Rare serious side effect of Eliquis: Muscle weakness

Posted by cmauncc1 @cmauncc1, Dec 27, 2021

In late July 2017 I was admitted for very high heart rate and Afib. Had been, and still am, on minimal meds. Hospitalist put me on Eliquis, 5mg 2X/day.

Within a month my leg muscles were weakening to the point where I could no longer play Pickleball or walk golf. Within a few weeks my Cardiologist did an ablation and inserted a loop recorder. For the next 2-1/2 years the loop recorder saw MINIMAL Afib, under 0.5%; the ablation did its job.

By November 2017 I needed a walker. By December 2017 I needed to be wheelchair pushed through an Ice Sculpture display as there was no way I could walk the 25-30 minutes of the exhibit.

When I finally got to see a Neurologist at Shands (Univ of FL, Gainesville) in July 2018, he ran an extensive battery of blood work tests but could find nothing to explain the muscle weakness.

Has anyone else encountered similar muscle effects following being prescribed Eliquis?

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Please................please..................once you start Eliquis, you cannot stop it. If you do, the one scary part is to be eligible for BRAIN HEMMORAGE. If taken off, must be substituted with another type, but your brain is trained to get to the source of pain. Don't cause a rumble in your head with this much advertised pill on TV. Dangerous product. Doctor's and Nurses do not tell you about the BH (above). They are either experimenting with you or just want to lessen your pain. Does not work that way. Find (mean this seriously, another Doctor). Flipping Doctor's is nothing to be ashamed of. We need to protect our health and become educated. Life is shorter without education. Judy G.

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YOU GOT MY ATTENTION {dance 4life}.. Could you advise me "WHERE" you got this Brain Hemorrhage info from ? It sounds very scary. Since I was just given Eloquis 25mg twice a day , I am very concerned with your post . Would like more info before confronting my Heart Dr. If this info is correct , whatever Big Pharma that makes this med. is lining itself up for "LAWSUIT CITY" !! If I were you I would definitely talk to a MEDICAL MALPRACTICE ATTY. "BEFORE" the "CLASS ACTION VULTURES" start their PR program recruiting clients that will end up with "NOTHING" while the Attys get rich . That's how CLASS ACTION " works . I been in 3 of them . Attys. got Millions I got $6 on one $12 and $7 on the others . Maybe others on here did better . Remember Serzone . a Med for Depression . It was quickly taken off market when bad stuff happened . Now my PAIN DR. tells me it's back under another "LABEL" /NAME " . Big PHARMA is a "LEGAL MAFIA " nothing more . ! My Opinion . I look forward to your info source . Thanks and Best Wishes .. Junqdawg


Welcome, @hulitoons. I can imagine that you just want this to be over. It certainly sounds like you need medical attention. Have you asked your doctors why more imaging studies are required? Might it be possible to have a telephone or virtual consult as a next step to get help with the immediate issues that are preventing you from being mobile? Please contact your doctor or consider getting second opinion.

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[I did have one very short telehealth virtual call.  I haven driven a vehicle in over 30 years so my husband takes me to appointments.  I now have six doctors who work together:  cancer, hematologist, cardiac, spine, surgeons, gastroenterologist.]
After my first post here I was back in the hospital again the first week of April via ambulance (I didn't realize my husband called them because I was barely aware).  This time I was put through a variety of tests for a full week, given 4 blood transfusions along with two other medical transfusions at the same time (I had three intravenous lines).  I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy done simultaneously along with a medical stress test for my heart and blood clotting test was also done that continued to show clots.  I had to have blood draws every four hours.  My own blood could not gather or transport enough oxygen and I was actually losing blood so they searched for 'bleeding' but none could be found so another test to look at my small intestine will be done.  (Vitamin B12 was not an issue at all)  Over the course of a week I averaged 1-1/2 hour of sleep a night, which is common in hospitals when there are issues that have to be tested constantly.  It was found that I have Gerd, a hiatal hernia but my colon is fine except for hemorrhoids.  This anemia would have eventually caused death
Two weeks later I had a scheduled lung biopsy done because over the course of the 4-1/2 months I'd been told, after a number of earlier tests, that a nodule in one lung was cancer so I had a number of visits for this.  However, the robotic biopsy result said it was NOT cancer after the surgeon had them test another piece of the nodule again.  Thankfully whatever it is the surgeon removed it without taking out the lung lobe where it was located.  The nodule pieces were sent to a lab to investigate what it is.  I have an appointment to see the surgeon today after a chest x-ray this week and maybe I'll know more.
I have more energy now (I think the blood transfusions made a HUGE difference); I have an appetite and am eating; I no longer have dry-burning mouth and lips and I have SPIT!; I am now actually walking each day OUTSIDE with a Tall Walker so I can stand up straight and breathe.  

