What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Hi Elizabeth @ess77, There is an app you can download free for your phone that helps you identify plants and more. Interesting way for a novice like me to identify plants and bugs.

iNaturalist - https://gadgets360.com/culture/reviews/inaturalist-app-review-1847204

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I'm going to download this app. I am such a nature lovers and this sounds like something I would enjoy. Also I like to learn something new everyday. Why not the name of plants! Thanks John!


@sueinmn, and all.
Thanks, Sue, for the info. I used to dye a bit in the hippie tie-dye Era. Enjoyed working to get different patterns for shirts and pants.

I thought it had to be for your crafts. Do you use fabric you have and reuse or find other fabrics ...still not really taking some rest time, though. I don't think you do much resting to be honest?


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I keep promising pictures - this one is actually "on topic".
Today I was doing a little weeding near the pond, and this ladies came to visit.

I'm quite sure these Monarchs are just resting here on the Mexican Sunflowers (tithonia) before they make the long journey South. I just hope they don't get confused and think they are almost home - they have another 200 miles to go.

I love to raise these (as annuals) here. 3 plants are 8' tall, about 6' in diameter, and have a couple hundred of these beautiful orange flowers.


I keep promising pictures - this one is actually "on topic".
Today I was doing a little weeding near the pond, and this ladies came to visit.

I'm quite sure these Monarchs are just resting here on the Mexican Sunflowers (tithonia) before they make the long journey South. I just hope they don't get confused and think they are almost home - they have another 200 miles to go.

I love to raise these (as annuals) here. 3 plants are 8' tall, about 6' in diameter, and have a couple hundred of these beautiful orange flowers.

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@sueinmn...Wow! These are beautiful. Send a wide shot showing the size..I want more beauty in my life from mn...blessings, elizabeth
Oh, still don't know name of the funky bulbous plant. Bet it's from africa?????
Can't get John's app to work


I keep promising pictures - this one is actually "on topic".
Today I was doing a little weeding near the pond, and this ladies came to visit.

I'm quite sure these Monarchs are just resting here on the Mexican Sunflowers (tithonia) before they make the long journey South. I just hope they don't get confused and think they are almost home - they have another 200 miles to go.

I love to raise these (as annuals) here. 3 plants are 8' tall, about 6' in diameter, and have a couple hundred of these beautiful orange flowers.

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Such a beauty! You're so lucky so have them. And those terrific flowers 💖🌺🦋


Such a beauty! You're so lucky so have them. And those terrific flowers 💖🌺🦋

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Yesterday, I retrieved the temperature monitors I placed in the Salmonberry River, two hours north, last spring/early summer. The only time there are any number of people present in the canyon is during March, before winter steelhead fishing closes at the end of that month, so I expected to do my seven-mile walk with no company other than the fellow member of my fly club who had agreed to go along. Took lopping shears to remove some of the blackberry vines and salmonberry "trees" from the path along what used to be a RR, until the 2007 flood ended the RR for all time.

To my surprise, at the very end of the hike, just before I put my waders on to cross the river and scramble up above the waterfall to get one of the monitors, I met a shy little black bear. I have no photos of him, as he scampered off immediately. He was picking blackberries that have grown up along the cleared area next to the old rail. He had a beautiful glossy black coat, but most of what I saw (as usual with coastal black bears) was his hind end as he raced away!

As a side benefit, we paused on the way back down long enough to pick enough ripe blackberries to top the cheesecake I just put into my oven. It will be a little treat to take to the fly fishing club's annual picnic today...handpicked wild berries carried three miles in a container in my pack!


Yesterday, I retrieved the temperature monitors I placed in the Salmonberry River, two hours north, last spring/early summer. The only time there are any number of people present in the canyon is during March, before winter steelhead fishing closes at the end of that month, so I expected to do my seven-mile walk with no company other than the fellow member of my fly club who had agreed to go along. Took lopping shears to remove some of the blackberry vines and salmonberry "trees" from the path along what used to be a RR, until the 2007 flood ended the RR for all time.

To my surprise, at the very end of the hike, just before I put my waders on to cross the river and scramble up above the waterfall to get one of the monitors, I met a shy little black bear. I have no photos of him, as he scampered off immediately. He was picking blackberries that have grown up along the cleared area next to the old rail. He had a beautiful glossy black coat, but most of what I saw (as usual with coastal black bears) was his hind end as he raced away!

As a side benefit, we paused on the way back down long enough to pick enough ripe blackberries to top the cheesecake I just put into my oven. It will be a little treat to take to the fly fishing club's annual picnic today...handpicked wild berries carried three miles in a container in my pack!

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What a wonderful story!
Good that the small bear ran off or else maybe his mum would have tried to rescue him from you. This all though sounds so peaceful and sunny and nice 💖
How are the blackberries?


