What do you take for nausea?
Hi all,
I am a two year post kidney transplant patient. Of course our immune suppression meds are critically important. I am always super concerned when I get nauseous because I don't want any problems with taking my meds on time (and keeping them down). Has anyone had to deal with or treat nausea? If so, please let me know what you took.
Many thanks!
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@hello1234 Nausea is simply a tough thing, regardless where you are on your health journey.
While I am not a transplant patient, my system is compromised by chemo, kidney issues, and various autoimmune conditions. When nausea rears its head, I turn to tea. Peppermint, chamomile, or ginger. And plain water, simple foods. Few processed items, little sugar. No stressful things, try to relax and nap. My oncologist prescribed a heavy duty anti-nausea med that shuts my gut down. Too much for me!
In other posts you mention your BK virus concerns, so figuring how to destress may also help. Meditation, gentle exercise, journaling.
Do any of these sound doable?
Hi @gingerw 😊
It's so great to hear from you this morning! You always have such wonderful advice. You are totally correct that it's my off-the-scale stress level that is making me nauseous. Matter of fact, I was in the shower last night and I actually said to myself that "life was making me nauseous". I need to calm down. After my transplant I came down with CMV, then BK (which I have now), then covid (which I have now). I also have my elderly parents living with me. Mom is on dialysis. Now they both have covid. I feel terrible about them being sick and have my myself worried every minute. Checking on them in the middle of the night. You nailed it Ginger! I need to make myself a hot cup of tea and relax myself for a moment before I give myself more symptom, like nausea, to deal with. Also, thanks for giving me a heads up about the nausea medication. It sounds like de-stressing is definitely the preferred solution.
Thank you again Ginger for jumping in to help me. Your advice really hit home ❤
Good Morning @hello1234
Wow, I sure admire you, taking care of your elderly parents! You have a lot on your plate!
Did the nausea just start after being diagnosed with Covid? Maybe it is related to Covid? I have had some nausea issues prior and post transplant. Sometimes it helps to eat a little something if I have an empty stomach, especially if I have taken my meds. Even drinking something other than water can help like cold 7-Up. Like @gingerw stated, I have experienced that Ondansetron or Zofran can shut down your gut. I still may take this very occasionally like when I need to be fasting for a long time like at Mayo on the day of my labs and kidney biopsy. In the 1st month after transplant when my tx meds were a higher dosage the Ondansetron didn’t completely shut things down, and I took it sometimes on days I needed labs drawn. Like you, I worry about keeping my tx meds down. Can you get any help taking care of your parents so you can rest considering you are recovering from Covid yourself? Did they get the monoclonal antibodies, too?
My doctor prescribed Metoclopramide. At first I had to take it before every meal (nausea was bad). Now I only take it when nauseous. If the tea doesn't work, you might want to talk to your doctor if it is a recurring thing.
Sounds like u r getting some good advice, I sure hope u get to feeling better, I understand about taking care of your elderly parents to. I myself am 2yrs. Post LT.
Try and take care of u..
Hi @jennifer0726 @chickytina @gingerw @myfablife 😊
Thank you all for letting me know the medication names you have taken for nausea and how you take them. I think I will ask the doc for a prescription just so I have it in my medicine chest as "insurance".
I think this latest nausea is combination of my covid symptoms married with tremendous pressure on myself to make sure everyone is okay. I tried to get my parents the monoclonal antibodies yesterday, but my local hospital ER said it's only done Monday through Friday. Can you imagine that a hospital would not give a 94 year old covid patient an antibodies infusion "over the weekend"? Tomorrow I am going to try to get the infusion for them but I think it has to be given in a limited amount of time.
Now do you see why I am nauseous? Medicine only available Monday through Friday at an ER?
I love you guys for always jumping in to help. You definitely make me feel better and put a smile on my face! I am starting to de-stress just sharing my thoughts with you. (and the hot tea is helping!)
Thank you ❤
@jennifer0726 Yes, it is Ondansetron that really is too strong for me! I often suffer with nausea and GI issues related to my chemo meds and kidney issues. It's a balancing act what I do/eat to combat that.
I take Ondesetron (sp?) as needed for nausea. It works great for me. Now if the docs could find something to stop the horrific itching I have. I’m four months post liver transplant.
Hi @crystalfaye 😊
Thanks so letting me know the med works great for you! Congrats on your new liver!! I have to say when I first got my kidney transplant I also felt itchy. My nurse told me to take some Benedryl. After a couple of months, the itchy feeling slowly went away. I assumed it was my body getting used to the high dose meds. What did your nurse coordinator say to do? ❤
I use lavender and lemon essential oils on cotton swabs in pill bottle to sniff when feeling naseaus I used it after transplant
Hope it helps. 🙏