What helps improve osteoporosis without medication?

Posted by imatine @imatine, Dec 4, 2020

Hello, did anyone here try to heal from osteoporosis away from all the prescribed medications we all know of? Did you try following a specific diet? Excercise? Meditation, etc. ? Thank you

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@sheilad1 and all...Hello, Sheila. No, I go 2X weekly for prescribed pool PT. I go to a physical therapy pool, with a 95-degree temp water temperature that the neurologist I see for tremors, etc prescribed for the rest of my life. He said that is the exercise I should be doing for my entire body, mind, and spirit. He's absolutely right!

I walk as I can with my walker in a controlled atmosphere for comfort and at Mayo between 3 buildings...so beautiful and lovely surrounded by nature on one side out the full wall windows and lovely artwork on the other, with smiling, kind faces walking through the corridors. That's my exercise routine. The pool addresses so much that needs attention...my muscles, bones, strengthening my entire body. I use ankle weights, a waist floating devise, and in the deep water, I hang letting my ankles pull my legs and help straighten my spine, improve posture, gently stretch the muscles and helps them relax. Important as this is the only time they relax, don't hurt or feel tight or achey or whatever. I sometimes do marching, walking forward/backward, sideways, and other general exercises. Not so much those anymore other than added to the relaxation things. Seems like that's what really helps me most, with all the junk going on in our lives, to have true relaxation of my body and mind. It's wonderful for me. Has changed my life, eased a lot of pain, and relaxed my mind as well. I so very much thank that wonderful doctor.

This general gentle physical conditioning has changed my life. Given me new and more life. Land-based exercises tend to increase my pain and cause overuse. The water is a gentle touch plus lovely warmth. A good combination for my good health. I wish you well on your journey...Be blessed, elizabeth

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Thank you for the detailed response Elizabeth. I love pool exercises or should I say my body loves pool exercises. I’ll have to try the hanging one.
Thanks again and good luck on your journey.


I started a discussion for resources for learning about bone health and posted a link to this video from U. Calif. which, I think, is excellent.

Boosting Bone Health to Prevent Injury and Speed Healing - Research on Aging

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Thanks for sorting this video, very informative


I started a discussion for resources for learning about bone health and posted a link to this video from U. Calif. which, I think, is excellent.

Boosting Bone Health to Prevent Injury and Speed Healing - Research on Aging

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Excellent resource for understanding our bones and how to help protect them.


I recently consulted with Keith McCormick DC. He was diagnosed with osteoporosis at 45 and cured himself naturally. He need 4 tests done first. C-telopeptide (CTX)
24-hour urine calcium
Primarily because my CTX was good he said CTX is a measure of how much collagen is in your blood from being broken down by osteoclasts. Your number shows that the osteoclasts are not breaking down too much bone. I’m taking another dexa scan after 1 year not 2 (my doc wrote medically necessary so insurance should cover it. If not I’ll pay. If he’s right my score should be similar and I wouldn’t need meds. I will consult with Mikah Yu MD a lifestyle Rheumotologist about this. I had spoken to him and he said he treats patients in his office (California) naturally but wouldn’t do it over zoom especially at my age but offered to review anything I come up with. He told me about McCormick but said he didn’t know enough to recommend him but said I might want to check him out. Both of these docs are good resources. McCormick wrote a book about it. The Whole-Body Approach to Osteoporosis: How to Improve Bone Strength and Reduce Your Fracture Risk (The New Harbinger Whole-Body Healing Series) https://a.co/hbKCu9U


I recently consulted with Keith McCormick DC. He was diagnosed with osteoporosis at 45 and cured himself naturally. He need 4 tests done first. C-telopeptide (CTX)
24-hour urine calcium
Primarily because my CTX was good he said CTX is a measure of how much collagen is in your blood from being broken down by osteoclasts. Your number shows that the osteoclasts are not breaking down too much bone. I’m taking another dexa scan after 1 year not 2 (my doc wrote medically necessary so insurance should cover it. If not I’ll pay. If he’s right my score should be similar and I wouldn’t need meds. I will consult with Mikah Yu MD a lifestyle Rheumotologist about this. I had spoken to him and he said he treats patients in his office (California) naturally but wouldn’t do it over zoom especially at my age but offered to review anything I come up with. He told me about McCormick but said he didn’t know enough to recommend him but said I might want to check him out. Both of these docs are good resources. McCormick wrote a book about it. The Whole-Body Approach to Osteoporosis: How to Improve Bone Strength and Reduce Your Fracture Risk (The New Harbinger Whole-Body Healing Series) https://a.co/hbKCu9U

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@sheila1 ad1 I have also consulted with Keith McCormick and often recommend his book.

However, he did not entirely heal "naturally."

Keith McCormick TOOK MEDS and then followed a natural regimen to maintain.

He strongly recommended Tymlos for me. He is very pro-medication when the situation warrants it.


Hello I was Diagnosed with osteoporosis 11/2020. -3.2 in the spine. Took relaxophine as prescribed by my PCP, but have me constant headache after 2 weeks. I started using algaecal and strontium boost. After 2 years, my spine was -2.7. I have since stopped the strontium ( because of headache) . I also found a cheaper calcium with similar components ( bone restore by life extension). Will post results of another dexa scan by the end of the year.


Just wondering has anyone ever gotten totally better with a high test results of osteoporosis like mine( my test came back at 3.2) with any regiment ????


Just wondering has anyone ever gotten totally better with a high test results of osteoporosis like mine( my test came back at 3.2) with any regiment ????

I am 73 years old and a fracture t12 vertebra from the Osteoporosis


Just wondering has anyone ever gotten totally better with a high test results of osteoporosis like mine( my test came back at 3.2) with any regiment ????

I am 73 years old and a fracture t12 vertebra from the Osteoporosis

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@etartaglione, not without meds, I would think. If you already have a fracture, your fracture risk goes way up. Are you taking any meds?

@dulu strontium, if taken at a therapeutic dose (680mg/day) will make your bone density look better than it is on the DEXA. Strontium is heavier than calcium and throws off the scan results.


@sheila1 ad1 I have also consulted with Keith McCormick and often recommend his book.

However, he did not entirely heal "naturally."

Keith McCormick TOOK MEDS and then followed a natural regimen to maintain.

He strongly recommended Tymlos for me. He is very pro-medication when the situation warrants it.

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That’s good to hear.

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