PET shows hypermetabolic activity: What does it all mean?

Posted by oakhillbull @oakhillbull, May 1, 2019

I am new to this site looking for information I received yesterday from my oncologist.
I have been on Ibrance/Letrozole for 3 years 2 months. Have bone Mets spine and ribs. I had a PET scan last week and it showed no hypermetabolic activity. Onocoligist stayed a lot us not known about scarring over. We decided to stay on the Ibrance/letrozole and watch. I don’t understand scarring over. What happens under the scars? Am I cured? I was told when diagnosed I would never be cured. I’m just so confused and today looking for more information when this occurs. Has anyone had this happen to them? Thanks for anything you can tell me.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


@dwin100037, just checking in. Did you get clarity on you mother's diagnosis from the conference call with the physician team? Does your mom have cancer?

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My mom had an appt today with her oncologist now he is telling her she may have brain cancer .... he is sending her for an emergency MRI tomorrow...why would a physician put that out there before he even has information to back that up..... I'm really not understanding how this works I guess PET scan shows one spot on lung, biopsy showed all benign prior to scan. Now brain cancer? It is possible to have brain cancer and a 2.5cm mass in your lung without it being other places in your body?


My mom had an appt today with her oncologist now he is telling her she may have brain cancer .... he is sending her for an emergency MRI tomorrow...why would a physician put that out there before he even has information to back that up..... I'm really not understanding how this works I guess PET scan shows one spot on lung, biopsy showed all benign prior to scan. Now brain cancer? It is possible to have brain cancer and a 2.5cm mass in your lung without it being other places in your body?

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What a roller coaster you and your mom are on. Hope the MRI does not show cancer.


What a roller coaster you and your mom are on. Hope the MRI does not show cancer.

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Me too! Thank I will update as soon as we know.


My doctor wants to do a biopsy in breast area after my pet scan show new hypermetabolic in my lymph nodes in neck. So confused


Hi...not sure where to post this question. I had stage 2a lung cancer and a lobectomy of the upper left quadrant. 4 rounds of chemo ended Aug of 2022.
Just had PET after 18 months (original was right before lobectomy) and comment on test said "noted new focus on hypermetabolism involving the vulva/vaginal canal. What does that mean? Seeing GY next Tuesday but hoped to see if anyone knows of this?


My doctor wants to do a biopsy in breast area after my pet scan show new hypermetabolic in my lymph nodes in neck. So confused

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@penbaby, did your doctor explain why the biopsy was taken of the breast tissue? Was there a lump in the breast? Did you get the results yet?


Hi...not sure where to post this question. I had stage 2a lung cancer and a lobectomy of the upper left quadrant. 4 rounds of chemo ended Aug of 2022.
Just had PET after 18 months (original was right before lobectomy) and comment on test said "noted new focus on hypermetabolism involving the vulva/vaginal canal. What does that mean? Seeing GY next Tuesday but hoped to see if anyone knows of this?

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Hi @mcrowe2360, you may wish to join the discussions in the Lung Cancer group here:

I will be interested to hear what you learn at your appointment on Tuesday with the GYN. Just keep in mind that not everything that is hypermetabolic is cancer.


I has a pet scan on Thursday and the results showed a hypermetabolic internal mammary node and some chest wall activity, suspicious for recurrence. What does this all mean.


I has a pet scan on Thursday and the results showed a hypermetabolic internal mammary node and some chest wall activity, suspicious for recurrence. What does this all mean.

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tiesh1984 @tiesh1984

Welcome to Mayo Connect. Members of Connect are here to help provide support and advice, but can not interpret medical tests.

The meaning of PET results are best left to the ordering provider.

Do you have an appointment scheduled to go over the results?

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