Post-COVID Cough

Apr 16, 2021 | Kate Walsh | @katewalshpa | Comments (31)

Many patients are noticing persistent symptoms after being considered “recovered” from COVID 19 illness. They may have been released from self-isolation and are no longer considered acutely ill, but continue to struggle with bothersome symptoms. Cough is the second most common persistent symptom after COVID-19 infection following fatigue.

When someone experiences a cough for more than 3 weeks out from illness there are a few things to think about. Are you having persistent postnasal drip? Is the cough productive and coming from your chest or is it more of a throat clearing cough? If related to persistent postnasal drip, there are several over the counter nasal sprays that contain inhaled steroids that may be effective in decreasing the inflammatory response. Are there any other associated persistent symptoms? If you are experiencing cough, especially with shortness of breath, we do encourage you to see a medical professional to be evaluated. There are many complications that can arise from COVID-19 including blood clots, secondary pneumonias, and fibrosis. Chest imaging and other tests can help medical professionals identify problems that would require specific treatment.

Many viral illnesses can lead to what is called a post-viral cough syndrome. Post-viral cough is the term used when a cough continues more than 3 weeks past viral illness. A persistent cough can be part of an inflammatory response, increased sensitivity, and/or possible conditions such as underlying reactive airways. As many as 25 out of every 100 people can experience a persistent cough following viral illness. If cough persists past 8 weeks it is considered more chronic and other underlying conditions many need to be evaluated such as gastroesophageal reflux, chronic sinus disease, or asthma.

People may be concerned about or fear their own and others cough symptoms because cough is a very common presenting symptom (occurring in more than 50%) of COVID patients.  The stigma associated with coughing has been magnified during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are already feeling isolated, and persistent symptoms may lead them to isolate even more. This isolation can often affect overall well-being.  Seeking help from a medical professional can help you better understand either the origins of the cough or provide options to help manage the symptom. Both can lead to an improved quality of life.

In regard, to COVID-19, we need to better understand the cough pathway to optimize treatment options. Research is ever evolving and your health care professional may have new suggestions or treatment options for you and others struggling with post COVID symptoms.

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Good morning and welcome to Mayo Connect. There are many people in the Post-COVID Recovery Group helping one another through this tough time. You can find them here:

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Had Omicron in January 2022-seemed like a fast 10-day recovery but after a month or two my asthma is much worse than lately: it has improved greatly after losing 28 Lb pre-Covid but only down 18 Lb now: installed lots of moldy mulch this spring in my Biz - I’ve gotten more albuterol and it helps a lot but feel prolly should bite bullet & go to self -pay doctor appt not just borrow puffers from a veteran friend


Had Omicron in January 2022-seemed like a fast 10-day recovery but after a month or two my asthma is much worse than lately: it has improved greatly after losing 28 Lb pre-Covid but only down 18 Lb now: installed lots of moldy mulch this spring in my Biz - I’ve gotten more albuterol and it helps a lot but feel prolly should bite bullet & go to self -pay doctor appt not just borrow puffers from a veteran friend

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Ed, using puffers or medications prescribed to someone else is not recommended. I hope you have made an appointment to see a doctor in the meantime.

How are you doing?


I am 8 weeks post covid, also with asthma at baseline.
I have been taking Tessalon Perls during the day (still do), probably first 4 weeks Guaifenesin syrup with Codeine so i can sleep.
Did two rounds of different abx, azythromyacin was last one, round of dexamethasoze ( ct showed patches of ground glass opacity both lower lobes), supplemental o2 as o2 was low and still with exertion now, nebulizer 4-5 times per day albuterol and atrovent. I also use advair hfa at baseline. I read somewhere that lungs healing take a while and will have "healing pains" just like when our bones when broken go through healing phase.
I still have pending high resolution CT. One thing that came up during my labs is quantiferon test that i was "behind on" for my annual screening. It came back positive although its been negative all these years. I read that covid re-activates old conditions.


