Insomnia. What seems to help?

Posted by terryb1 @128128terry11t, Jan 7, 2017

@josephene I am having terrible insomnia as well. Nothing seems to help. Any specific suggestions? Many thanks.

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For better sleep, I like to watch something funny on TV the last hour of the day. I DVR Steven Colbert and play just enough of him to relax, laugh and feel sleepy. Poor guy. He might feel insulted if he knew I use him as my sleep medicine!

Be sure your bedroom is dark, and especially avoid blue light, which is a stimulant.

Fortunately, I had a wonderful physician, Dr. Frisca Yan-Go, who diagnosed my Obstructive Sleep Apnea in 1999 then guided me to
change habits which had prevented sleeping as well as I do now.
Ready for this? First give up ALL sources of caffeine. Remember decaf is not “non-caf”. Even half a cup of decaffeinated green tea at breakfast keeps me awake the following night. Now I drink ginger tea, delicious and it also provides the benefit of being an anti-inflammatory. It easy to avoid sodas because drinks made of chemicals were always repulsive to me anyway. Remember chocolate is a stimulant. Oh darn!

For awaking in the middle of the night, avoid drinking any alcohol.

If you are already doing all these good habits but awaken anyway, try using that time to count your blessings, or send gratitude thoughts to people who have been kind to you through the years.

After she retired, Dr. Yan-Go died from covid. That she could live as long as she did, with early onset Lupus, vasculitis and subsequent diabetes seemed a miracle. She was always in snd out of the hospital between seeing her patients. We loved her. It was mutual.

She credited Mayo Clinic with helping, having studied at the University of Rochester to subsequently do her interning at Mayo Clinic because they were using medicines she wanted to try. And they mostly worked.
Her memorial this past spring was beautiful and inspirational. I think it is available on YouTube.


So sorry to hear that you're dealing with such severe insomnia. It's very challenging and many of us on this site can relate. I've been taking Ambien for many years myself, but not the extended release. It works best form if I split the 10 mg tablets, taking 1/2-3/4 at bedtime and the other part if I wake up very early (2:00-3:00 am, usually). I can usually get more like 6 hours of sleep that way. Six hours is way better than 4!
I've done Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBST) with 2 different sleep psychologists, to try to wean off of Ambien and still get adequate sleep. I wasn't very successful but I did learn some techniques for getting better sleep. I did one program in person and one via tele-sessions on my computer.
In your other post, you mentioned that doctors don't seem to understand severe insomnia. I've had some trouble with that, too, and I find that docs are being told, more and more, not to prescribe Ambien long term. I've had to search for a GP who would prescribe 10mg. Psychiatrists may be more sympathetic because they treat anxiety and depression which are often linked to insomnia.
Wishing you good sleep--

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Thanks so much for your comments...helpful


I use a combination CBD/THC chewy for insomnia and it works pretty well. If you’re lucky enough to live in a state that allows that it might help you with insomnia. bcool123 in Colo


I just joined this site and am not sure how it works. I joined out of desperation for sleep. Have not been able to get to sleep or stay asleep for over 10 years without ambien. I take 6.25 extended release every night and it is no longer giving me more than 4 hours sleep. I am so tired and don't know what to do. My doctor has no knowledge of what severe insomnia is. Please help

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I’m so sorry to hear this but you are not alone. I also started reading these posts out of desperation. Right now, I’m trying acupuncture and also the Fisher Wallace Stimulator. Just some more things to look into maybe? As far as emotions and thoughts that need release and may help sleep, I’m reading The Gift by Edith Eger, and it’s helped put things into perspective which for me, can lower the emotional load I take to bed with me which keeps my mind churning. Hugs and best wishes.


I’m so sorry to hear this but you are not alone. I also started reading these posts out of desperation. Right now, I’m trying acupuncture and also the Fisher Wallace Stimulator. Just some more things to look into maybe? As far as emotions and thoughts that need release and may help sleep, I’m reading The Gift by Edith Eger, and it’s helped put things into perspective which for me, can lower the emotional load I take to bed with me which keeps my mind churning. Hugs and best wishes.

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Thank you, Linda


I’m so sorry to hear this but you are not alone. I also started reading these posts out of desperation. Right now, I’m trying acupuncture and also the Fisher Wallace Stimulator. Just some more things to look into maybe? As far as emotions and thoughts that need release and may help sleep, I’m reading The Gift by Edith Eger, and it’s helped put things into perspective which for me, can lower the emotional load I take to bed with me which keeps my mind churning. Hugs and best wishes.

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How does the Fisher Wallace device work for you?



How does the Fisher Wallace device work for you?


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Welcome @ds2400, While we wait for @lindaaa to reply to your question on how the Fisher Wallace device worked for them, I thought I would share this 2016 article with you.

"Does the Fisher Wallace Stimulator really work?
The Fisher Wallace Stimulator been shown effective in many studies including one in the Journal of Affective Disorders. The results of a pilot study for the treatment of bipolar disorder was published last year. Jul 19, 2016"
-- Why I Get My Brain Zapped - Scientific American Blog Network:

Are you thinking about purchasing the device to see if it will help insomnia?


