Body vibrations when falling asleep or waking?

Posted by cricketlips @cricketlips, Jun 2, 2022

After many google searches for the reason I feel vibration in my head, shoulder and arm just before falling asleep and waking, I found nothing that satisfactorily explained it. Of course anxiety seems to be a common explanation but there was nothing specific enough to help me. I am currently reading Incognito by David Eagleman. It discusses the functioning of the brain as an organ. This morning, going through my routine to get ready for work, I thought of a way to understand the vibrations. Similar to the hypnic jerks we experience occasionally just before we fall asleep, I think the vibrations are intended to arouse me to stay vigilant. Which is the fight or flight mechanism in action. So there is the anxiety connection. Originating in the amygdala. I was thinking Parkinson's or MS but my symptoms don't indicate those conditions, thankfully. It seems counterintuitive to be anxious and sleeping at the same time but the brain can do that. The cerebral cortex sleeps but the life support systems of the brain must stay online, obviously. If you thought you were in danger, sleeping would put you at risk but at some point sleep becomes absolutely necessary. I think the vibrations I have been experiencing are caused by my sympathetic nervous system and not a neurologic disease. Thankfully !

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This is very comforting to know this type of thing is happening to others. I started experiencing these vibration sensations maybe 8 weeks ago. Never experienced this sensation before. I had the covid vaccines and 1 booster and also had Covid at the end of June this year. The first time it happened I thought it was heart palpitations or going into Atrial fibrillation it felt kind of like a fluttering. After having it happen a few more times I started checking my pulse to see if that was the issue but my pulse was normal. I work night shift so it only happens to me on my nights off. I think thats because when I work and sleep during days I take sleeping aids and maybe Im in a deeper sleep or fall asleep faster. It happens when Im falling asleep and right when Im waking up. At first I would only experience when laying on my side. After a while on my side and on my back….now I feel the sensation in any position I lay in. Also it increased in frequency it used to be once in a while and only one occurrence per night. I’m currently up right now @ 3:17 because it was happening every few minutes for the past hour. Its disturbing to me and I really dont like it. Does anyone have the urge to stretch after it happens? A few times my body got the immediate urge to stretch. Just feels good to know Im not alone even if there is no diagnosis. Is anyone thinking this might be related to something with the Covid vaccine or Covid?

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This started for me a couple months after having COVID but prior to receiving
any COVID vaccines.


Make sure you are taking a daily vitamin. It seems to help a bit with mine. I've also found that the more I partake in something that suppresses my central nervous system such as drinking alcohol or taking daily top dose of NSAIDS like Aleve, it happens more frequently.

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Oh wow thanks for that! Ill try taking the daily vitamins. I thought it was only happening when I was drinking alcohol like a glass of wine with dinner but it happens even if I don’t drink.


Yes! I have told three neurologists about this condition and not one of them had heard of it before. They knew about internal tremors which occur in the daytime, but they knew nothing about the type of internal body vibrations which happen when asleep/waking up/falling asleep exclusively. One of the neurologists said that this can be an early sign of Parkinson's disease, but that there are additional cause of internal tremors as well. If anyone here gets a firm diagnosis of the cause, please let us all know. Thank you. In the meantime, I have been watching out for diagnoses for this condition on two private facebook groups called Internal Tremors and Sleep Tremors/Internal Vibrations. One way, the scientific community will finally know what this medical condition is, I hope.


Yes! I have told three neurologists about this condition and not one of them had heard of it before. They knew about internal tremors which occur in the daytime, but they knew nothing about the type of internal body vibrations which happen when asleep/waking up/falling asleep exclusively. One of the neurologists said that this can be an early sign of Parkinson's disease, but that there are additional cause of internal tremors as well. If anyone here gets a firm diagnosis of the cause, please let us all know. Thank you. In the meantime, I have been watching out for diagnoses for this condition on two private facebook groups called Internal Tremors and Sleep Tremors/Internal Vibrations. One way, the scientific community will finally know what this medical condition is, I hope.

