Long Covid + getting more boosters- any reputable info out there?

Posted by ericy210 @ericy210, Sep 21, 2022

I had the two Moderna shots and one booster. Got Covid in May and have been suffering with neurological long Covid issues. Lots of neurological studies and appointments for me.
Now I wonder if I should get a new booster. Would it help? Is it safe? Will it help or worsen my condition?
Anybody seen any reputable studies or articles addressing this? I’ll be asking my own doctor too. Just don’t know what to do!

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My mom got covid in March 2020 and her dominant symptom was stomach issues which simply was not mentioned as a primary symptom. I got it too and I had irregular heartbeats and dizziness, w/out the other more recognized symptoms. What stomach/digestive issues do you now contend with?

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This is very common actually. There is a long-haulers Facebook group with over 90,000+ people in it from around the world, if you're interested in speaking to (thousands of) others. Digestive issues are very common. And many people have found good results.


I’ve been searching all over to address their question. Take these articles with a grain of salt. One cites “citizen scientists.” They suggest a booster may clear up residual Covid in long haulers. I’ll wait for something more clinical and official from a recognized medical entity, or what my doctors recommend for me.


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You may not agree with "citizen scientists" but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people getting really excellent results with "non-conventional" methods. All the best to you!


You may not agree with "citizen scientists" but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people getting really excellent results with "non-conventional" methods. All the best to you!

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Thanks! And no disrespect to the citizen scientists. They’re working hard to help us! Best to you also!


Just weighing in from my personal experience and viewpoint. I have had Covid 3 times (I’m 65). It wasn’t fun, but no hospitalization. I chose not to get the vaccines because they don’t prevent it, and I was more concerned with the lack of long term testing and side effects. If you are having side effects from the shots, I would not get boosters.

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I haven't heard or read of anyone having long-term side effects from COVID vaccines or boosters. My own experience is that after becoming infected with COVID in early 2020 (when the medical professionals testing consisted of asking "Have you been to China?"), I suffered what was initially called "False Dawn" (then changed to "Long Hauler" then "Long Covid" then "Post Acute Covid Syndrome" or "PACS"). Long Covid symptoms stayed with me until my second Moderna vaccine in March 2021. This 2nd Vaxx seemed to be the answer and I seemed "cured." LC came back when I went for the 1st booster and was given a 3rd Vaxx by accident in August 2021. It was a struggle again until I caught Covid for a second time in June 2022. Now LC is way worse. I hope that the Omicron booster helps me the way the 2nd vaxx did and plan to get it as soon as I am eligible (late-October 2022)


My hubby & his Dad have no had Covid, but they have the same digestive tract issues, since they had the shot. Everyone’s body handles things differently. His Dad had the booster, but still has same issue. My hubby decided not to do the booster. He probably figures, if he didn’t catch it from me, he likely won’t catch it. I’m happy it is working out well for you. Prayers & hugs.


I Had all the vaccines shot but still got Covid and a rebound 1, 1/2 months ago . I still have some lingering symptoms like little cough , fatigue . Wonder should i go ahead and get the new booster ?

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I have exactly the same like you and still looking for answer ( My wheezing , cough and short breath are now better ). it's lingering small cough and fatigue that bother me now


Has anyone gotten the new omicron booster that has been dealing with long covid symptoms? Had omicron breakthrough infection middle of August. Had all my boosters previous to that. Have somewhat minor lingering side effects and wonder if the new booster will affect my current symptoms? Don't need them to get worst! Don't have a healthcare professional.


Has anyone gotten the new omicron booster that has been dealing with long covid symptoms? Had omicron breakthrough infection middle of August. Had all my boosters previous to that. Have somewhat minor lingering side effects and wonder if the new booster will affect my current symptoms? Don't need them to get worst! Don't have a healthcare professional.

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Jean, I moved your question about getting the bivalent booster when you have long COVID to this existing discussion so you can connect with others:
- Long Covid + getting more boosters- any reputable info out there? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/long-covid-getting-more-boosters-any-reputable-info-out-there/

The bivalent vaccine contains two components of SARS-CoV-2 virus, one of the original strain of SARS-CoV-2 and the other one of the BA.4 and BA.5 lineages of the omicron variant.


I got the new booster this past
Monday. So far, I haven’t had any changes. Hoping it stays that way! Don’t want any to come back or get worse! Still dealing with the dizziness. Was hoping by some small miracle that the booster would help with the dizziness.


I have long covid since 4-21 with 3 side effects, which are mild but annoying. I missed my second booster because of getting covid. I researched through my MD son, pharmacist and primary dr. with these results. I was told to get the Phizer second booster, (my previous injections for covid were all Phizer) and two weeks later I could take the flu shot - or vice versa. I took the flu shot first and will take the booster in two weeks. So far, so good! HMS

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