Can't get an appointment: Any tips on what to do?

Posted by radiocity @radiocity, Jul 2, 2021

Over a year trying to get an appointment, Scottsdale/Phoenix. I have two issues that may or may not be related. 5 'regular' doctors and 2 years later reveals what are likely lumbar spinal issues, but none of them can account for an issue in my left abdominal area. Last Doc I saw sent referral to Mayo, April 2020. Mayo says 2-3 years to establish primary care. I asked for an appt (internal medicine, interns, anyone at this point) for a comprehensive physical, to basically start over, but I keep getting rejected. I don't understand.

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@colleenyoung can you explain what it means to be a Mayo-affiliated facility in the Mayo Clinic Care Network? Do these groups have some sort of connection with Mayo doctors or resources? How does the affiliation give them a benefit for the patient?

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Hi @swimbikerun, I thought I would jump in to your questions to @colleenyoung and share this link that talks about the benefits of the Mayo Clinic Care Network. The quick answer to both your questions is yes but you can get the details here:

Mayo Clinic Care Network - About Us:


@colleenyoung can you explain what it means to be a Mayo-affiliated facility in the Mayo Clinic Care Network? Do these groups have some sort of connection with Mayo doctors or resources? How does the affiliation give them a benefit for the patient?

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The Mayo Clinic Care Network is a select group of independent health systems that are granted special access to Mayo Clinic's extensive knowledge and world-leading medical expertise. The Mayo Clinic Care Network helps keep care local by providing guidance and answers to many questions that might otherwise require a referral to a specialist.

By leveraging a network of knowledgeable experts, your health care team at an institution in the Mayo Clinic Care Network has access to more minds and hopefully better outcomes for you.


I have tried on several occasions to get an appointment with Medicare and have been denied.
My health has gone from bad to worse over the last year and a half and I have seen specialists in my hometown area as well as Chicago with no help. Mayo didn't even ask for any reports and just denied me 2 days after I completed the online form, telling me to seek help locally, which I have done. My family doctor said she would call Mayo, but I have not heard anything more. I know people go there yearly for physicals, so why can't I get in when I have a health issue that has changed my life adversely?


I have tried on several occasions to get an appointment with Medicare and have been denied.
My health has gone from bad to worse over the last year and a half and I have seen specialists in my hometown area as well as Chicago with no help. Mayo didn't even ask for any reports and just denied me 2 days after I completed the online form, telling me to seek help locally, which I have done. My family doctor said she would call Mayo, but I have not heard anything more. I know people go there yearly for physicals, so why can't I get in when I have a health issue that has changed my life adversely?

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@harmony1960, good questions. I have moved your post to this existing discussion. I did this so you can read tips from fellow members that may be helpful to you.

- Can't get an appointment: Any tips on what to do

If the department you are seeking an appointment with is at capacity, then they may not ask to see further reports or records since no appointments are currently available.

Some people have had success with physician referral over self referring. It is certainly worth your physician submitting a referral on your behalf.


My name is Liz and I am new to this forum or site. I am looking for any tip/help anyone would suggest to get me seen by a Dr or group at Mayo. I have applied 3 times & been rejected from Mayo. I have severe autonomic disfunction (neuropathy throughout my entire body, accelerated heart rate, severe GI problems, severe sweating, chronic severe pain, severe dry mouth and many others) which has greatly negatively impacted my life. I have been unable to work for last few years and my condition is getting worse. I had applied to the Mayo group/department that helps figure out what is wrong with patients when they are unable to get diagnosis. Maybe that was not the right group. I like many others have been to Doctor after Doctor and still I am deteriorating. I feel like if I could get help identifying the cause of my Disautonomia I could get better treatment that might have less side effects. I am on meds that just TRY and help with symptoms and think they are probably contributing to other problems & worsening my symptoms. If anyone reading this could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Telling me how you applied or set up your appointment and with who (Doctor) or what specific department helpful. I am assuming from what I have read that Most patients are starting with neurology, not sure so If you could let me know which department, that would be very helpful!
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.


My name is Liz and I am new to this forum or site. I am looking for any tip/help anyone would suggest to get me seen by a Dr or group at Mayo. I have applied 3 times & been rejected from Mayo. I have severe autonomic disfunction (neuropathy throughout my entire body, accelerated heart rate, severe GI problems, severe sweating, chronic severe pain, severe dry mouth and many others) which has greatly negatively impacted my life. I have been unable to work for last few years and my condition is getting worse. I had applied to the Mayo group/department that helps figure out what is wrong with patients when they are unable to get diagnosis. Maybe that was not the right group. I like many others have been to Doctor after Doctor and still I am deteriorating. I feel like if I could get help identifying the cause of my Disautonomia I could get better treatment that might have less side effects. I am on meds that just TRY and help with symptoms and think they are probably contributing to other problems & worsening my symptoms. If anyone reading this could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Telling me how you applied or set up your appointment and with who (Doctor) or what specific department helpful. I am assuming from what I have read that Most patients are starting with neurology, not sure so If you could let me know which department, that would be very helpful!
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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Hi Liz, welcome.
Did you self refer or submit a request through your physician?


My name is Liz and I am new to this forum or site. I am looking for any tip/help anyone would suggest to get me seen by a Dr or group at Mayo. I have applied 3 times & been rejected from Mayo. I have severe autonomic disfunction (neuropathy throughout my entire body, accelerated heart rate, severe GI problems, severe sweating, chronic severe pain, severe dry mouth and many others) which has greatly negatively impacted my life. I have been unable to work for last few years and my condition is getting worse. I had applied to the Mayo group/department that helps figure out what is wrong with patients when they are unable to get diagnosis. Maybe that was not the right group. I like many others have been to Doctor after Doctor and still I am deteriorating. I feel like if I could get help identifying the cause of my Disautonomia I could get better treatment that might have less side effects. I am on meds that just TRY and help with symptoms and think they are probably contributing to other problems & worsening my symptoms. If anyone reading this could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Telling me how you applied or set up your appointment and with who (Doctor) or what specific department helpful. I am assuming from what I have read that Most patients are starting with neurology, not sure so If you could let me know which department, that would be very helpful!
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

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Hi there, I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. I just seen Mayo for the first time in March at the Rochester location. I was able to get an appt with GI and than they refer out to other depts they thought I should see. Maybe since you have some GI symptoms, you could try applying to GI. I still am not diagnosed but they are working on it still. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you get in.


Hi Liz! My condition was an enlarged Prostate, the VA had told me they couldn’t perform the surgery I needed. I had read that the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL had a Doctor that performed a specific procedure that I was interested in. I emailed the Mayo Clinic Appointment Department and told them about me and why I was seeking an appointment. After a few days, they contacted me to say that I needed to send them my medical history and any images that I might have. Once they had all of my records they would make a decision on an appointment. So I did that. Once the Mayo had my records, they called to schedule. I know I’m lucky to have been accepted and I am so grateful. Does the Mayo say why they won’t see you?


I suggest u have a doctor refer you. Don’t do it ur self.

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