I am now starting my 6mo of post covid coughing. I have seen my physician 3-4 times and went to Urgent care twice. Nobody is concentrating on the issue in my lungs. They all want to blame it on sinus drainage. Quality of life is going down hill. Why is nobody listening? 8


I am now starting my 6mo of post covid coughing. I have seen my physician 3-4 times and went to Urgent care twice. Nobody is concentrating on the issue in my lungs. They all want to blame it on sinus drainage. Quality of life is going down hill. Why is nobody listening? 8

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@gr70, how are you doing today? Have you tried to be seen at a specialty Post COVID Care Clinic?


@gr70, how are you doing today? Have you tried to be seen at a specialty Post COVID Care Clinic?

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I know exactly how you feel. I have had long haulers for over 1 year now. The cough can be quite painful & upsetting. My primary care giver ordered Montelukast 10 mg 1/day for that cough and/or sore lungs. It seems to help. He also gives me prednisone & Vit D, & I give my self Vit B's in a shot. The latest & greatest is a drug called naloxone in low doses. My doc couldn't get it for me, so I order it online without a problem. It's not cheap but seems the only way I could receive this medication. I was referred to a covid care center, but i still have 3 more months of waiting before they can get me in. Even then, you are made to see a neurologist, auto immune doc & a ear, nose, throat specialist. So I am just going to 3 referred doctors from my primary care giver. Hopefully I can be seen by them locally before 3 months. If you have a family member, they can be a great advocate to take along on your visits. What did the ER do for you? Anything? I've told my self "I can't take this anymore" & thought about going to a hospital. I talk myself out of it! I hope this has helped you even just a little bit.


I know exactly how you feel. I have had long haulers for over 1 year now. The cough can be quite painful & upsetting. My primary care giver ordered Montelukast 10 mg 1/day for that cough and/or sore lungs. It seems to help. He also gives me prednisone & Vit D, & I give my self Vit B's in a shot. The latest & greatest is a drug called naloxone in low doses. My doc couldn't get it for me, so I order it online without a problem. It's not cheap but seems the only way I could receive this medication. I was referred to a covid care center, but i still have 3 more months of waiting before they can get me in. Even then, you are made to see a neurologist, auto immune doc & a ear, nose, throat specialist. So I am just going to 3 referred doctors from my primary care giver. Hopefully I can be seen by them locally before 3 months. If you have a family member, they can be a great advocate to take along on your visits. What did the ER do for you? Anything? I've told my self "I can't take this anymore" & thought about going to a hospital. I talk myself out of it! I hope this has helped you even just a little bit.

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An ER is not the place go for what should be ongoing acute help with a doctor who you trust, and is not just seeing you because you make an appt.


I am now starting my 6mo of post covid coughing. I have seen my physician 3-4 times and went to Urgent care twice. Nobody is concentrating on the issue in my lungs. They all want to blame it on sinus drainage. Quality of life is going down hill. Why is nobody listening? 8

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I can offer three answers:
a. They don’t care
b. They don’t know and are guessing
c. a and b
I’ve gone in to the doctor with very real concerns and been rewarded with diagnoses of hypochondriasis or anxiety(which I do have).
If you went into the ER would you be able to see a pulmonologist? Otherwise, can MAYO recommend a post Covid clinic near you?
I know what it is to be treated that way and I sympathize.


It has been 8 weeks since I had Covid. I have a chronic cough that I have been prescribed several medications for it but nothing has worked. I've tried herbal teas, cough drops. I am not having any problems breathing through my mouth or nose. The cough is coming from a throat irritation or post nasal drip. This cough seems to be worse at night, it keeps me and my husband up most of the night. It really has affected my life. I am so tired. I have my 3rd Dr. appointment this Friday specifically for this cough. I'm lost. I don't know what else to do. I've taken Benzonatate, albuterol inhaler, allergy medicine, antihistimine, flonase, singulair. I am hoping 3rd visit is the charm. Any other medication recommendations?


Good luck. I certainly hope you find relief for your cough soon.
Unfortunately my dry post COVID cough is still with me nine months after recovering from the virus. Let us know if you finally find relief.

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