Anyone with PMR have experience with 4th COVID vax jab?

Posted by klpintx @klpintx, Jan 28, 2022

I just got notification from UTSW that I was eligible to receive my 4th Pfizer vaccine. I was wondering if anyone has does that yet? I have an appointment with my rheumatoligist next week, so I will ask her. But I was just wondering about anyone's experience with this.

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I also believe mine started with my covid vaccination after having long covid. My Dr has a small practice and he said I was his 4th patient to come down with PMR after a vaccination


I believe that my PMR was started by Covid vaccines also. You are not alone.

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My symptoms started after the Pfizer booster. I had the JJ a year prior.
There are lots of ppl with PMR and other autoimmune disorders having flare ups and or new diagnoses after the spike vaccines per my primary and rheumatologist. Maybe a trigger. Wish there would be a retrospective study to look at this further.


My symptoms started after the Pfizer booster. I had the JJ a year prior.
There are lots of ppl with PMR and other autoimmune disorders having flare ups and or new diagnoses after the spike vaccines per my primary and rheumatologist. Maybe a trigger. Wish there would be a retrospective study to look at this further.

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Welcome @stleg, Sorry to hear your PMR symptoms flared following a vaccine jab. I have PMR (in remission now) and several other autoimmune conditions but was one of the fortunate ones to only have the "normal" side effects of the vaccines. I've had both Pfizer shots and both boosters plus the Shingrix vaccine with only some arm pain and a little fatigue. There are some studies going on but they don't get much press and you have to find them. Google Scholar is what I used -

Here's a couple that I found:
-- COVID-19 vaccination in autoimmune disease (COVAD) survey protocol:
-- New-onset autoimmune phenomena post-COVID-19 vaccination:

How are you doing with the PMR? Are you on prednisone?


Thank you John I’ll take a look at these. I’m on 40 of Prednisone down from 60. I hate the side effects. Can’t sleep and fight/flight response is heightened always.
I’m walking every morning before work, on Keto and taking needed supplements.


Thank you John I’ll take a look at these. I’m on 40 of Prednisone down from 60. I hate the side effects. Can’t sleep and fight/flight response is heightened always.
I’m walking every morning before work, on Keto and taking needed supplements.

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Were you started on 60 mg prednisone for PMR diagnosis or do you also have GCA? For both of my occurrences of PMR, I was started at 20 mg prednisone. I'm wondering if the high dosage is causing any problems. Were you diagnosed by a rheumatologist?


Were you started on 60 mg prednisone for PMR diagnosis or do you also have GCA? For both of my occurrences of PMR, I was started at 20 mg prednisone. I'm wondering if the high dosage is causing any problems. Were you diagnosed by a rheumatologist?

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Yes, rheumatologist suspected GCA due to symptoms.


Mine also started exactly 7 days after my J and J vaccine. What do we do about it? There are lawyers willing to do class action suits.
Has anyone reported it to the VAERS Site?

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Yes I reported mine. If there’s a law suit I want to be found!


Diagnosed with PMR after 3rd booster. Still on 8mg prednisone. Some days not so bad, others not good. Really struggling with getting the 4th booster. No one really has an answer for me Doctor, Pharmacist, Rheumatologist.
I reacted quite badly to the 1st and second shot.


Diagnosed with PMR after 3rd booster. Still on 8mg prednisone. Some days not so bad, others not good. Really struggling with getting the 4th booster. No one really has an answer for me Doctor, Pharmacist, Rheumatologist.
I reacted quite badly to the 1st and second shot.

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Welcome @mapledrive, My PMR is in remission but I did worry some when getting the vaccines. I've had the 2 Pfizers vaccines and both boosters with only the normal side effects. Given that you've had bad reactions to the first two shots, have you discussed it with your doctor?


Thanks for responding. Yes, I have, however, no one seems to really want to commit. I think it is because no one really knows. I just worry the shot could set me back with the PMR

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