Lonely and Just want to talk with virtual friends here

Posted by EllAmster @ellamster, Jun 6, 2022

Due to 'life' I never had the opportunity to make friends. I hardly ever went out, am single, and feel desperately lonely. I can take care of myself and always have but have learned my caring skills weren't particularly good. They kept me alive but I have not lived.
No holidays, trips, bar, no beach or forest, nothing. And no friends to go out with or to simply have a chat.
I still work and I think my clients would be perplexed. They know me as a sunny and mischievous teacher who pulls their legs so they learn more, and trick them into doing things wrong to help understand it all even better. Little do they know. I am very alone and lonely. Being alone is not that big of a biggie: I know how to do that. But the loneliness is hollowing me out.
I wondered about making friends. I never had friends, I feel very awkward about friendship. I miss the person I am with clients in my daily life. I really would like someone to chat with. It would be so nice to even fall in love. To feel I am being loved. I never had that. It's so strange to realise so many are loved; is it normal to be loved, to find someone who loves you? Or is it the golden shine of being lucky and blessed enough to find this?

It would do me a lot of good to find people to chat with. Video for instance would be nice to get to know people. To chat, have a virtual cup of tea, or a real one of course! And to not be too ashamed of myself to hide behind the smiles and fun but to open up and maybe one day even be accepted.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


I am newly a widow and not young and don’t have a ton of friends (except my two cats). Just wanting to try this group to see if it is for me.

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Hi Carol,
I moved your message to this existing discussion called:
– Lonely and Just want to talk with virtual friends here https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/very-lonely/

I think you've landed in the right spot to join a supportive circle of virtual friends, including @thisismarilynb @jjwest and so many more.

Having dealt with a recent loss, you may also be interested in the discussions in the Loss & Grief group here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/loss-grief/

Have you got a fun or funny story to tell us about your cats? How are they bringing a smile to your face at a time smiles are in short supply?


Lonely and feel afraid to talk. I have two sons. One is supportive and the other is not. I have always had a problem getting along with people. I attributed it to social awkwardness. Then came the really awful terrible year. After 59 years, my husband died. There is a lot of anger. He was not dying. He should not have died. He refused to use a walker to get to the bathroom at night. He said he could do it himself. So of course he fell and broke his femur. Three months later he was gone. I could barely take that in. Then I had to have a complete hip replacement. I was on the surgery list while he was alive, but when I actually had the surgery I was alone. I had to go to a skilled nursing facility after surgery because there was no one to look after me. Those places are worse than hell. Finally I was able to come home - to an empty house. I found a wonderful caregiver, but she could only give me four hours a day. But we did it. I am still going through physical therapy but except for housework I am doing everything for myself. I was finally able to find someone to come in once a month. Also did I mention that in just a few weeks I will be 88 years old? The future looks bleak. I have four more weeks of physical therapy. I have some extensive dental work to be done. And I have to wrap my head around the fact that my younger son really doesn't want to have anything to do with me. Apparently the whole world knew that he had issues with his mother, except for one person - me. I didn't know. How dumb does that make me? He has been extremely disrespectful in his few dealings with me and I now finally see that we will not ever deal well again. How long will I be able to take care of myself. Who knows? I do not want to move into those facilities where they take care of you. They are small and I will not be able to have any of my things with me. So for now I am just crawling into myself. I go to the store when I need food. I go to the library when I run out of books to read and that's about it. I do not want to interact with anyone at this time and maybe never. Probably the worst thing is that at my age you don't know how much time is left. I am reasonably healthy. Getting over a hip replacement is not an illness. I have a few months left and it will be a year. I see the surgeon in January. That's about how long it takes to heal properly. So my plan, such as it is, is just to go along as best I can and keep my head down. I am afraid to go anywhere because I am so not good at meeting people. I know there are groups that you go with to go travelling. My husband and I did a lot of cruising and I miss that so. If I feel better I might investigate this, but I am afraid. Thanks for letting me let off some steam.


Welcome, @jan62. I am glad you dropped right into a meaningful discussion. And you have been able to clarify your own experiences with loneliness. I notice that you separated alone and lonely. I also agree with you. They are very different feelings. I enjoy being alone in nature, listening to the birds sing and waiting for the chipmunks to appear in the morning from every corner of the yard. Sometimes being alone gives you a good chance to meditate a bit and have a heartfelt chat with yourself.

And then there are friends. I am a newcomer to this area and have somehow been able to find a couple of groups that fill my loneliness needs. I play Mahjongg every Wednesday usually with a different group of four every week. That time goes quickly. I also have long conversations with old friends every few months or so. My longest friend and I have been together since first grade and that is about 75 years. We still have lots to reminisce about, and memories to revisit. Our chats can last three hours.

My newest group is a sangha that includes about 10 ladies. We meditate on Zoom every Thursday evening and have been together for about 8 years. Recently we started a once-a-month "fun" evening face to face. That experience is quite different and some are more ready than others to give themselves this experience.

My mask has always been available for public appearances or as the manager or leader of a workgroup. My best work time was when I owned the business myself. It was an art gallery and I grew to know the artists quite well. They too thrive and produce when they have alone time and often find it difficult to be out and about with others.

