Essential Thrombocythemia: Looking for information and support

Posted by shenriq @shenriq, Jun 4, 2018

I was recently diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia, a rare incurable blood cancer. Platelet count aside, I am asymptotic. This current condition morphed from (constitutional) thrombcytosis, something I’ve lived with for 25+ years. While the new diagnosis was the result of a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, my age was an additional factor, which was completely disarming, having been walking around unwittingly for the past 8 years! While at the low end of risk for clots, heart-attacks and stroke, nothing has truly changed - except the “C” word. No chemo yet, but active discussion about hydroxyurea. Uncertainty about ET is anxiety provoking and swoethatl, but I’m feeling betrayed by my blood. I’m looking for all information about ET, the chemo and support.

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Good morning everyone! I am a 50 year old female and went to get my annual exam at my OBGYN. I have never been on any medications and I am fairly healthy but have been tired and less energetic for the past few years. When my blood work/panels came back, my platelets were around 779, so she sent me to my family doctor to re-test. After re-test a week later, my platelets increased to 810. My family doctor then referred me to my Hematologist and when she ran my CBC 3 days after my family doctor visit, my platelets increased to 847. She told me to begin taking an aspirin a day immediately because the high platelet count could possibly mean that my blood could clot too much and cause a stroke/heart attack. Being that it kept increasing within a few days, my Hematologist scheduled a bone marrow biopsy/aspiration on 9/20/22. The results from this came in on 9/30/22. I do have the Jak2 mutation and she diagnosed me with ET (Essential Thrombocythemia). She prescribed Hydroxyurea (500mg) daily with food and my 81mg of aspirin daily as well. When asked, she stated that this would be for the rest of my life because this medication will keep my platelets in normal range, if it does what it is suppose to do in my body. I started taking the Hydroxyurea this past Saturday at lunch (10/1/22) and so far, I have had no side affects. Praying this will be the case so that I can continue this plan of action. I have a blood work/panel scheduled for 10/20/22 with my Hematologist to make sure the Hydroxyurea is bringing my platelets down and doing what it is suppose to. If so, we will continue this regime. If not, she will adjust dosage and check again in 3 more weeks of the new dosage to make sure it is working and so on and so fourth. I will keep everyone updated as I find out what my body is doing in response to the Hydroxyurea. This has been the most shocking, anxious season in the waiting from test results and not knowing what is happening in my body! But, as I reflect back on this time, I know God has this and I have had a calmness at the same time in my gut that I would be ok and continue living my life with a positive outlook. No one wants to be on meds the rest of their lives, however, if this is what I need to do to prevent stroke/heart attack or some form of aggressive cancer, I will faithfully follow my doctors recommendations. ET is what I have, but it will not define who I am! I pray that this helps someone who may be going through this, or may have a friend or family member or know someone going through this.
Tifnie Queen (Cajunqueen)


Good morning everyone! I am a 50 year old female and went to get my annual exam at my OBGYN. I have never been on any medications and I am fairly healthy but have been tired and less energetic for the past few years. When my blood work/panels came back, my platelets were around 779, so she sent me to my family doctor to re-test. After re-test a week later, my platelets increased to 810. My family doctor then referred me to my Hematologist and when she ran my CBC 3 days after my family doctor visit, my platelets increased to 847. She told me to begin taking an aspirin a day immediately because the high platelet count could possibly mean that my blood could clot too much and cause a stroke/heart attack. Being that it kept increasing within a few days, my Hematologist scheduled a bone marrow biopsy/aspiration on 9/20/22. The results from this came in on 9/30/22. I do have the Jak2 mutation and she diagnosed me with ET (Essential Thrombocythemia). She prescribed Hydroxyurea (500mg) daily with food and my 81mg of aspirin daily as well. When asked, she stated that this would be for the rest of my life because this medication will keep my platelets in normal range, if it does what it is suppose to do in my body. I started taking the Hydroxyurea this past Saturday at lunch (10/1/22) and so far, I have had no side affects. Praying this will be the case so that I can continue this plan of action. I have a blood work/panel scheduled for 10/20/22 with my Hematologist to make sure the Hydroxyurea is bringing my platelets down and doing what it is suppose to. If so, we will continue this regime. If not, she will adjust dosage and check again in 3 more weeks of the new dosage to make sure it is working and so on and so fourth. I will keep everyone updated as I find out what my body is doing in response to the Hydroxyurea. This has been the most shocking, anxious season in the waiting from test results and not knowing what is happening in my body! But, as I reflect back on this time, I know God has this and I have had a calmness at the same time in my gut that I would be ok and continue living my life with a positive outlook. No one wants to be on meds the rest of their lives, however, if this is what I need to do to prevent stroke/heart attack or some form of aggressive cancer, I will faithfully follow my doctors recommendations. ET is what I have, but it will not define who I am! I pray that this helps someone who may be going through this, or may have a friend or family member or know someone going through this.
Tifnie Queen (Cajunqueen)

