Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Yes, very positive about Fiorinal with Codience. Screwed up my stomach. Still take Omeprazole everyday. The CGRP's made it worse for you. Interesting. They supposedly are not to have any side effects.

If i were dealing with just migraine, maybe I could deal. But I have Fibromyalgia which is chronic as well right now. And a a new rheum arthr.taking over my fingers, feet, knees and body progressing fast. All this pain is relentless.


49 years with migraines. Currently 9 months of Chronic Daily Migraine. It is mimicking MOH which I ve had many years ago. I take nothing for the pain and havent for months. If I do (over the counter or script) take anything, then pain Level goes to 10. Every day a struggle, especially with Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Wondering if anyone has heard of this.

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Hello @importantcargo. In order to best help me connect you, I need to clarify if you are looking to find others who may have heard of Chronic Daily Migraines or Medication Overuse Headache (MOH)?


That is my point. I have chronic 24/7 migraine That MIMICS moh headache. I dont take anything for pain. If I take an aleve, my pain level will go to 10. So, you pick. I have never heard of this. Searching for somebody who has.


I have muscle pain in my lower back and hips plus pain where I had my ovaries removed from a complete hysterectomy. I also have pain in my upper spine from my neck looking at the laptop screen.


That is my point. I have chronic 24/7 migraine That MIMICS moh headache. I dont take anything for pain. If I take an aleve, my pain level will go to 10. So, you pick. I have never heard of this. Searching for somebody who has.

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Hi @importantcargo, I had not heard of it either but did find a couple of articles that seems to be describing what may be happening for you.

"Over-the-counter drugs such as acetaminophen and NSAIDs can cause MOH. Overuse of triptans and opioid pain relievers like codeine can also ..."
-- Refractory Chronic Migraine: When Regular Treatments Don’t Work:

"Medication overuse headache (MOH) can also be misdiagnosed as migraine. Many people with migraine who use abortive medications frequently experience headache ..."
-- Migraine Mimics - Practical Neurology:

Have you thought about seeking help at a major teaching hospital or health facility?


I have muscle pain in my lower back and hips plus pain where I had my ovaries removed from a complete hysterectomy. I also have pain in my upper spine from my neck looking at the laptop screen.

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Welcome @flowerpoem, I also have pain in my lower back and also in the neck area but it's generally not too bad to deal with for me. Do you do any kind of stretching or exercises that help with your pain?


Welcome @flowerpoem, I also have pain in my lower back and also in the neck area but it's generally not too bad to deal with for me. Do you do any kind of stretching or exercises that help with your pain?

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I use a cream called RUB ON Relief by LivingWell. It helps during the daytime but at night when I wake up the pain is back. I take Tylenol to help with the pain at night, but it helps me to go back to sleep. I sometimes sit on the edge of the bed and put my leg over my thigh. I do this on both legs. This help to stretch the back muscles to relieve the pain.


49 years with migraines. Currently 9 months of Chronic Daily Migraine. It is mimicking MOH which I ve had many years ago. I take nothing for the pain and havent for months. If I do (over the counter or script) take anything, then pain Level goes to 10. Every day a struggle, especially with Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Wondering if anyone has heard of this.

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@importantcargo How very difficult to live with migraine of any kind. I understand some of what you're going through as I have also had chronic daily migraine in addition to other neurological challenges.

I'm curious, how many neurologists have you been to? What treatments have they recommended? Have you tried botox injections or other migraine self injections like Aimovig or Emgality?


Hello Kelsey and others,
I found this group when searching for information regarding Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum. He has authored several books regarding fibromyalgia as well as having appeared a on several television shows. He suffers from both CFS and FMS.
He offers personal consultations and many supplements regarding the treatment of these conditions. Is anyone in this forum familiar with his work, and has anyone have any personal experience with him?
I have suffered with fibromyalgia since 1999. Many medications and doctors later have not improved my quality of life. I am considering a consultation with this doctor but am apprehensive. If anyone has had any personal experience or has followed Dr. teitlebaum’s advice with success can you please respond in this forum. I’d appreciate it very much.

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