A discussion for people over 60: Let's focus on what we can do

Posted by nanette2022 @nanette2022, Feb 18, 2022

Is is possible to start a new discussion for over 60?

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Wow, your adventure sounds wonderful! Thank you for the information about the tour companies. Your story is very inspirational and motivating. I am so happy you had such a beautiful once-in-a lifetime experience. I may have to plan a trip like that in the future. I had a kidney transplant (during covid), so for now I am staying close to home and living vicariously through a strong senior woman like you.
Thank you again for sharing! 😊


I had covid in February and also have Lupus, so was worried about the activity level needed., since I am a "hot house plant." The foods were great and for the most part the walkways were decent. Rome wore out my feet, but otherwise I was fine. I did arrive a day early to both tours, which helped.


@marye2 I am so proud of you for moving ahead with such an ambitious trip! What were some of your favorite highlights?


Venice --the lighting was gorgeous. Walking through the city, the gondola ride w/George Clooney look alike singing, Doges Palace, water buses. Rome-I call it the city of giants. Every building was huge and beautiful. I didn't get to the parks, but it was a wow. St Peter's, especially. Florence--the Duomo was exquisite, and the old town was great to walk through. We also went to a medieval village on Easter and heard the church bells. Malta was incredible to me for all of the evidence of past cultures, megaliths and the Blue Lagoon. Sorrento was neat but we just had a day and it rained in Capri.


Venice --the lighting was gorgeous. Walking through the city, the gondola ride w/George Clooney look alike singing, Doges Palace, water buses. Rome-I call it the city of giants. Every building was huge and beautiful. I didn't get to the parks, but it was a wow. St Peter's, especially. Florence--the Duomo was exquisite, and the old town was great to walk through. We also went to a medieval village on Easter and heard the church bells. Malta was incredible to me for all of the evidence of past cultures, megaliths and the Blue Lagoon. Sorrento was neat but we just had a day and it rained in Capri.

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@marye2 Your entire trip sounds breathtaking! Thank you for sharing some of the highlights. You must have some fantastic photos to go along with these in incredible memories. Are you thinking about planning another destination in the future?


Mattie, my heart and prayers go out to you. Follow the suggestions and safeguard yourself.


No; I like philosophical, biographies and religious. I no longer watch the news because I get angry there too... OK, I am perhaps arrogant, but I am French... you do not expect anything less than that from us.

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Hello all, I am new to this forum and thought I would stop in and introduce myself. I am 67, retired 2 1/2 years ago, and moved up north to be close to my daughter and her family (they have 4 children, one with severe special needs). It's beautiful up here but it is lonely - I miss my friends from my old home and the comfortable feeling of fitting into a place. But I am trying to keep active - I'm learning German and taking classes at the local university under the Senior Citizen Education Program. I found out that most states allow people over a certain age to take classes either for free or at a deeply reduced rate. Here I can audit classes for free or pay $10 a credit hour.

I also love to travel - in May I spent a month in Germany traveling solo (it was great for practicing my German) and next year I have started planning for a 3 week trip to Scotland. The planning for me is half the fun so it keeps me busy. I also love to sew and read.

@mattie, next time you have a doctor appointment, tell your doctor about your situation. If you don't have one scheduled, then schedule something - your doctor can direct you (or contact someone) about your situation. Most doctors in my area have a litany of questions they ask me when I come in, like "Do you feel safe in your home?" and so on.

@marya2, I love Italy and Venice - it's been ages since I was there, though, and reading about your trip makes me want to go back!


Hello all, I am new to this forum and thought I would stop in and introduce myself. I am 67, retired 2 1/2 years ago, and moved up north to be close to my daughter and her family (they have 4 children, one with severe special needs). It's beautiful up here but it is lonely - I miss my friends from my old home and the comfortable feeling of fitting into a place. But I am trying to keep active - I'm learning German and taking classes at the local university under the Senior Citizen Education Program. I found out that most states allow people over a certain age to take classes either for free or at a deeply reduced rate. Here I can audit classes for free or pay $10 a credit hour.

I also love to travel - in May I spent a month in Germany traveling solo (it was great for practicing my German) and next year I have started planning for a 3 week trip to Scotland. The planning for me is half the fun so it keeps me busy. I also love to sew and read.

@mattie, next time you have a doctor appointment, tell your doctor about your situation. If you don't have one scheduled, then schedule something - your doctor can direct you (or contact someone) about your situation. Most doctors in my area have a litany of questions they ask me when I come in, like "Do you feel safe in your home?" and so on.

@marya2, I love Italy and Venice - it's been ages since I was there, though, and reading about your trip makes me want to go back!

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Hello, and welcome. You personify the "can do" of this discussion.
I see that you have moved to northern Minnesota to be near family - have you checked out any of the Road Scholar programs available here?
Also, there are so many opportunities for a variety of short road trips in MN - have you checked out any of them near you? We like to do them with one grand at a time for "special time." If you are the active sort, there are also extensive paved bike trails in the state.
MN Dept of Tourism has a ton of regional and activity related guides.
What is your favorits activity so far?


Hello, and welcome. You personify the "can do" of this discussion.
I see that you have moved to northern Minnesota to be near family - have you checked out any of the Road Scholar programs available here?
Also, there are so many opportunities for a variety of short road trips in MN - have you checked out any of them near you? We like to do them with one grand at a time for "special time." If you are the active sort, there are also extensive paved bike trails in the state.
MN Dept of Tourism has a ton of regional and activity related guides.
What is your favorits activity so far?

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Hi, Sue! I'm aware of Road Scholar (I remember when they were Elderhostel) but have not done any of their tours or activities. I'm not sure how I would do on a tour as I'm used to traveling by myself. But I will check out some of them - thanks for the idea! And yes, I've gone on a few road trips - up the North Shore is my favorite place to go. I've visited Grand Marais and Grand Portage State Park (we live in Duluth).

This year I went on a 2 week road trip with my 12 year old grandson - we drove through North Dakota (stopping at Teddy Rosselot National Pk), then Montana, Idaho, and ending in Salt Lake City, Utah. We stayed with my brother and his family for several days and then we all went down to Moab for 3 days. After that, we drove to Colorado to visit my sister for 3 days and explored the area. Finally we headed back home through Nebraska and South Dakota, making stops at Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse and Badlands (my favorite!). Then back home to Duluth. It was a wonderful trip and my grandson really loved it!

My favorite activities are walking and boating - I love to canoe although I have not done much of it here. I need to get out more this summer. 🙂

What part of Minnesota are in?

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