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Good morning, @cajunqueen and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You’ll never know how many people you’ll be giving a lift to with your information about ET and how you’re handling this bump in the road in your life journey.

I love your positive spirit and attitude. I swear that is one of keys to facing any situation. It helps keep us focused to the future. You’re right in that this blood condition doesn’t define who you are. You’re the same vivacious woman you’ve always been just with a little medical drama tossed in for intrigue. 🙃

Again, welcome to the Connect forum. May I ask how you found out about us?


Good morning, @cajunqueen and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You’ll never know how many people you’ll be giving a lift to with your information about ET and how you’re handling this bump in the road in your life journey.

I love your positive spirit and attitude. I swear that is one of keys to facing any situation. It helps keep us focused to the future. You’re right in that this blood condition doesn’t define who you are. You’re the same vivacious woman you’ve always been just with a little medical drama tossed in for intrigue. 🙃

Again, welcome to the Connect forum. May I ask how you found out about us?

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@loribmt thank you so much for your kind words! Made me tear up....because you are so right!! Your words, "medical drama tossed in for intrigue" really best describes this season for are 100% correct and I will start using this in my conversations when discussing ET. I found this platform by Google searching Essential Thrombocythemia - Symptoms and Causes. Once I entered into the Mayo Clinic website and read the valuable information about ET, there was a link at the bottom of the page that read: Connect with others like you for support and answers to your questions in the Blood Cancers & Disorders support group on Mayo Clinic Connect, a patient community, so I clicked on the Support Group and read all the stories and comments and realized that if I wanted to comment or post, I had to make a login account, to which I did! I am so thankful that I found this for my own experience and to hopefully educate and help others! I hope this answers your question and I look forward to checking in to get updates and give updates on my journey!!
Tifnie Queen


@loribmt thank you so much for your kind words! Made me tear up....because you are so right!! Your words, "medical drama tossed in for intrigue" really best describes this season for are 100% correct and I will start using this in my conversations when discussing ET. I found this platform by Google searching Essential Thrombocythemia - Symptoms and Causes. Once I entered into the Mayo Clinic website and read the valuable information about ET, there was a link at the bottom of the page that read: Connect with others like you for support and answers to your questions in the Blood Cancers & Disorders support group on Mayo Clinic Connect, a patient community, so I clicked on the Support Group and read all the stories and comments and realized that if I wanted to comment or post, I had to make a login account, to which I did! I am so thankful that I found this for my own experience and to hopefully educate and help others! I hope this answers your question and I look forward to checking in to get updates and give updates on my journey!!
Tifnie Queen

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Oh my gosh, your photo is as vivacious as I imagined you to be just from your writing today! I hope you take the time to place that as your profile picture!

Just click on the little ‘icon’ person at the top of the page or the oval space next to one of your replies. It will take you to your profile page and you’ll see where you can edit your picture.

You’re very inspirational so I hope I see you popping up frequently. Don’t be shy and feel free to peruse other topics in the forum. With your @name of @cajunqueen, that made my mouth water for some of the best foods anywhere. Are you from the south?


