requip is? Thanks!


Could you please tell me what Requip is? Thanks!

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@bayhorse, and all...Requip is a frequently used Parkinson's medication for dopamine increase and use in the brain. It is prescribed by my sleep doc at Mayo for serious sleep apnea. I use bi-pap nightly that's saving my life and the Requip helps a bunch. It's for Restless Leg Syndrome and Parkinson's symptoms. RLS is very disruptive and painful, keeping me from sleeping or resting. This medication has made a huge difference. I still have leg issues, discomfort, movement, pain, cramping, burning, etc. I'm really thankful for Requip, that my sleep doctor realized I needed this medication. It helps with my legs 24/7, I can walk better, lift my legs, and generally move better.

I'm having increased arthritic pain, and more limited use of my wrists and hands, knees and hips, and feet are all screaming. But, I still find the heated therapy pool 2X weekly is the best help, with the additional supplements and walking we've discussed.

I'm getting new bloodwork this week and will have new information about levels. Hope to see the results are holding and supplements helping.
Bless you all on your journey through this health maze. It's a struggle for many but we're helping each other with good patient information. elizabeth


I am on Forteo for 1 year bad -3.2 no side affects wating for another scan i had a gastronomy at 26 years old i think that is why i have the osteoporosis i am 73 with a very bad t12 fracture i herd laser light therapy is good for osteoporosis is it true but how much?


I am on Forteo for 1 year bad -3.2 no side affects wating for another scan i had a gastronomy at 26 years old i think that is why i have the osteoporosis i am 73 with a very bad t12 fracture i herd laser light therapy is good for osteoporosis is it true but how much?

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Never heard of laser light will check into it, maybe call a therapist and ask them. Can look up Mira Calton check out NATURAL with no side effects check her out and see. She reversed advanced Osteo naturally. Hope this helps and encourages you … pass it on. I’m starting this week I am severe 70 and n bed broken bones back and ribs… about 11 months of this…


Never heard of laser light will check into it, maybe call a therapist and ask them. Can look up Mira Calton check out NATURAL with no side effects check her out and see. She reversed advanced Osteo naturally. Hope this helps and encourages you … pass it on. I’m starting this week I am severe 70 and n bed broken bones back and ribs… about 11 months of this…

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Do you personally know anyone who had their osteoporosis reversed following Mira Colton’s advice? I’ve come across so many promises but no proof.


Never heard of laser light will check into it, maybe call a therapist and ask them. Can look up Mira Calton check out NATURAL with no side effects check her out and see. She reversed advanced Osteo naturally. Hope this helps and encourages you … pass it on. I’m starting this week I am severe 70 and n bed broken bones back and ribs… about 11 months of this…

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I have a severe T12 fracture in a lot of pain tried it 2 x great for inflammation makes you sleep like you never have and gives plenty of vitamin d which we need for ostio


i had a t-12 fracture and my dr told me to take MSM 3X A DAY 3 SCOUPS WILL HELP THE INFLAMMATION it takes 30 days to kick in Wonderfull


I have a severe T12 fracture in a lot of pain tried it 2 x great for inflammation makes you sleep like you never have and gives plenty of vitamin d which we need for ostio

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I have been looking into laser light to purchase one. Do you have the full board that you stand in front of? What would you recommend?


I have been looking into laser light to purchase one. Do you have the full board that you stand in front of? What would you recommend?

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don't have one but looking into it do you have a recommendation i have tried theralight Excellent but too professional and expensive for me


15 minuets in it and it does your full body feels GREAT GREAT

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