Large hematoma in the pocket where a pacemaker is

Posted by smileshi @smileshi, Oct 17, 2022

My father had a pacemaker inserted for his heart on Oct. 14. It took longer due to trouble getting the second lead wire placed on the left side of the heart(had to reroute twice)Pacemaker manufacturer was
Boston Technologies, and they set the devices' pace and operation.
The next day, he had some pain and needed to get more rest. Two days later he almost passed out. He is back in hospital and very swollen in the chest. They are stopping his blood thinners and believe he has a large hematoma in the pocket where the pacemaker is. He may have to go into surgery to remove large amt. of blood before it causes an infection around the pacemaker. He is 83 and I am concerned how serious this is since not very common I understand from my research. Any help?

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Sorry to hear that he is having some issues with the pocket, I had a pacemaker for about 10 years and didn't have that particular issue. But wanted to at least say the fact they are looking into it, and being in the hospital should be beneficial to keep a close eye on it as they solve the issue. I'm not a doctor but from my experience and the fact he was on blood thinners may have slowed the healing process. I remember with mine there was strick instructions to not get the area too wet, no showers for the first 6 weeks, baths only. No lifting my arms over my head ,and as it sounds like was done, report any unusual swelling.
You mentioned Boston Technology and I'm wondering if that was the same company mine was , when mine was installed it was Boston Scientific. Great pacemaker and never had any issues with mine from an operational standpoint pluss the tech that programmed it were very knowledgeable.
So, Please let me know if I can help further? I ended up myself needing a heart transplant as my heart got worse but not because of the pacemaker. Mine saved my life many times.


Sorry to hear that he is having some issues with the pocket, I had a pacemaker for about 10 years and didn't have that particular issue. But wanted to at least say the fact they are looking into it, and being in the hospital should be beneficial to keep a close eye on it as they solve the issue. I'm not a doctor but from my experience and the fact he was on blood thinners may have slowed the healing process. I remember with mine there was strick instructions to not get the area too wet, no showers for the first 6 weeks, baths only. No lifting my arms over my head ,and as it sounds like was done, report any unusual swelling.
You mentioned Boston Technology and I'm wondering if that was the same company mine was , when mine was installed it was Boston Scientific. Great pacemaker and never had any issues with mine from an operational standpoint pluss the tech that programmed it were very knowledgeable.
So, Please let me know if I can help further? I ended up myself needing a heart transplant as my heart got worse but not because of the pacemaker. Mine saved my life many times.

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Thank you Dana,
My father has been resting for two days and hemoglobin levels are stable and hoping the bleeding is slowing. The doctor opened bandage to check for seeping and things are looking good. The hematoma is still large and it will take some time for it to disperse. The plan is not to open him back up for risk of infection and another bleed. So we wait and keep him comfortable.
My sister, my daughter , grandchildren, and myself sent a few pictures to our Mother and other sister to show our Dad our birthday wishes for him today. Miss him very much. He is a wonderful, caring, man and has been a barber for 60 plus years. He was a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne and a father of six children until one of his son's died of bone cancer 2014. He and Mom have always been a great team and with a work hard, play hard, loving attitude.
I will let you know how things progress. Thank you ever so much for your concern. Have a wonderful evening Dana.

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