New long COVID symptoms? Have you encountered new ones?

Posted by greg1234 @greg1234, Apr 18, 2022

Hello friends, I am in month 8 of long covid. I have seen seen reduced severity of original symptoms, but also find new ones that I can not find any other cause for. Here's one: food that I have eaten my whole life now is starting to irritate my tongue and the roof of my mouth. My tongue burns and the roof of my mouth feels raw like I rubbed it with sandpaper. All spicy seasoning has long been eliminated. Maybe an allergic reaction that is aggravated by the autoimmune aspect of Long Covid? Speaking of which, my seasonal juniper allergies have been terrible this year, much worse than ever before. Same function?

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I am in month 20 of my Long Covid and although I don't have changes that you describe, I have definitely undergone systematic changes since my acute stage. One positive change is stronger, harder nails. Go figure. IBS is the other very significant change. I used to have IBS D (diarrhea) and now am really struggling with constipation for the first time in my life. I feel like my Long Covid symptoms of fatigue, breathlessness with exertion, weak legs, etc. are improving but every time I push myself, I know that the nasty virus has not left my system.

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The nails thing is weird. I didn't have covid. But have had spinal, neck ,rib crushing pin since vaccine booster. My nails got really strong too. My pain was better 3 days ago. Then last 2 days was brutal. A lot of people have mentioned feeling better when they don't eat. I kind of go with that. I'll cut back to a tiny meal and a smoothy. Things seem to be a little better. Gets very sad after a good couple days, then it all comes back. Just thankful it's not as bad as January, not severe pain lifting my laptop.... 👍 Thanks for helping by sharing.


The nails thing is weird. I didn't have covid. But have had spinal, neck ,rib crushing pin since vaccine booster. My nails got really strong too. My pain was better 3 days ago. Then last 2 days was brutal. A lot of people have mentioned feeling better when they don't eat. I kind of go with that. I'll cut back to a tiny meal and a smoothy. Things seem to be a little better. Gets very sad after a good couple days, then it all comes back. Just thankful it's not as bad as January, not severe pain lifting my laptop.... 👍 Thanks for helping by sharing.

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Since Covid I’ve had horrible headaches, horrible tinnitus, brain fog and hair loss. AND my nails are stronger than ever. They used to be thin and split all the time. Now they’re crazy strong. I never related it to anything Covid until you pointed it out. Wow!


Interesting side effects. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.


Since Covid I’ve had horrible headaches, horrible tinnitus, brain fog and hair loss. AND my nails are stronger than ever. They used to be thin and split all the time. Now they’re crazy strong. I never related it to anything Covid until you pointed it out. Wow!

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I was having bad headaches, my friend has had migraines all her life. She told me to go get some magnesium at a health food place, as to get a good brand. She is actually getting magnesium shots for headaches. Its been over a week since I've had a headache. Not sure what it does but I feel so much better. Going for allergy testing this week. Trying to get to the bottom of things.


I was having bad headaches, my friend has had migraines all her life. She told me to go get some magnesium at a health food place, as to get a good brand. She is actually getting magnesium shots for headaches. Its been over a week since I've had a headache. Not sure what it does but I feel so much better. Going for allergy testing this week. Trying to get to the bottom of things.

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Hi- I’ve tried magnesium, Botox, various drugs. They haven’t worked. I’m seeing a variety of doctors, too.
I’m glad you’re finding relief! I’m hoping for that some day.


Anyone encounter blisters, like little acne white heads?


Had a mild 2/3 day repeat of original symptoms 3wks ago. Typical sinus,headache
fatigue.... Now am repeating original follow-up symptoms of food completely unappealing , sometimes just the thought makes me nauseous. Lost several lbs. Fatigue. Does this sound familiar???


I was having bad headaches, my friend has had migraines all her life. She told me to go get some magnesium at a health food place, as to get a good brand. She is actually getting magnesium shots for headaches. Its been over a week since I've had a headache. Not sure what it does but I feel so much better. Going for allergy testing this week. Trying to get to the bottom of things.

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Hopefully all goes well.


I still can not breathe completely through my nose and my taste is still off. This has been going on for months now. Any suggestions?


The rare, solid night's sleep is like turning the volume down on my symptoms-my brain is 'brighter' and my muscles don't ache

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Well "turns down the volume" on symptoms.

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