Just approved: Evusheld for the pre-exposure prevention of COVID-19

Posted by lizzy102 @lizzy102, Dec 10, 2021

Does anyone have any more information on this just-approved by the FDA treatment for immunocompromised people? From what I am reading, it seems very exciting. Boy, what I wouldn’t give for a bit of protection from the scourge virus!

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Our most amazing doctor wants to give it to My Mister. In addition to every available dose of vaccine. Yep, we are in.

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I had the Pfizer vaccine Jan and Feb 2021, plus two boosters. No bad reaction except a sore arm! I am grabbing on to any chance to stay ahead of getting sick, whatever that takes. For those of us with immunocompromised systems, there is no such thing as being too careful.

Just my humble opinion,


@auntieoakley I had my first dose in February, but it was a half dose. They hadn't yet given the amount to be used, and I was the first one at the cancer center to get a dose. On 1 Sept I will get my second dose, and it will be the full dose. I had no reaction from the first one, just a bit of a sore butt cheek on one side!

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Chris, I am a liver and kidney transplant recipient and I take immunosuppressant meds. I am fully vaccinated and boosted. When Mayo notified me that I was eligible to get Evusheld, I did not hesitate to request that it be added to my appointment schedule in May. The timing was perfect for me because I got it when I was at Mayo for my annual post transplant evaluation. I did not have any reaction. I only felt a slight tenderness in my butt when I got up the next day. I did allow myself one regular strength Tylenol before I started my day that was going to be filled with medical appointments.


I took Evusheld with no reactions, no issues and no problems. Sure, there was the usual soreness for 2 - 3 days but nothing beyond that.
Every BODY is different. Because it worked nicely for me or not so nicely for someone else should never be the reason anyone gets a vaccine, immunization or jumps off a bridge into summer water. One must weigh the cost to benefit - a chance of feeling like the flu for 4 days versus being protected from the virus for a while. Which has more weight? For me, protection out weighed the risk of feeling like the flu.

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