I'm back on Eliquis, and medication for Gerd and am feeling a lot stronger and better.  


[I did have one very short telehealth virtual call.  I haven driven a vehicle in over 30 years so my husband takes me to appointments.  I now have six doctors who work together:  cancer, hematologist, cardiac, spine, surgeons, gastroenterologist.]
After my first post here I was back in the hospital again the first week of April via ambulance (I didn't realize my husband called them because I was barely aware).  This time I was put through a variety of tests for a full week, given 4 blood transfusions along with two other medical transfusions at the same time (I had three intravenous lines).  I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy done simultaneously along with a medical stress test for my heart and blood clotting test was also done that continued to show clots.  I had to have blood draws every four hours.  My own blood could not gather or transport enough oxygen and I was actually losing blood so they searched for 'bleeding' but none could be found so another test to look at my small intestine will be done.  (Vitamin B12 was not an issue at all)  Over the course of a week I averaged 1-1/2 hour of sleep a night, which is common in hospitals when there are issues that have to be tested constantly.  It was found that I have Gerd, a hiatal hernia but my colon is fine except for hemorrhoids.  This anemia would have eventually caused death
Two weeks later I had a scheduled lung biopsy done because over the course of the 4-1/2 months I'd been told, after a number of earlier tests, that a nodule in one lung was cancer so I had a number of visits for this.  However, the robotic biopsy result said it was NOT cancer after the surgeon had them test another piece of the nodule again.  Thankfully whatever it is the surgeon removed it without taking out the lung lobe where it was located.  The nodule pieces were sent to a lab to investigate what it is.  I have an appointment to see the surgeon today after a chest x-ray this week and maybe I'll know more.
I have more energy now (I think the blood transfusions made a HUGE difference); I have an appetite and am eating; I no longer have dry-burning mouth and lips and I have SPIT!; I am now actually walking each day OUTSIDE with a Tall Walker so I can stand up straight and breathe.  

I'm back on Eliquis, and medication for Gerd and am feeling a lot stronger and better.  

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@hulitoons, I'm so glad to hear that the blood transfusions have helped so dramatically. Wow, you're out walking, enjoying the outdoors and feeling stonger and better. That's good on so many levels.


My husband was on Eliquis for 7-8 weeks and suffered two collapse of legs resulting in two serious falls. Waiting on results from heart monitor for AFIB results in meantime doctor stopped Eliquis.


Hi @ewilson and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Glad you were able to find up. Sorry to hear about about your husbands falls. Did the doctor take him off for precautionary reasons or because he thought Eliquis was the primary cause in the muscle weakness that caused the falls?


I went to a holistic care provider who put me on circulation evergreen, a natural blood thinner. Seems to be working fine. You are wise to be worried, russian roulette with the pharma.

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I have been having test after test. I had triple bypass two years ago. I have not been right ever since. I can hardly walk, tire very easily. Started to have incontinence, swelling in legs, thigh area, this is just some of the things that have changed my life.I am now on a water pill which did not work before and I have lost all faith in the medical community. All my very best to you.


Hi, I have been reading your thread and am concerned my Mum may be suffering from muscle weakness due to Apixaben. She has gone from walking 8 miles a day at age 75 to not being able to walk 30 yards. She has been on Apixaban for a year and the doctor says its unlikely its that as the side effects would have happened very soon after going on it.
If you dont mind, please could you share how you are now that you have stopped taking the Eliquis? I am very hopeful that she will get better if we change her medication and would be grateful to hear your story after February, I hope that you did get better.


I started eliquis in April after a kidney clot - over the summer, I got progressive pain in calves and thighs and my ability to walk has been affected. Dizzy and unstable


I started eliquis in April after a kidney clot - over the summer, I got progressive pain in calves and thighs and my ability to walk has been affected. Dizzy and unstable

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I've been on Eliquis about 3 years. I hadild dizziness before then, but it's gotten progressively worse. Pain in right quadricep is new, and legs are weaker. I've had both knees and hips replaced over past 5 years. So my issues are complex, admittedly, but the dizziness is maddening. Am I overdoing the PT? No one seems to have any answers.


I've been on Eliquis about 3 years. I hadild dizziness before then, but it's gotten progressively worse. Pain in right quadricep is new, and legs are weaker. I've had both knees and hips replaced over past 5 years. So my issues are complex, admittedly, but the dizziness is maddening. Am I overdoing the PT? No one seems to have any answers.

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My sister is a pharmacist and said that eliquis can cause dizziness. She had a patient reduce dosage (obviously after consulting her doctor) and the dizziness went away.

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