I keep promising pictures - this one is actually "on topic".
Today I was doing a little weeding near the pond, and this ladies came to visit.

I'm quite sure these Monarchs are just resting here on the Mexican Sunflowers (tithonia) before they make the long journey South. I just hope they don't get confused and think they are almost home - they have another 200 miles to go.

I love to raise these (as annuals) here. 3 plants are 8' tall, about 6' in diameter, and have a couple hundred of these beautiful orange flowers.

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@sueinmn What a beautiful picture. It's so vivid and clear.
I'm sure we must get some butterflies on our flowers but I avoid being outside so I don't often see them. I am in indoors person, I don't like bugs.


@sueinmn...Wow! These are beautiful. Send a wide shot showing the size..I want more beauty in my life from mn...blessings, elizabeth
Oh, still don't know name of the funky bulbous plant. Bet it's from africa?????
Can't get John's app to work

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Hi Elizabeth -I'm taking your advice and having a real "day off". All I have done is trim up a few patio pots. Now I'm sitting with a snack and a book on the patio. Here's a full shot of the tithonia and a little peek at my fountain and pond.


Hi Elizabeth -I'm taking your advice and having a real "day off". All I have done is trim up a few patio pots. Now I'm sitting with a snack and a book on the patio. Here's a full shot of the tithonia and a little peek at my fountain and pond.

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But...I see my phone once again flunked and the photos didn't post. I promise to do it from the computer later. Too beautiful to go indoors now.


But...I see my phone once again flunked and the photos didn't post. I promise to do it from the computer later. Too beautiful to go indoors now.

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@sueinmn, that, my friend, is my trick! I'll look for that picture in a few days. Whenever you send it I'll love to see and share it with you.

Glad you're taking my advice which is really your own advice to me long ago. Rest is very important. I think I recall you telling me every afternoon you have a sit-down somewhere comfy and special, porch, patio, garden by pond or whatever, and have a drink of whatever and rest your body, mind, and soul, rest the eyes or read a book. Remember that? You told me, about 3 in the afternoon...I began attempting to do the same and found it was wise advice from a wise woman in snow country.

I could fill you in on my last few days, but they're so melodramatic, that you'd accuse me of spreading stories, writing a novel, or telling fibs. None are true. It's been a very rollercoaster few days, lots of emotions up and down, a rough few days.

I'm going home now, from across the street at my son's home, where I've been working, cleaning, organizing garbage, calming my son, guiding, misguiding, being accused of all kinds of misdeeds, and such. The likes of what you see and hear in awful movies.

He called me this morning as I was in the middle of a bad night-terror, PTSD, in part brought on by screaming and such for hours prior...I heard the phone, tried to get to it, and fell out of the bed onto the floor after hitting the pet stairs on the way down. I'm ok. I'm bruised and injured but not truly damaged. Crawled back into bed, called Rob, told him what happened, and ended up hanging up on him multiple times before turning off my phone. Turned over as much as I could, kitty snuggled close to my heart, purred her loudest, and I fell back into sleep. He woke me up by throwing furniture I was selling for him onto his front yard.

So. That's been some of my few days. I'll trade you. I'd love to be in your garden, by the pond, or on the patio right now. I'm taking my computer...he broke his keyboard last night...and limping home to bed. I may have a special hot tottie! Don't drink, remember, but this moment it's calling to me.

Yep, that's the plan. Heading home to shower, crawl in bed, and stay there until tomorrow sometime. with Samantha. She helped me through the night. What a dear kitty. May stay in bed all day!!!

Monday he and I go to a local furniture store for him to sit in a chair I found last week at their warehouse sale...$999 was reduced to $333. There are 2 of them. I know the owner and he's holding the price for me. Navy with white plaid. Wing-back. Comfy. gives me a place to sit in his patio room/den, or a friend or whomever, or for him to sit if I'm using the computer. It's a good choice, holds his head with the wings which he needs. I have a footstool for him so I can put my feet up when I'm sitting. May get both and use one up in his bedroom. But, we're getting there.

His room is going to be charming soon, with a couple of small bookcases and a larger one with storage, matching cherry. Handsome. I hung 3 of my deceased fiancee's Jaguar (Jacksonville football franchise) signed first and early season posters and the room looks good. Will paint it a smokey, mid-shade blue, not navy but in the family. Posters are matted with the color. He has french doors overlooking the patio, our pool, and nice gardens. This is going to help bring him some peace and ease his pain/mind a bit.

Constant pain causes the rages. It's a rough life but may get helped with Mayo deep brain stimulation surgery. We're still waiting for the last hurdle...

Thinking of you and all my Connect friends. You are each so special and good folks. Be well. Be safe. Be blessed. Elizabeth

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