What's the best way to get off Xanax if on it for years?

Posted by enrique5544 @enrique5544, Feb 6, 2022

Best method or treatment to eradicate this addiction

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According towhee I read that is a no no. I did not do that, actually I was scared and thought I might get some of the horrible previous withdrawals I went through. Today is the first day after almost 10 of taking benzodiazepines I have not taken any. I read day and night not knowing what to do and finally I started to taper down slowly each time for two weeks on each lower dose. I did not have any problems, much to my surprise. I could not have made the right decision if I had not researched, researched, and researched. I started at .50 and it took me almost 10 months, that's 1/2 a milligram. I am convinced that slow tapering is a winner in the end. My PSYCHIATRIST was not tapering, I was, and when I confronted her our last ZOOM I told her there was never a plan. Many references read when you start seeing someone for tapering you discuss the plan to get off the drug. I felt I had control of my life for the first time in a long time. Today was uneventful and way better than I expected, my hope this will encourage all that there is light at the end of the tunnel. My friend took me out to dinner to celebrate and I feel so good about myself tonight.

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I also found that slowing the taper (oxycodone) down worked well to reduce symptoms. The big deal is that you are going in the right direction! Hang in there.


I have been tapering off Lorazepam since June 2021 with Clonazepam and have a feeling the taper is so slow that I am getting use to the dose and need to taper up instead of down. Started at .50 and going in to my 9th month and am at .25.

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I too have been taking can't for year's. I am down to .25/ each night.
I tried to stop and slept ok the 1st night but 2nd & 3rd night were awful. I was basically awake all night.
How did you stop taking the last dose?
You can't taper any lower than .25?
Please let me know.


I am not a doctor but I am a nurse and have worked in addictions for many years.
Of all of the benzodiazepines Xanax is the hardest to come off. This class of medications is really only supposed to be used for a few weeks while a person learns coping skills. So sort of a bridge to get you to where you are managing your symptoms with behavioral skills. There are also antidepressants that are prescribed for anxiety in their higher doses. Again, a medication in the benzo family might be used as a bridge until the other medication is effective.
The benzodiazepine family of medications hits the same receptor cells as alcohol so it is advisable that you are not drinking while on the medication. And like severe alcohol withdrawal, if you have been taking xanax for many years, withdrawal can be life threatening. Going super slow off of xanax is very important and under the care of a provider. Sometimes we will convert a person to klonopin to taper because it is longer acting and smother to come off or sometimes will prescribe a medication like gabapentin or Depakote when you are coming off to protect from seizures.
Someone mentioned oxycodone. Coming off an opioid is very uncomfortable but is not life threatening.

It is good that you are tapering the xanax very slowly. When you get down to the end you could even take a dose every other day for a week. Keep in mind though that if you have been taking this for years, you may need to evaluate your sleep habits and work on sleep hygiene. This article has some great tips.
Even when you are completely off of benzo's, it may take your body a few months to adjust so be kind to yourself. Don't lay in bed awake because your body will start to associate the frustration of not being able to sleep with your bed. Get out of bed if you are not sleeping after 20 minutes and sit in the chair doing something boring until you feel drowsy and then try going back to sleep. If you're not asleep after 20 minutes, do it again. (Don't read a good book that you will get interested in. It has to be a quiet and boring activity. Don't do anything activating like clean the house). Repeat all night if you have to. Sometimes people will do this for several nights in a row until your body cooperates and remembers that the bed is for sleep.
Again, be kind to yourself. Nurture yourself and sleep well.


I am currently at .25 mg each evening. I have a lot of trouble sleeping without it. I take 20 of Lexapro for anxiety & .3 of Clonodine for restless legs. Plus 10 mg of melatonin. I would love to start cutting the .25 Xanax down & out. Then start working on the Lexapro. Advice?


I am not a doctor but I am a nurse and have worked in addictions for many years.
Of all of the benzodiazepines Xanax is the hardest to come off. This class of medications is really only supposed to be used for a few weeks while a person learns coping skills. So sort of a bridge to get you to where you are managing your symptoms with behavioral skills. There are also antidepressants that are prescribed for anxiety in their higher doses. Again, a medication in the benzo family might be used as a bridge until the other medication is effective.
The benzodiazepine family of medications hits the same receptor cells as alcohol so it is advisable that you are not drinking while on the medication. And like severe alcohol withdrawal, if you have been taking xanax for many years, withdrawal can be life threatening. Going super slow off of xanax is very important and under the care of a provider. Sometimes we will convert a person to klonopin to taper because it is longer acting and smother to come off or sometimes will prescribe a medication like gabapentin or Depakote when you are coming off to protect from seizures.
Someone mentioned oxycodone. Coming off an opioid is very uncomfortable but is not life threatening.

It is good that you are tapering the xanax very slowly. When you get down to the end you could even take a dose every other day for a week. Keep in mind though that if you have been taking this for years, you may need to evaluate your sleep habits and work on sleep hygiene. This article has some great tips.
Even when you are completely off of benzo's, it may take your body a few months to adjust so be kind to yourself. Don't lay in bed awake because your body will start to associate the frustration of not being able to sleep with your bed. Get out of bed if you are not sleeping after 20 minutes and sit in the chair doing something boring until you feel drowsy and then try going back to sleep. If you're not asleep after 20 minutes, do it again. (Don't read a good book that you will get interested in. It has to be a quiet and boring activity. Don't do anything activating like clean the house). Repeat all night if you have to. Sometimes people will do this for several nights in a row until your body cooperates and remembers that the bed is for sleep.
Again, be kind to yourself. Nurture yourself and sleep well.

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Very helpful ! I have taken .5 mg for several years one a night i went down to .25 about a month ago and wondering approx time to stay on that and then go down to what ?


I am currently at .25 mg each evening. I have a lot of trouble sleeping without it. I take 20 of Lexapro for anxiety & .3 of Clonodine for restless legs. Plus 10 mg of melatonin. I would love to start cutting the .25 Xanax down & out. Then start working on the Lexapro. Advice?

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Just out of curiosity, why do you want to cut the .25 mg. Xanax out?


I would like to eliminate it completely. Just want to be on fewer medications if possible. I have terrible
dry mouth 24/7. If I can eventually cut back the dosage on my Lexapro, I would like to do that too. May
help with my dry mouth too.


I would like to eliminate it completely. Just want to be on fewer medications if possible. I have terrible
dry mouth 24/7. If I can eventually cut back the dosage on my Lexapro, I would like to do that too. May
help with my dry mouth too.

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I want to cut back the amount of medication I take. I have terrible dry mouth issues 24/7.
I use the Xylimelts, which help a ton. But they are expensive and not covered by insurance.
I would love to eventually be off all my anxiety medications (that may not be possible).


Go off on you as my old Australian rugby friends would say,


Can’t type at 0430 hours Seattle. Should have read “good” on you.

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