Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Brain & Nervous System Support Group.

I have very mild version of this. It feels like I'm nervous or scared when I'm not. I sometimes can feel my heart pounding. My legs shake (internally) which makes walking and balance challenging.
I was diagnosed with orthostatic tremor- evidently rare. I also have essential tremors which are worse when I am under any stress. I have been prescribed many drugs including gabapentin and inderal. I cannot tolerate the side effects of most meds. Gaba at a VERY low dose has helped a bit. What helps is vigorous exercise- walking and stationary bike and meditation. I'm curious if anyone else suffers from these tremors and what helps them. Thank you


Hello, I'm new to the site.
I'm a 33 year old male and for the past three years I have had constant muscle twitching, muscle spasm through out my body it came a time I could not walk and my muscles got so weak I couldn't even write my name.
It all started with a stomach ache and it did not seem to go away then on the fourth day after my right leg started to twitch it was painful but it was brief then I started getting a pain on my right side of my neck followed with muscle twitching and tremors mind you these symptoms were days apart from each other then I started getting sharp shooting pain down my right arm then followed by pins and needles. I decided to go to my gp there he looked at my symptoms and did a blood panel test and my vitamins b12 and iron was low and my cholesterol was boarder line so he gave me a b12 shot and iron supplement and rovostatin 10mg to take so all was good for four days after that my spasm and twitching came back with vengeance followed with new symptoms such as burning in my skin also my sense of smell was increased 10 folds I could of smelt what the neighbor a mile away was having for lunch.
He immediately pulled me of the meds saying it's not agreeing with me. Thus my journey from doctor to doctor and specialist to specialist began.
I've been to doctors ,specialist an the results were the same, they would say it's in your head or there go to diagnosis for doctors when they have no answer is"anxiety" .
I started trying natural remedy and still nothing. During this time my symptoms starting getting worse and new symptoms started developing, like internal tremors throughout the days together with my constant spasm and twitching then started getting rashes constant my migranes on the right side of my head constant shocking sensation in both feet while walking and finally I had shortness of breath. Also I started walking around with a 3m respirator because of my highthen sence of smell. i am also diagnosed with cholesteatoma of the ear .
So it was coming around the time I normally go for my routine check up with my E.N.T specialist. Mind you with all this going on an no answers I was depressed and didn't want to go. But my wife was very supportive during this whole ordeal giving me the incouragment to keep positive,bless her.
So the day arrived to do my check up so I got there the doc does his thing checks my ear and removes Any tissues blocking my ear drum .
So after finishing up I started telling him about my symptoms and that I have been to heart specialist, neuroligist, allergist, etc
He looks in my nose sees a polyp then I explained my symptoms of my muscles twitching and spasming etc.
He goes on and said I have allergy affecting my nervous system which in return is affecting my muscles so he places me on arius 5mg one a day he said to me take that for a month an then come back, I was like "what" can't be serious I've been to an allegist an they could not find anything wrong .
I was skeptical because of the amount of medication I was prescribed and nothing worked.
Well guys I bought it and tried it for a month an wow my twitching started to ease up also followed by my tremors also my spasms, all my symptoms gradually started easing up, it has been almost one year on the medication an my symptoms have improved drastically.
So guys I couldn't believe an E.N.T specialist picked up on my symptoms.
Don't get me wrong I still have my episodes of muscle twitching and spasm on a bad day but it's like once for the week if it does act up it's for a couple of minutes i must say it's way better than being in constant pain and twitching all over constantly.
I still do get vibration well tremors but only when I'm sleeping but it only happens when I have a hard day.
I will keep you guys posted on my progress and any changes or new symptoms.
I know you may be wondering whats the diagnosis,honestly i don't know my e.n.t only said I have allergy that affects my nerves if anyone has this and there's a cure or a better way forward I would like to know , for the mean while this is my run down of my symptoms and what help me cope. so I hope it helps someone in a similar situation. Having constant muscle weakness and spasms followed by twitching all day constantly not being able to enjoy life for three years it's hard going to doctors and not having answers or no solution it's hard it's both mentally and physically draining but guys don't give up just keep trying

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Hi there @rajiv33, welcome to Connect. Wow, what a story! Thanks for sharing your journey, and the message of not giving up. I'm glad your doing better since the ENT stepped in. Who knew, right?!

Learning about our central nervous and peripheral sensory input systems is powerful stuff! We may never really stop to think about how they are our bodies computer system until being faced with odd symptoms like muscle twitching, spasms, vibrations, etc... and not knowing how to connect the dots or why things are happening.

Have any of your doctors educated you about central sensitization syndrome (CSS)? Here is a video you might be interested in from Dr. Sletten of the Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center:

I live with CSS and went through a similar journey. This video may be helpful in explaining some of what you have experienced also. Do you mind letting me know if any of it resonates with you?


Hi there @rajiv33, welcome to Connect. Wow, what a story! Thanks for sharing your journey, and the message of not giving up. I'm glad your doing better since the ENT stepped in. Who knew, right?!

Learning about our central nervous and peripheral sensory input systems is powerful stuff! We may never really stop to think about how they are our bodies computer system until being faced with odd symptoms like muscle twitching, spasms, vibrations, etc... and not knowing how to connect the dots or why things are happening.

