COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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Sorry for all you are going through! Sounds very close to my story. I am lucky I have a neurologist who believes me and sees many people like me, both post covid infection and post covid vaccination. When I asked her about the Omicron, she was not entirely on board with it, despite my age and risk factors, so I have held off for now. When I asked her about the influenza vaccine, she said "Go ahead, if you haven't had any problems in the past", which I haven't. I have had every vaccination under the sun being a nurse and never had a problem. She believes it is the spike protein that is causing the problems, both in covid and the vax.

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Thank you for your reply. I’ve never had a traditional flu vaccine. I am 64. I have not had vaccines for shingles. At this point I have no idea whether I should take these precautions or just let it go. I would value your opinion. Also, what state are you located in? I would be open to finding another Doctor who would take me seriously. I am located in New Jersey. Thanks again and all the best!


Thank you for your reply. I’ve never had a traditional flu vaccine. I am 64. I have not had vaccines for shingles. At this point I have no idea whether I should take these precautions or just let it go. I would value your opinion. Also, what state are you located in? I would be open to finding another Doctor who would take me seriously. I am located in New Jersey. Thanks again and all the best!

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I am in southern Colorado. I travel up to the University of Colorado Hospital in Denver, which is a 14 hour round trip from where I live, so it's an overnight stay for me. I am 68. There is just about zero medical care where I live. The doctor I see is Dr Kang, a neurologist,at UCH. I have been told she is booked out till May 2023! Ridiculous. It took me 3 months to get a video appointment with her. She is running a million tests, all normal so far and honestly if this is a small fiber neuropathy triggered somehow by the vaccination, she admits there is not much to do about it. I am going to get my flu vaccine next week sometime, so I will let you know how it goes. She is OK with that, but she wants me to wait for the Omicron till all my tests are back, which could be another month. And she also said, getting covid could make it worse, along with all the bad respiratory stuff that covid gives you. Honestly, this is such a mess. I am hoping my body just returns to semi normal state in the coming months. I don't know what to say about getting other vaccinations. As, I said, I have taken everything, flu, shingles, tetanus, hepatitis and 3 Pfizer shots without a problem. It was the 4th one that did me in! And I have always been pro vaccination, and I still am. My doctor, like me, thinks it is the spike protein of this new virus that is causing all these issues. It's as if I have long covid without ever having covid. Crazy. So for now, I am still wearing a mask indoors and following all the public health precautions despite no one else doing these things.


Yes, please stay in touch. I would certainly recommend the supplements I am taking as I’ve had much improvement since taking them regularly. Epson salt baths are nothing short of amazing, albeit short lived. I would love to hear how you are doing. Nice to meet you.❤️


Yes, please stay in touch. I would certainly recommend the supplements I am taking as I’ve had much improvement since taking them regularly. Epson salt baths are nothing short of amazing, albeit short lived. I would love to hear how you are doing. Nice to meet you.❤️

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I'm jumping in on this conversation because my situation is also quite similar! I'm a professional musician so the neuropathy is limiting and debilitating to my livelihood. I also had good luck with epsom salt baths and certain vitamins that my chiropractor recommended, including one that is called "receptor detox". I more recently started seeing an acupuncture person who has studied classical chinese medicine and the herbs he has given me have been nothing short of a miracle. I went from my muscles feeling like beef jerky (tight, brittle, dry, spasming) to almost normal in just a matter of 2 weeks. I felt my anxiety downshift, as well. I'm sleeping better and feel much more like my energetic self. My acupuncture person said he is treating many people with covid or vaccine symptoms.....and we all have very similar issues. I think the more folks that get boosted, the more this will come to light. Best of luck to all on this site. I'm grateful for the conversation and for the support!


Yes, please stay in touch. I would certainly recommend the supplements I am taking as I’ve had much improvement since taking them regularly. Epson salt baths are nothing short of amazing, albeit short lived. I would love to hear how you are doing. Nice to meet you.❤️

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Nice to meet you too! I will keep you updated. I have the flu vaccine scheduled for the end of the week.


I'm jumping in on this conversation because my situation is also quite similar! I'm a professional musician so the neuropathy is limiting and debilitating to my livelihood. I also had good luck with epsom salt baths and certain vitamins that my chiropractor recommended, including one that is called "receptor detox". I more recently started seeing an acupuncture person who has studied classical chinese medicine and the herbs he has given me have been nothing short of a miracle. I went from my muscles feeling like beef jerky (tight, brittle, dry, spasming) to almost normal in just a matter of 2 weeks. I felt my anxiety downshift, as well. I'm sleeping better and feel much more like my energetic self. My acupuncture person said he is treating many people with covid or vaccine symptoms.....and we all have very similar issues. I think the more folks that get boosted, the more this will come to light. Best of luck to all on this site. I'm grateful for the conversation and for the support!

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I think acupuncture and Chinese herbs would be very helpful, also the epsom salt baths. I think that there are certain triggers that set the immune system into overdrive, and the covid spike protein is one of them. I am trying everything to get mine to settle down, and hoping that I am not crazy to get the flu shot this week. I will keep you all updated. Best wishes!


Selene… so sorry for all you are going through. your story matches mine. I had perfect health till second Moderna shot, and developed paresthesia on left side of body… face down to feet. Occasionally right side. Sometimes the areas of paresthesia would shift. The sensations would also vary
… hot, cold, prickly, tight etc very but there was no pain associated nor weakness. Like you, I saw two Neurologists Who attributed it to an over active nervous system and only getting 5-6 hours of sleep. Neither one would say it was attributed to the vaccine. You were lucky in this way. I started making sleep a priority. No improvement. I have minimal stress in life, good life I’d say. But one doc get saying it was stress induced.
for me, it will be two years in February. I am so used to the symptoms now that they hardly bother me, unless they spike in intensity. The intensity and duration of symptoms may still cause some anxiety responses when strong. However, they are much better in frequency than they were and typically mild now. I might even go a whole week now and feel no symptoms, or those easy to ignore.

The improvement started when I started supplementing with lions mane, NAC and alpha lipoid acid daily. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have no idea what is going on here! Good luck to you.

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lindasue, would you please explain what NAC is? Dosage, brand and frequency… for my peripheral neuropathy. Appreciate it, Bcool123


My experience with neuropathy began two weeks after I’m received my Pfizer Covid booster on 10/5/2021. From that time on I have become increasingly miserable and am so severely affected by the heat and sun that I have to take ice packs with me if I think I am going to be exposed to these triggers. I have not been helped by a neurologist, an infectious disease physician, or a pain specialist. Needless to say, this continues to not only greatly impact my quality of life, but continues to severely limit what I can do with my family and friends.


My experience with neuropathy began two weeks after I’m received my Pfizer Covid booster on 10/5/2021. From that time on I have become increasingly miserable and am so severely affected by the heat and sun that I have to take ice packs with me if I think I am going to be exposed to these triggers. I have not been helped by a neurologist, an infectious disease physician, or a pain specialist. Needless to say, this continues to not only greatly impact my quality of life, but continues to severely limit what I can do with my family and friends.

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Hi bybee,

Could you tell me what symptoms you have when you encounter heat or the sun? I have developed hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and wondered if there was a link with the vaccines.

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