You know, I don't think I can agree with the position that you are selfish if you take care of yourself. However, I will leave that alone this evening. Perhaps you can give me some examples.

I look forward to continuing this discussion. Where do we go next?

May you have happiness and the causes of happiness.

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I hope I am in the right chat room. I am a 79 yr woman with some disability. I love people, talking, doing things toge,ther. I have recently had to move in with my son and family. I ,cannot drive safely anymore. so I am here alone most of the time. Getting new Dr's, tests and hope Dr's can figure why my brain is doing weird things. My kids always tell me I am weird 🙂
I just need someone to talk with.


Hi @jjwest, allow me to bring you into a discussion with @SusanEllen66 @rivermaya34 @gregoryz @sandysurf @linh @jan62 @emil @poppyseed123 @ann16 and quite a few other members. See here:
- Lonely and Just want to talk with virtual friends here https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/very-lonely/

Even when surrounded by family members, like your son and his family, you can be void of personal chat that help you feel connected.

@ellamster started this discussion to bring Connect friends around the virtual kitchen table. I think she just made a fresh pot of coffee, so pull up a chair and join in.

Jean, what's a fun or funny thing you'd like the group to know about you?

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Thanks Sue!
I think it would be best if people who want to join send me a personal message so i could set this up for a Teams or Zoom video meeting, then meet and talk and see what we can do to create more video meetings like this. It would be fun! And maybe helpful, that would be wonderful.


Man, I am sorry to hear some drug robbed you of your colorful dreams, and I can understand why you’d be loth to have a chance with any more.

Bummer. Are you sure there might not be a way (or several ways) back to the kaleidoscopic dreams of yore? I hate to think of you permanently cut off from that. It sounds wonderful and special.

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Yes, it is very sad. I noticed it quite quickly after waking up a few times thinking 'hey, I didn't dream'. They never came back. Since they were important to me and all the creative things I used to do I really have mourned them for a long time.
I don't know if there is something I can do to get them back, and to get my creativity back. I miss being cut off that well, it was precious.
Maybe someone here knows?


Hello Jean - I am not lonely because I can still get around, but am frustrated by tremors as well, so my jewelry and art supplies were gathering dust and making me feel bad.
A couple years ago, an artist friend started teaching paint-alongs that were not satisfying for me because of the tremors - her style is realistic, I couldn't get there!
So she introduced me to a watercolorist who taught me a new way to paint. I don't know the real name of the technique, so I call it "dribble and tilt" (my little sister says that's a perfect name for unsteady seniors.) You create a very thin watercolor, dribble 2-3 colors on your paper, spritz with a little water, then move the paper around to create some abstract shapes. Then look at it from several angles, pick a blot or two that look vaguely like a flower or tree and begin building - with more dribble or a few imprecise brush strokes. Makes some pretty abstract flower/landscape pics, after dry I can embellish - have made a few cards to send.

As for jewelry - I can manage beads/stones as big as a dried bean or marble, but I packed up all the tiny stuff - seed beads, fine needles, tiny findings - and passed them on to a young Mom in the neighborhood through our local "Buy Nothing" group on Facebook. She is making jewelry to sell at Craft Shows. It feels good to not look at it, and to know someone is using it.

I don't know if either of those ideas is a help, but thought I would share.

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Thanks for the watercolor method. I’ve been drawing since retirement and discovered an innate talent but lack training and had to cancel a class due to covid. This will be fun to try.


Thanks for the watercolor method. I’ve been drawing since retirement and discovered an innate talent but lack training and had to cancel a class due to covid. This will be fun to try.

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The beauty of this is that you can draw with pen & ink over the watercolor. I do not tape my paper for this method - it curls less, believe it or not. I have also had good luck pressing flat afterward with a warm dry iron.
May be a watercolor afternoon for me - got my tasks done this morning.
Let me know if you like it!


The beauty of this is that you can draw with pen & ink over the watercolor. I do not tape my paper for this method - it curls less, believe it or not. I have also had good luck pressing flat afterward with a warm dry iron.
May be a watercolor afternoon for me - got my tasks done this morning.
Let me know if you like it!

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Can this method be found on YouTube?


Can this method be found on YouTube?

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You know WHAT?
This could actually be part of our little video-get-togethers! We could show one another what we've done since the previous meeting, or set a creative goal for instance. Share tips. Be happy and proud!
To all: please send me a PM if you want to be part of this online meeting group so I can start to set it up 😊


Can this method be found on YouTube?

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I don't know - I just took a few 5X6 watercolor samples and either drew or lettered over the dried pages.

Here is what I was taught:
IT'S PLAYTIME! Let the paint tell you what it wants to be.
Lots of water, lots of paint.
Splatter, spatter, tap, sprinkle, dribble.
Use one color, or several that will blend nicely. (eg red & blue or green & yellow, or blue & yellow.)
Spritz on some water. Use a very fine spray of water.
Move the paper, this way & that, to let the paint run.
If you get too much paint, going where you don't want it, use the edge of cheap, single-ply TP to sop up the excess.
Paint in details with your brushes.

So I hope someone gives it a try.

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