Have any of your doctors educated you about central sensitization syndrome (CSS)? Here is a video you might be interested in from Dr. Sletten of the Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center:

I live with CSS and went through a similar journey. This video may be helpful in explaining some of what you have experienced also. Do you mind letting me know if any of it resonates with you?

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Hello Rachel volunteer mentor
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and Also reply with great advice.
Firstly I must say oh wow living with css, it must be hard also difficult in daily life routine
My doctors never told me about css but now I know and after listening to the video some of the symptoms he talked about and how it affects the body have me thinking!
On my next check up I will mention it to my physician.
Currently I was tooken off my meds and because of bad side effects.
As I'm off my meds my bp readings are very high for example. 160/102
Thank you once again Rachel
Keep up the positive fight in life


I have very mild version of this. It feels like I'm nervous or scared when I'm not. I sometimes can feel my heart pounding. My legs shake (internally) which makes walking and balance challenging.
I was diagnosed with orthostatic tremor- evidently rare. I also have essential tremors which are worse when I am under any stress. I have been prescribed many drugs including gabapentin and inderal. I cannot tolerate the side effects of most meds. Gaba at a VERY low dose has helped a bit. What helps is vigorous exercise- walking and stationary bike and meditation. I'm curious if anyone else suffers from these tremors and what helps them. Thank you

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Hello ellenshe,
Hope your doing much better, I know how difficult and frustrating it must be everyday going through this.
Keep positive and keep pushing.
Did the inderal help at all?
I know you said that low dosage of gabapentin is helping you. Is the gabapentin side effects tolerable?
Also I know you said heavy exercise helps you manage but after working out does the tremors come back more severe ? Also did you ever do a iron test ?
I'm currently of my meds an I recently did an iron test an it came back low and my physician said it can mimic and add to essential tremors.


Hey there, my name is Tony. I am ending my second year with internal vibrations uncontrollable sweating and extreme anxiety. I thought it had something to do with the Covid vaccinations. I have been to the emergency room three times and they keep telling me I have a cute anxiety. They put me on Xanax but it does not take the vibration away from my innards. My body shakes all over and especially within my organs and my chest. It’s even hard to communicate with society with this going on. It was my birthday yesterday. We were in a 69° room. My entire family knows about this but saw it firsthand yesterday when I was dripping from my nose and my eyelids as well as my ears. I don’t know what it is and I have seen five doctors for it. I have tested for Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a bad heart or failing organs. I checked out without problems. When a task at hand comes to mind I start sweating uncontrollably. Even writing this message I have begun to sweat. I’m not sure what it is but I wish somebody would figure it out. I’ve had the Covid vaccinations with the booster. I’m pretty sure that’s when it all started. If anybody has any ideas about what is going on, I begged you to tell me how to fix it. My quality of life is gone. My doctor has given up on it since he can’t figure it out. I live in Richmond Virginia. If anyone has any ideas, I will grasp at them. I’m terribly sorry for anyone else going through this because it is by far the worst thing I have ever been through. And it never ends.
I need help. Right before this started I bought an old farmhouse do you live in but it needs an astronomical amount of work to get it there. I started out strong but when this hit me, I am unable some days to even drive out there. What is this? Honestly! We need to find out what this is. Thanks for reading my message. I hope to hear back from somebody. Cheers


