Transplant Rejection news
Well I knew the journey would have ups and downs. And after my 15 mos checkup at Mayo this week I found out my heart is good but my lungs are showing some rejection. I will be adjusting meds and going back in a month for another bronchoscopy. Such a bummer as things had been going so well. Needing to hear some success stories if you’ve had a similar setback and comeback. Thanks!
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It’s been low for over two weeks with no Cellcept. I go tomorrow for bloodwork again. Insurance hasn’t improved Neupogen so now we’re working through that…so bronchoscopy for next week is delayed until Sept when we can get WBC up again. Always something!
Hi @jackiez 😊 Don't worry. Two weeks is actually not that long without Cellcept, I am sure you will start to see a slow improvement of your WBC in the coming weeks even before you take your Neupogen shots. It sounds like your team is also confident that by September (a couple of weeks!) your WBC issue will start to resolve in time for your procedure. Are they doing a bronchoscopy to do a protocol biopsy or just to take a look?
I had 1 of 12 samples from my July biopsy show rejection. So back to take another look to monitor after tweaking meds.
@jackiez Got it! Please keep us posted on your WBC today after you receive the results. I have my fingers crossed that you see a nice improvement on today's test. I definitely know what it's like to track a low WBC. I was down to 1.5. How low are you running?
0.5 !
@jackiez In addition to Prednisone, which meds are you taking now? Is .5 the same or lower than your last result?
Ha-several meds. Sirolimus, Valcyte, Bactrim, lasix, panprotozole, azithromyacin, to name the main ones. And the WBC was the same last week that’s why we held the Cellcept. We’ll see what Friday’s lab results show.
Hi @jackiez 😊
I have my fingers crossed that your Friday labs show some improvement in your WBC. Reducing the Cellcept dosage definitely helped my WBC in a big way, so I am hopeful that you will begin to see the same kind of results. I had neutropenia and leukopenia for almost a year (with regular Neupogen shots) until the Cellcept dosage was reduced. Please keep us posted on your lab result!
Hi @jackiez 😊 Any news on your Friday WBC? I am hoping that there is a slight improvement from your .5 this time. ❤
Thanks for checking! Yes, 1.5….but still waiting on insurance approval for injections…