What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

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It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to post any pictures. But today…wow, couldn’t wait to share one from Mother Nature’s pretty fashion show. This is in far northern Wisconsin

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I'm excited that we are going on not one, but two road trips this week - first to the west where we should see glorious maples in full color, then to the north, where the aspens and tamaracks should be golden.
I usually just get lost in the beauty, but I'll try to get a photo or two.


😂😂😂🐄 @ellamster. The cow is entirely appropriate considering Wisconsin is the Dairy State in the US. 😂 But they are very few and far between in the north woods. Thanks for making me laugh today. 😅

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Oh then yeah, she just wandered int that lake, this is not a mistake, don't underestimate them 😹😹😹
I will keep an eye out for them!


@ellamster I'm all by myself and laughing out loud at your cow hangin' out in a northern Wisconsin lake in the woods! I had a dear old girl named Bossy (of course) back in the day. I used to sing to her during quiet moments in the barn:
"Don't 'cha make my brown eyes blueoooo". She was the only appreciative audience of my awful voice! 🤣

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Oooh that Bossy 😹
I am all by myself here too laughing out loud at your reactions 😂


I'm excited that we are going on not one, but two road trips this week - first to the west where we should see glorious maples in full color, then to the north, where the aspens and tamaracks should be golden.
I usually just get lost in the beauty, but I'll try to get a photo or two.

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Yes pleeease some pictures, I have never been able to see them live but would love to, the photos will have to do 💖


Oooh that Bossy 😹
I am all by myself here too laughing out loud at your reactions 😂

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🤣 👍 🐄!


I'm fortunate to live at the end of a dead-end road on 2 acres. I see chipmunks and rabbits outside my window. :o)


The bottom half of my Fiesta Rose plant is still standing this morning. Last night about 9pm the motion sensor on the porch light triggered. My husband jumped up and flung the door open. Caught in the act was a deer chomping on the top half! Off they took and jumped the chain link fence out of that part of front yard. They haven't touched sunflowers or catnip planted nearby.

On a more fall-like note, one of the trees in the back lots has started to turn color, which stands out bravely in the midst [and mist] of the tall pine trees.


I'm fortunate to live at the end of a dead-end road on 2 acres. I see chipmunks and rabbits outside my window. :o)

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After a few fall garden chores, we spent a whole hour on the patio this afternoon with our next door neighbor chatting & watching the squirrels and chipmunks and their antics. Especially cute was the family of chippies sharing the "squirrel-proof" bird feeders with a wide range of birds, filling their cheek pouches and scurrying off to hide their winter food supply. I was wondering why I was going through 5 pounds of bird seed every 2 days...now I know.

The last couple days we have seen the bee activity decline, the geese fly South, and the flocks of red-winged blackbirds disappear, and there is one loan butterfly left on the flowers. Winter is coming. Earlier this morning, there was all sorts of racket outside the bug window, and every 2 & 4 legged critter disappeared into the branches of the big linden tree - apparently the hawks were hunting again before they head South.

It's only a matter of a few weeks before we join them.


I hadn't read this before getting up and realise that I had a dream about a squirrel that came into my house. It really wanted to be with me, it was lovely! It snuggled up to me and even purred. I think during sleep I may have been crushed by a cat.


It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to post any pictures. But today…wow, couldn’t wait to share one from Mother Nature’s pretty fashion show. This is in far northern Wisconsin

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Spectacular photo!!!

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