Hello, I'm new to the site.
I'm a 33 year old male and for the past three years I have had constant muscle twitching, muscle spasm through out my body it came a time I could not walk and my muscles got so weak I couldn't even write my name.
It all started with a stomach ache and it did not seem to go away then on the fourth day after my right leg started to twitch it was painful but it was brief then I started getting a pain on my right side of my neck followed with muscle twitching and tremors mind you these symptoms were days apart from each other then I started getting sharp shooting pain down my right arm then followed by pins and needles. I decided to go to my gp there he looked at my symptoms and did a blood panel test and my vitamins b12 and iron was low and my cholesterol was boarder line so he gave me a b12 shot and iron supplement and rovostatin 10mg to take so all was good for four days after that my spasm and twitching came back with vengeance followed with new symptoms such as burning in my skin also my sense of smell was increased 10 folds I could of smelt what the neighbor a mile away was having for lunch.
He immediately pulled me of the meds saying it's not agreeing with me. Thus my journey from doctor to doctor and specialist to specialist began.
I've been to doctors ,specialist an the results were the same, they would say it's in your head or there go to diagnosis for doctors when they have no answer is"anxiety" .
I started trying natural remedy and still nothing. During this time my symptoms starting getting worse and new symptoms started developing, like internal tremors throughout the days together with my constant spasm and twitching then started getting rashes constant my migranes on the right side of my head constant shocking sensation in both feet while walking and finally I had shortness of breath. Also I started walking around with a 3m respirator because of my highthen sence of smell. i am also diagnosed with cholesteatoma of the ear .
So it was coming around the time I normally go for my routine check up with my E.N.T specialist. Mind you with all this going on an no answers I was depressed and didn't want to go. But my wife was very supportive during this whole ordeal giving me the incouragment to keep positive,bless her.
So the day arrived to do my check up so I got there the doc does his thing checks my ear and removes Any tissues blocking my ear drum .
So after finishing up I started telling him about my symptoms and that I have been to heart specialist, neuroligist, allergist, etc
He looks in my nose sees a polyp then I explained my symptoms of my muscles twitching and spasming etc.
He goes on and said I have allergy affecting my nervous system which in return is affecting my muscles so he places me on arius 5mg one a day he said to me take that for a month an then come back, I was like "what" can't be serious I've been to an allegist an they could not find anything wrong .
I was skeptical because of the amount of medication I was prescribed and nothing worked.
Well guys I bought it and tried it for a month an wow my twitching started to ease up also followed by my tremors also my spasms, all my symptoms gradually started easing up, it has been almost one year on the medication an my symptoms have improved drastically.
So guys I couldn't believe an E.N.T specialist picked up on my symptoms.
Don't get me wrong I still have my episodes of muscle twitching and spasm on a bad day but it's like once for the week if it does act up it's for a couple of minutes i must say it's way better than being in constant pain and twitching all over constantly.
I still do get vibration well tremors but only when I'm sleeping but it only happens when I have a hard day.
I will keep you guys posted on my progress and any changes or new symptoms.
I know you may be wondering whats the diagnosis,honestly i don't know my e.n.t only said I have allergy that affects my nerves if anyone has this and there's a cure or a better way forward I would like to know , for the mean while this is my run down of my symptoms and what help me cope. so I hope it helps someone in a similar situation. Having constant muscle weakness and spasms followed by twitching all day constantly not being able to enjoy life for three years it's hard going to doctors and not having answers or no solution it's hard it's both mentally and physically draining but guys don't give up just keep trying

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I have posted about my symptoms just now. You should read what I wrote. I did not mention the ticks or the muscle spasms that I’m going through. I have cramps in my muscles and my hands twitch to the point where it’s hard to write sometimes. It is a horrible situation to be in since there’s no doctor so far in my Netwerk. I have seen many doctors and have been to the emergency room many times. I sweat uncontrollably and my entire body vibrates 24 seven. They put me on Xanax and it may help a little bit but it doesn’t stop anything. If you find out what’s going on with your body, please share it with me. It is driving me crazy. Tony


I’m new to this forum as well and see the last post to this thread was in 2019. Hoping to revive the conversation on behalf of my brother-in-law, who has been experiencing internal tremors coupled with profuse sweating and hasn’t been able to get a firm diagnosis or any resolution. Any new insight out there?


Good night potta 54321
Wow! Hope your keeping a positive mind set despite your situation?
How long did your symptoms started?
Also what triggers your symptoms?
Currently I've been to a lot of doctors and even now I'm still having issues I know I mention my E.N.T specialist said I had allergy but as of recent my symptoms came back and the meds aren't working any more it's been a month now I was taken off everything.
I'm currently doing research and process of elimination and also experimenting with my food intake
And I must say my internal tremors has eased up tremendously so I will post on my results within a month an the progress I have made and what I'm doing because I have reached a point where doctors and specialist having me running test and no results on what's causing these symptoms. Rachel volunteer mentor mention to me about css
When I mention it to my physician team they were like " Mr seulal we have run extensive test and it does not point to css"
So that's why I'm off everything and experimenting " not mad scientist kind of thing "but educated and informative decisions because no doctor thus far knows nothing.
So if my progress works or help in any way possible I will post the process so if it can help someone out there that will be so great
Till then potta 54321
Also I read your previous post with you , thinking it's the covid vaccine
I'm no doctor yet but yes the vaccine has side effects that's not yet listed or still being determined
Now if you said you think your troubles started around that time the vaccine could of brought up an underlying issue that you never knew


I have posted about my symptoms just now. You should read what I wrote. I did not mention the ticks or the muscle spasms that I’m going through. I have cramps in my muscles and my hands twitch to the point where it’s hard to write sometimes. It is a horrible situation to be in since there’s no doctor so far in my Netwerk. I have seen many doctors and have been to the emergency room many times. I sweat uncontrollably and my entire body vibrates 24 seven. They put me on Xanax and it may help a little bit but it doesn’t stop anything. If you find out what’s going on with your body, please share it with me. It is driving me crazy. Tony

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I’m so sorry this is happening. Have you tried propranolol?


Hello. There seem to be many of us who experience internal vibrations/internal tremors. From what I have seen, perhaps a third or a quarter of the people who have them got them from either covid or the covid vaccines.

I hope that you are able to recover soon. There are ways to reduce or eliminate the body vibrations that are discussed on the "internal tremors" and "sleep tremors/internal vibrations" facebook groups (the second group is only for people who wake up with the vibrations from sleep, as opposed to 24/7). However, the diagnoses that you will read about in those groups are all over the map. There are so many varying diagnoses out there. I wish there was a single, correct diagnosis, but I don't know what it is. On this MAYO forum, you will hear a lot about Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) and the MAYO CLINIC program for CSS recovery, but there seem to be many other diagnoses out there as well. Best of luck! I wish you a swift recovery.

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