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I did read that some where else. But how sure can they be if they have never heard of this happening. I honestly think this is a pretty new thing since healthcare providers have never heard of it, ppl are just starting to talk about it and there’s not too much information on it. That too is making me wonder if this is a symptom related to having Covid or the vaccine. Its the only thing I see a lot of us in the discussion have in common. Thank you so much for sharing!


@johnbishop, @shaynonof3, @martinashton, and all... A voice from another corner of our world. I began having this shaking inside, internal upper abdomen vibrations, shaking I feel and others can feel if they touch the 2019 while in rehab recovering from a 4-day stay for severe edema and heart failure. It usually happened at this time after eating at the table with folks. I'd begin to get up...use my muscles to push the chair out... and bam! The diaphragm area began shaking inside. It actually felt similar at first to when I was pregnant and felt the baby moving. I'm 75, and no baby! Thankfully! But, very real tremors.

They continued, worsened and now, I have them throughout my body. I believe after the abdomen, I had them in my right hand and then both hands/arms, then the entire abdomen, legs, feet, and head. Now, I have full body tremors, almost 4 years later.

Now, these tremors occur on waking, most days., especially when I get up to go to the bathroom. Early morning is the worst. The entire body stretches in bed, pulling down my heels and then stretching the entire body, feels good and helps relieve the discomfort, but the tremors continue. I often end up in the fetal position, hugging my body to relax in a different position. It helps at times.

They're much worse now. Almost daily. I also now have PTSD nightmares and take Prozasin nightly to relieve them, which does reduce the severity of the horrors. The nightmares occur usually at 3-6 a.m., tremors are extreme and don't stop. I take my morning medications, including a 1/2 Xanax tablet, Robaxin muscle relaxant, and BP meds, thinking that should help. It may, but they continue. There are days I can't get up due to these tremors for several hours. I've spent a few days in bed unable to get control of my body enough to move well and be steady.

I take Requip for restless leg syndrome, a Parkinson's med and it helps my sleep tremendously. As does Iron w/C supplement and 2 Iron infusions last year. They've given me some life back with increased energy, better sleep, better balance, and outlook. But, the tremors are now worsening.

My sleep is improved, and my legs don't hurt, and ache as much as they did keeping me awake in pain often at night. Then, the days were tough. Now, with heated therapy pool PT and nightly marijuana tincture, I've improved in that area. But, the body tremors are worsening.

I'm leaning towards Parkinson's or some form of this disorder. I should revisit my wonderful Mayo Parkinson's specialist soon but have put it off due to other more vital life struggles taking the lead. A disabled son who's getting worse, hurricane as I live in Florida, and such. But, after this discussion and your input, I'm heading back to my doctor at Mayo for a talk. Perhaps I need some other meds, levodopa, or whatever. Not diagnosing, but beginning to see signs that need to be addressed.

I wish you all the best and pray you to find your answers. You're in the right place on Connect. This site has helped me tremendously through the individual personal support from folks with the same issues, sharing my experiences with others gave me such peace and strength. I thank everyone for your giving, your sharing, and your support.
Blessings to all...Elizabeth


Hey there, @edornton . I'm a 31 M, and I had a bad reaction to the Covid vaccine myself. I recieved my first dose in June, 2021. Within 24 hours I began experiencing severe spine pain, numbness over the whole of my right-upper back, and sharp chest pain which led me to go to the E.R. Since then, I've developed a long list of new symptoms, many of which are neurological. One of the neurological symptoms being the vibrating when falling asleep and waking up. I've been experiencing this symptom every day for atleast a year now. For me, it's a rapid, rhythmic pulsing sensation I feel going from in my head through my arms and legs.

I've been seeing a neurologist for about 9 months now. Based on some imaging, my neurologist identified that I have a high levels of neuro-inflammation in my brain. They didn't find any lesions or growths.