High platelets, no clue until routine blood test. Saw Haematologist, on Hydroxyurea since May/18 and took about 3 months to lower platelets. 78 yrs old, active and reasonably healthy .. Some allergies, well controlled asthma and have had two past surgeries for sinus polyp problem. Polyps are treatable but not curable. Since an infection could affect platelets, I saw a specialist re sinuses. He said I may need another surgery to help with existing polyps but did not seem to think it was cause of high platelets. (However, in doing a bit of reading I have seen some studies that say people with sinus polyps show higher platelets?). Very hard to say what is correct. Also, asked whether diet could lower platelets somewhat. Haematologist said definite no. However, again in doing some reading, there is info that says certain foods can lower platelets. I am not happy to be taking Hydroxyurea, as while it can be used for high platelets, it sounds like it affects pretty well all cells in your body. Certainly have noticed side affects and all seem to match up with the info the drug store provided with the Hydroxyurea. So far the Haematologist has pooh poohed all side affects. I have another appointment coming up soon, so another blood test re platelets. Still thinking and not sure what I am going to do about this but not happy taking Hydroxyurea forever. No one wants to have a possible stroke, thrombosis etc as a result of high platelets .. But at the same time, Hydroxyurea can lead to other problems. Sort of like taking your car to the garage to get get new tires so that you will drive safely but then the wheels fall off! I am speaking only for myself here and not saying you or anyone else should follow my thinking. Part of me is influenced by my age and that makes me wonder if my remaining quality of life is going to be affected too much by the medication. I have a neighbour that told me she has been taking Hydroxyurea for years but I don't know the exact facts involved for her. I have been pretty lucky health wise and have not needed much medical care over the years, as compared to others in my age group. Did have one problem where I exactly listened to a Doctor against my judgment and that turned out to be a disaster. So forever after, I will be questioning and trying to pick up all the information I can on medical issues. Guess I am a doctors nightmare. Don't know if anything here helps but I am just sharing my experience so far.

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Hi there. I’m 74 and have been on hydroxyurea for 25 years. I had a TIA, Mini stroke when my platelets were in the 900 range.
That’s when they put me on Hydroxyurea. I was told early on that there are downsides to taking this drug, but I felt that the prospect of having heart attacks and strokes we’re not an option.
My white count and hemoglobin are low, which makes me tired.
Find it hematologist that you trust and take advice from that doctor. Otherwise you’ll get way too many opinions.


hey . i am abiha 18 years old diagnosed by ET with JAK2 mutation and have bud chiary syndrome. i have an enlarged liver and spleen. and went through a venoplasty but it only opened one my my three hepatic veins. well i am good now taking medicines and its been 5,6 months but now a days i feel strange and worried. i am here if any one with a similar situation share their experience and yeah for some moral support.


I've been on HU, 500/day + extra 500 on M/W/F for four years. Next hemo appt in a couple weeks. Suggestions for questions I can ask about long-term HU side effects? Thanks!

P.S., Dad had ET also. He had foot ulcer that I think was likely a side-effect, but he was on very high HU doses, maybe up to 2,000 mg/day because platelets were well over 1,000.

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Just keep asking your hematologist about how the Hydrea is effecting your other labs.


@loribmt thank you so much for your kind words! Made me tear up....because you are so right!! Your words, "medical drama tossed in for intrigue" really best describes this season for are 100% correct and I will start using this in my conversations when discussing ET. I found this platform by Google searching Essential Thrombocythemia - Symptoms and Causes. Once I entered into the Mayo Clinic website and read the valuable information about ET, there was a link at the bottom of the page that read: Connect with others like you for support and answers to your questions in the Blood Cancers & Disorders support group on Mayo Clinic Connect, a patient community, so I clicked on the Support Group and read all the stories and comments and realized that if I wanted to comment or post, I had to make a login account, to which I did! I am so thankful that I found this for my own experience and to hopefully educate and help others! I hope this answers your question and I look forward to checking in to get updates and give updates on my journey!!
Tifnie Queen

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I’ve done the very same thing, tonight


Recently diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis with MPL mutation.
Blood transfusions and iron infusions due to no iron in bone marrow and very low hemoglobin. Still in a whirlwind. Platelet count keeps climbing, currently 1060. Taking 81 aspirin daily. Meeting again with hematologist on Monday. Not sure what next steps will be or what to ask. Any advice?


Recently diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis with MPL mutation.
Blood transfusions and iron infusions due to no iron in bone marrow and very low hemoglobin. Still in a whirlwind. Platelet count keeps climbing, currently 1060. Taking 81 aspirin daily. Meeting again with hematologist on Monday. Not sure what next steps will be or what to ask. Any advice?

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My iron is low and to not disturb my blood count that came down on there own my doctor canceled the iron infusion and put my on every other day iron pills and tested after 3 months ferritin came up slightly and other 2 numbers fell down and platelets slightly raised above normal. Odd same happened with you. I wish I could help. It’s very c

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