Staying healthy and positive with PD

Posted by dccjjuarez @dccjjuarez, Aug 29, 2022
Exercise and motivational videos that I find helpful for staying healthy and positive with PD. I hope they inspire others to keep moving and keep fighting. We are warriors! 🌷💕

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After my diagnosis a year and a half ago, I started a YouTube channel with exercises and motivations that I find helpful for staying positive with Parkinson's and I hope they inspire others as well. Keep fighting, warriors!🌷💕


After my diagnosis a year and a half ago, I started a YouTube channel with exercises and motivations that I find helpful for staying positive with Parkinson's and I hope they inspire others as well. Keep fighting, warriors!🌷💕

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Welcome, @dccjjuarez and thanks for the link to your YouTube channel. I can see you've channeled your diagnosis into purpose and are on a mission to help others. I look forward to learning more about you.

In your videos, you look very fit. Has being active and fitness always been a part of your life or is this something you recently embraced with your diagnosis? For someone living with Parkinson's for whom fitness is relatively new, what would be your tips for getting started?


Other exercise and motivational videos at the link below that are helpful to me and I hope they inspire others to stay healthy and positive with PD.


Other exercise and motivational videos at the link below that are helpful to me and I hope they inspire others to stay healthy and positive with PD.

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My husband was really helped by Rock Steady if there’s a group near you. Great exercise and camaraderie-also good support for the caregivers!


My husband was really helped by Rock Steady if there’s a group near you. Great exercise and camaraderie-also good support for the caregivers!

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Hello @msealy,

Welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm glad that you joined the PD discussion group. I know of others who have been helped by Rock Steady boxing. I tend to prefer Dancing for PD but we each have our own personal preferences.

How is your husband doing with his PD diagnosis? How long ago was he diagnosed?


Other exercise and motivational videos at the link below that are helpful to me and I hope they inspire others to stay healthy and positive with PD.

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Hello @dccjjuarez

I can see that you have taken a positive approach to PD. Thank you for sharing some of your videos. Exercise is a very important part of PD treatment. With medication, and exercise many of the disabilities of PD can be minimized.

Could you share a bit more about your history of PD?


Hello @msealy,

Welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm glad that you joined the PD discussion group. I know of others who have been helped by Rock Steady boxing. I tend to prefer Dancing for PD but we each have our own personal preferences.

How is your husband doing with his PD diagnosis? How long ago was he diagnosed?

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He was diagnosed about 4 years ago, but had symptoms for awhile before that. He was diagnosed with MCI ahead of the Parkinson’s diagnosis. He did well until last summer, but lost mobility then and has not really regained it since. We moved to Florida last October and the move has been good for both of us-especially for me with the ability to get outside every day and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and the weather.

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