Iron Depletion in Blood related to COVID?

Posted by stellm @stellm, Jun 11, 2021

Has there been any reports of iron depletion in the blood after receiving the Pfizer vaccine?

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I had very low iron and hemoglobin. I had the last Moderna booster in December and began to feel tired and out of breath in January. I saw a cardiologist in Feb with no significant finds related to the shortness of breath. My GP ran new blood work and found the issues. I have had 2 iron infusions, iron pills , and endoscopy and seen a hematologist. No one seems to know what caused it. I just started investigating to see if the vaccine could possibly have caused it.

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I also had to have Iron infusions after having 2 boosters because I am a Type 1 Diabetic. My Doctors also think that mine was caused from the boosters. I was told not to get the new Omicron booster this fall. I am pretty much at a loss as to what I can do. I was told not to get anymore boosters.


Yes, I have a big drop in iron, discovered during a blood test six month after the second dose of pfizer/ I guess my iron has been losing gradually during the previous month. On iron liquid now.


Yes, I have a big drop in iron, discovered during a blood test six month after the second dose of pfizer/ I guess my iron has been losing gradually during the previous month. On iron liquid now.

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I also had a drop in iron after receiving second booster from Moderna. I had to have iron infusions.


I just had my 4th Covid shot (2nd booster) from Moderna on Friday 09/16. On Monday 09/19 I had various labs done at my rheumatologist and my serum iron came back very low (a 26). My primary care doctor followed this up with another iron serum test on 09/22 to make sure that the lab hadn't made a mistake (I just had 2 iron infusions on in July the 2nd being 07/27- less than 2 months ago) I do have a history of iron deficiency anemia, however I ususally go 18 months in between infusions before my iron levels start to drop again. This time it dropped in less than 2 months and the only difference is the 4th Moderna shot. The CDC contacted me last night and helped me in filling out a VAERS report. I have a pending appointment with my hematologist, 2 more infusions and more blood work pending. I, too, am curious to see if there is any connection. I wouldn't have changed getting the booster, as I am immunocompromised, but had it not been for the follow up lab work we wouldn't have caught the low iron serum until later (also just a side note that my hemoglobin and RDW levels were normal- generally these are the first numbers to indicate my iron deficit).


Yes. My husband has never had any history of anemia or low iron. He received the Pfizer vaccine in March. He began feeling more tired over the next two months. He saw his physician and she suspected some type of internal bleeding based on the blood test, He had an upper and lower endoscopy. No internal bleeding was found. They are going to try the camera endoscopy next week. We don't think this is going to reveal anything. His iron, ferritin and red blood cell count is extremely low. The only change in has been receiving the vaccine.

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The same thing happened to me after receiving the Pfizer vaccine . I have been searching for information on this. I do not have a history of anemia either. At the age of 43 I was feeling very tired and having a hard time getting through exercise, getting out of breath easily, and feeling dizzy. My doctor ran tests (total iron, CBC, full thyroid, tests for autoimmune disorders, and Epstein barr) everything was normal except for iron levels. I eat red meat 1-2X per week. I have very light periods that last 2 days. It's very weird to me that I suddenly became anemic. I assumed it was from the vaccine. I started on OTC gentle iron and had a recheck four months later. Iron levels are now normal. There were people that developed aplastic anemia. Perhaps some people are developing anemia and not something as severe as aplastic anemia.


Hello @stellm. I am not aware of any reports of iron depletion in the blood post Pfizer vaccine and when doing a quick search for information, did not come up with any either. Conversely, there is quite a bit of information on the importance of not going into the vaccine with iron deficiency due to the way in which the vaccine works. This article can shed light on the details.

- Normal Iron and Hemoglobin Levels Are Needed for Optimizing the Response to COVID-19 Vaccination:

Can you start by sharing more about why this is of interest to you to perhaps bring in other members who may be able to relate?

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If there is quite a bit of information on not having the vaccine if you have iron deficiency why is this not mentioned before they jab you ? Especially if you are a blood donor as it takes 25-30 weeks to fully restore iron levels after each donation.


My husband gives blood regularly. He received the Pfizer vaccine and his blood which has never been low in iron was low in iron. I fed him an iron rich diet the week prior to him giving blood. I'm hoping it's not tied to the vaccine. They actually wouldn't take his blood because the iron content was so low.

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Sounds like my experience. I also gave blood regularly but only once after the lockdowns were implemented. After my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine I contracted COVID, then later a few weeks after I took the booster shot I contracted COVID again. A couple of months ago I went to resume my periodic donations but was surprised to be turned down for low hemoglobin. My iron levels used to be on the high side of the acceptable range. My doctor ordered a range of tests and has given me a prescription for iron supplements. It is hard not to supspect COVID or the vaccine as playing some role in the anemia.


Yes. My husband has never had any history of anemia or low iron. He received the Pfizer vaccine in March. He began feeling more tired over the next two months. He saw his physician and she suspected some type of internal bleeding based on the blood test, He had an upper and lower endoscopy. No internal bleeding was found. They are going to try the camera endoscopy next week. We don't think this is going to reveal anything. His iron, ferritin and red blood cell count is extremely low. The only change in has been receiving the vaccine.

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Hi! Can I ask how your husband is doing? My husband is a replica over a year later….he has seen 4 specialist and no answers.


I also have experienced this - after taking the Johnson & Johnson shot I was fatigued (sleeping 12-15 hours a day) for several weeks. After my doctor/lab tests came back, my hemoglobin / hemocrit / ferritin was extremely low, ferritin is "3" hemoglobin "9". I have zero history of anemia.

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Hi. How are you feeling? My husband has the exact same symptoms, 4 specialists and no answers as to cause. We are trying to find out if this will improve on its own. Infusions are not helping.


Seems covid May have a relationship with low Iron , ferritin high RBC , etc. I had a normal blood panel in March of 2020 , I had Covid in July of 2020 , rather minor really. I had blood work again in March 2021 and boom all over the place , been seeing an oncologist etc. been looking for any relationship with Covid. I have never been anemic before and have never had any blood iron issues or oxygen issues. I took the vaccine as well Pfizer first shot in Jan 21 second March 1 21 , based on blood donations my hemoglobin was taking a dive starting in August 2020 At 18 , the oct it was 14 , December 13 , so it was crashing well before the vaccine, in Jan , no idea how long my iron has been low , iron was 11 and ferritin was 3 , on 4/6/21 , at this point the Dr. s can not explain why!!! I am 3 months into iron pills and a few other vitamins and making progress. 3 more months to see how we are doing. Just now I am starting to see some articles that indicate Covid and iron could have a relationship. This is the first time I’ve seen it tied to the vaccine but in the end we may be responding to the vaccine just like we did Covid. My second vaccine knocked me out for 24 hours. Very interested in any research related to Covid and iron problems not necessarily the vaccine.

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Hi. How are you feeling? My husband has the exact same symptoms, 4 specialists and no answers as to cause. We are trying to find out if this will improve on its own. Two Infusions which are not helping. We are baffled. His doctors say the same. His problems started in March. He received two shots and one booster.

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