I imagine the vibrating is either due to the neuroinflammation; whether that be a disruption or damage to my nerves, brain, or maybe a disruption in dopamine production.

Under the guidance of my neurologist, I've been taking a pretty hefty list of supplements and medications to help reduce neuroinflammation. At this point, most of my symptoms have either disappeared or significantly improved. The vibrating when falling asleep/waking up still persists, along with severe brain fog 24/7, but hopefully it will all stop with time and as I continue to work to reduce inflammation in my body.

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Thanks for your post. I’m experiencing a similar sensation and I would be very interested to know what you are being recommended to take for supplements, if you are willing to share. I’m taking fish oil, phospholipids, and mucuna pruriens for the dopamine boost but I’m still experiencing this symptom some nights / mornings. Neuro tests normal so far but will have a brain mri in a couple of weeks. I’m very interested in anything to help reduce neuroinflammation which is what I believe is causing this. No family history of MS and no other symptoms of Parkinson’s or essential tremor.


Thanks for your post. I’m experiencing a similar sensation and I would be very interested to know what you are being recommended to take for supplements, if you are willing to share. I’m taking fish oil, phospholipids, and mucuna pruriens for the dopamine boost but I’m still experiencing this symptom some nights / mornings. Neuro tests normal so far but will have a brain mri in a couple of weeks. I’m very interested in anything to help reduce neuroinflammation which is what I believe is causing this. No family history of MS and no other symptoms of Parkinson’s or essential tremor.

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Welcome @rubyinparadise, While we wait for @vitaminnd to respond to your question on what supplements they are taking to reduce neuroinflammation, I thought I would share this article on the topic that you might find helpful.

"Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, and riboflavin are key dietary antioxidants which simultaneously protect against excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and neuroinflammation."
-- Micronutrients May Be a Unique Weapon Against the Neurotoxic Triad of Excitotoxicity, Oxidative Stress and Neuroinflammation: A Perspective:

Did your doctor or neurologist offer any suggestions on supplements?


Welcome @rubyinparadise, While we wait for @vitaminnd to respond to your question on what supplements they are taking to reduce neuroinflammation, I thought I would share this article on the topic that you might find helpful.

"Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, and riboflavin are key dietary antioxidants which simultaneously protect against excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and neuroinflammation."
-- Micronutrients May Be a Unique Weapon Against the Neurotoxic Triad of Excitotoxicity, Oxidative Stress and Neuroinflammation: A Perspective:

Did your doctor or neurologist offer any suggestions on supplements?

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Thanks John! I take those already and will certainly continue to do so.
I’m also going to do a heavy metals test and possibly try a heavy metal detox though I’ve had no known exposure.
Neurologist was largely unhelpful sadly. I’m seeing a second neuro soon though. My doctor was also not helpful but thankfully I also have a naturopath and she is very knowledgeable and most importantly, she actually listens and she believes me.


Thank you for your comments and information. I am curious as to how many of us started having this issue after either getting the vaccination or having Covid. Mine did start after my third Covid vaccination and I have not had Covid that I know of. But I am nervous about getting the new booster for fear it might worsen my vibrations. Thinking it might be good for me to get an antibody test to see if I have unknowingly had Covid if my doctor will do it. If it was a positive then I would feel it would more likely to have been the infection rather than the vaccination.


Thank you for your comments and information. I am curious as to how many of us started having this issue after either getting the vaccination or having Covid. Mine did start after my third Covid vaccination and I have not had Covid that I know of. But I am nervous about getting the new booster for fear it might worsen my vibrations. Thinking it might be good for me to get an antibody test to see if I have unknowingly had Covid if my doctor will do it. If it was a positive then I would feel it would more likely to have been the infection rather than the vaccination.

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It definitely feels that way. I had both vaccines and 1 booster and also Covid in June….I’m reluctant to get another booster as well. It started for me about 6-8 weeks after I had Covid.

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