Welcome @ds2400, While we wait for @lindaaa to reply to your question on how the Fisher Wallace device worked for them, I thought I would share this 2016 article with you.

"Does the Fisher Wallace Stimulator really work?
The Fisher Wallace Stimulator been shown effective in many studies including one in the Journal of Affective Disorders. The results of a pilot study for the treatment of bipolar disorder was published last year. Jul 19, 2016"
-- Why I Get My Brain Zapped - Scientific American Blog Network:

Are you thinking about purchasing the device to see if it will help insomnia?

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Yes I am. I’ve received many emails from Fisher Wallace stating they offer used units for those who can’t/won’t pay full price, so this interested me. I was hoping for some feedback by a current user. The research sounds promising.



Yes I am. I’ve received many emails from Fisher Wallace stating they offer used units for those who can’t/won’t pay full price, so this interested me. I was hoping for some feedback by a current user. The research sounds promising.


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Hello Diane, Good question to ask! I’ve been using it since 6/30/22 and to be honest I was not using it regularly at the beginning so if I was not receiving full benefit, it was due to “user error”…and user resistance, not wanting to admit I needed to try such a contraption.😐 But, I really want to try everything non-med before going back to trying meds.
I first was using it just once per day (before bed), as this is the recommended use for insomnia. The longest sleep I’ve had since starting it was 7 hours straight, a huge win for me since I had been getting like 0-2 hours per night for 3 months straight so I am desperate. Some nights since using it,, I do not feel any relief and sleep maybe 2 hours. This week, since I’ve experienced more depression, I’ve switched to using it twice a day, once in morning and once at night (following instructions for depression and/or anxiety). Last night I slept 5.5 hours straight and I feel great this morning! Am actually going on a day trip today and am feeling motivated and hopeful. Once I switched to twice a day, it took 2 days for more regular sleep to kick in. Yesterday I also had a great massage in the afternoon so I think that also helped me sleep better.
I fought ordering and using the FW Stimulator because it does seem odd (to me) to use electrical impulses on your brain outside of a clinical setting but I did a lot of research to calm my concerns. The biggest issue to me is ensuring to use it regularly and consistently. Every day I have to remember to set aside the 20 minutes twice a day for each session. Fortunately I have a supportive partner who reminds me to not forget!
I purchased it on the $299 sale price and used PayPal credit which allows 6 month payoff with no interest, so I have not paid anything yet. I’m still in the 30 day trial period so I can still send it back and get a refund. To be fair, the company does say that you need to use it a while to gauge if you are getting the full benefit, so I’m really only into this trial for about 2 weeks now and only this week in earnest (consistently twice a day). My depression has seen incremental improvement, which I am extremely grateful for. Please write if you have any further questions. I’m 55 years old and have suffered mild to concerning anxiety on and off for decades.


Hello Diane, Good question to ask! I’ve been using it since 6/30/22 and to be honest I was not using it regularly at the beginning so if I was not receiving full benefit, it was due to “user error”…and user resistance, not wanting to admit I needed to try such a contraption.😐 But, I really want to try everything non-med before going back to trying meds.
I first was using it just once per day (before bed), as this is the recommended use for insomnia. The longest sleep I’ve had since starting it was 7 hours straight, a huge win for me since I had been getting like 0-2 hours per night for 3 months straight so I am desperate. Some nights since using it,, I do not feel any relief and sleep maybe 2 hours. This week, since I’ve experienced more depression, I’ve switched to using it twice a day, once in morning and once at night (following instructions for depression and/or anxiety). Last night I slept 5.5 hours straight and I feel great this morning! Am actually going on a day trip today and am feeling motivated and hopeful. Once I switched to twice a day, it took 2 days for more regular sleep to kick in. Yesterday I also had a great massage in the afternoon so I think that also helped me sleep better.
I fought ordering and using the FW Stimulator because it does seem odd (to me) to use electrical impulses on your brain outside of a clinical setting but I did a lot of research to calm my concerns. The biggest issue to me is ensuring to use it regularly and consistently. Every day I have to remember to set aside the 20 minutes twice a day for each session. Fortunately I have a supportive partner who reminds me to not forget!
I purchased it on the $299 sale price and used PayPal credit which allows 6 month payoff with no interest, so I have not paid anything yet. I’m still in the 30 day trial period so I can still send it back and get a refund. To be fair, the company does say that you need to use it a while to gauge if you are getting the full benefit, so I’m really only into this trial for about 2 weeks now and only this week in earnest (consistently twice a day). My depression has seen incremental improvement, which I am extremely grateful for. Please write if you have any further questions. I’m 55 years old and have suffered mild to concerning anxiety on and off for decades.

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Thanks for the update. Please keep us apprised of how it works for you. I’m seriously thinking about buying a used unit myself.


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